Discussion for other Creator Channels

One of my favorites


My recommendation is always like this:

→ Do a lot of research before using something that targets your energy system or Subconscious Mind. You can mess up a lot if you pick the wrong creator.

→ When you research, study all the available testimonials intensively.

→ Do a background research on the creator.

→ Check the product descriptions for logical fallacies.

→ Does the creator has really medical / scientific / biological / esoteric basic knowledge?

→ Just because a creator is a nice person and has good intentions, does not mean that they know what they are doing.

→ Listen to your Higher Self or Angels.

→ Read this whole thread.

→ It is like a check list and most creators will not pass this check list filter.

→ Take this research seriously, in the same way as if you would need to decide how and where to invest 100k €.

→ Again, do the work. Lazy people who simply experiment with everything often pay the price later with their energy system or some astral parasites, negative etheric cords etc.

→ If in doubt, stick to Sapien Med and Psychic University only. They both have pretty much everything one would ever need.


Why does this look like a straight repaste of OG androstenol…

Lol at this:

I personally have nothing against working with Daemons … when done properly … but I’m not sure others on the forum would want that … Since he is willing to go down that path … I would not eliminate the possibility of him using these audios as a form of offering for additional favor.




I’m not going to use them…

Wise choice … demonolatry is not something you can trust some random stranger to perform properly … demons are unfathomably cunning and intelligent beings …

Anyways, since this thread took this turn … a few mantras (just for fun - 9/108 times a day):

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat

Om baglamukhyae cha vidmahe stambhinyai cha dheemahi tanno bagla prachodayat

Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Viche

Om Mani Padme Hum

Om Namah Shivayah

Om Hanumate Namah


Thanks. But I don’t need it. I am not afraid of them. I am fine with them being there. And I don’t fight them. Everything serves its purpose. But I do not allow them to affect me or have power over me and my life. And they know this very well…

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I like this one

I do commend your confidence … but, it’s not well grounded in the reality of such matters. Nonetheless, fun journeys abound!

No worries.

Isn’t that field by Waslerr just astrological?

You can look at it that way if you want, sure. That’s part of how that aspect of her finds new toys to fiddle with.

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I loop his adrenal gland L1 l2 l3 L4 full night… Energy levels increased

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Its general advice for everyone i assume ?

Any thoughts Ion this.?
I bumped up on it while ago.

He has more audios on his Patreon for free as well but I didn’t use any.

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Thank You for responding.
I found i found patreon.
I saw some interesting stuff.

Didnt use it but still curious :wink:

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Three is also creator called den creators.
What are Your thoughts?

DEM Creations is now dysfunctional, believed to be alt account of Adonis Fields before second existed, there’s not much negative information about him, but indicators that he rebranded at least several times for some reasons, also comments are sometimes deleted under his videos and some believe he was originally Thomas Subliminals, although there’s no actual proof of that creator doing bad things except rumors.