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Buy Shielding V3, or use the Shield Card from Captain V’s Instagram, or buy Ultimate Shielding by SZ, and listen to whatever the f you want. EoD, When Nothing Else Works or Daily Clearing Protocol by SZ.


I use when nothing else works.
Honestly im not concerned about anything much but i understand that’others are .

I think summary will be nice to navigste and check the creators.

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who is PI? Can you share link.

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I just wanted to put everything together accidently created a mess lol

Programmed intension
Its on YouTube
Patreon and gumroad

absolutely not. It’s important to know about new creators. And it is subjective who likes what.

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thanks, i’ll check it out

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I personally only use SZ, EWFAE and Sapien’s audios consistently … I do have things by BN, Maiterya, MEF, Quadible and Morphic Doctor on my playlist … but don’t really use them often. BN is probably my favorite among those honorable mentions. Maybe freedom also on occasion, as well as PI.

If I was to craft a list of what I personally consistently use, I’d go, in order of personal preference:

  • Captain V
  • Spirituality Zone (mostly his new pure energy stuff)
  • Ewfae Synergy Fields

Nothing wrong with the rest … just meh, boring…


I use morfic doctor skin fields sometimes.
Kojic acid mainly.
It removed a sunspot. Im pretty happy with results.:slightly_smiling_face:

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same here. they are my top favourite creators. Not it that other creators don’t work for me. Its my preference because what I have come to realize is it * Captain V, Spirituality Zone, Ewfae Synergy Fields is they work on details. EWFAE’s fields are very engaging, be it visually or sound. My visualization skills have developed because of EWFAE’s fields. They also use hypnosis in their gumroad fields and extremely good. I like
Morpheus Fields as well. Thumbs up to them.


Does any one use Moonshadow’s paper radionics?

Meh … Djinn, demons, angels, fallen angels, archangels, warring spirits, primordials … no problem with me … both the sacred and profane are the same to me … I am a magus.


Was I never shaken or terrified? Sure, at first … did I ever get my mind messed with? Sure … but, it comes with the territory.

Most people forget adventures are not all smooth sailing, you need to battle to gain EXP.

Fields are the limit for those too timid to take a punch or two.

Edit: I do have to specify, that was a while back. Things change. What matters is starting on a good foundation.

From my experience.
Even the fiield from most trusted creators can turn your life upside down :rofl:
I can’t go into details but yep lol it happens :rofl:

But it’s the details that matter.

Dream’s fields can be intense if you come from being a normie to using everything in excess (as I did). But it was nice clearing. And the angels, devas, etc surely put a blanket of peace and protection all over my life. They drove away most people and troubles they could.

But I guess to some…the devil may come out from inside themselves after playing.

Can’t find a field with that name. I thought SZ was kinda quiet but nope…he has put out a lot of stuff for a while now (didn’t look into it since I first found out about fields).

Anyone has experience with Elke Neher? She is the only one with an audio for one of my health issues.

If only EWFAE made fields for specific health issues…

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End of Day. It’s business lingo :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Tried this just now (to test for you) … pretty intense (at least for me) … reminded me of this poem:

Play it at 30-40% tho… frequency noise is pretty jarring.

Note: most veils are already dissolved for me so this is just like flexing a muscle … it might be accompanied by some dreams or discomfort for others … so while there is no malice (I am shielding anyway so I am not feeling anything negative regardless) … it doesn’t mean it’s all bubbly for everyone else.


Thank you for trying. Guess I should be fine and I will see how the physical ones fare.

I have been using Elke for a few years now. Her audios work very well for me. I definitely trust her. I have been in contact with her several times. A very friendly and helpful woman.

I would definitely add her to the list.
She has a website and also Patreon.