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Interesting. Thank You :slightly_smiling_face:

Regarding MEF, one thing I find a bit off-putting is his gumroad … and his underlying mini-megalomanic undertones … he implied in one audio’s description that someone kissed his feet.

My man doesn’t realize how awkward that is to put in an audio’s copy … that raises a few question marks for me …

But like I said, rarely use his stuff anyway.



Close as you can get to having that raw “I am an animal” feeling OG stenol gave you… Once is enough … it will convert to stenone after 3-4 ish hours so stay aware of when you are becoming too violent.


Listen to Unconditional Androstenol/the GOAT scent and stop artificially trying to be a badass

Freedom has a “Pheromone Cologne” on his gumroad, effects of many without actual secretion … it feels “nice” … but it’s just a temporary boost … inner work for sustainable confidence is just better.

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let me tell you about the mind-blowing Ultra-Clear Visualization Enhancement on their Gumroad page. My buddy suggested it, and I was skeptical at first, but wow, it exceeded all expectations! They incorporate powerful hypnosis techniques that left me thinking, this might just be the best thing I’ve ever tried… they are genius. Their gumroad fields are phenomenon.

I also loved Sapien’s De-Inhabiter Combo. its a must have thing.

There are only two now on his channel. Perhaps more will follow. But I seriously have had very good experiences with his fields.


If you guys need someone to draft you decent copy let me know … one of my past incarnations was Hermes …

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please do share. Would love to know more about it.

or I have to use soul contarct revocation before I try. Or else I would’t know what it brings. I am aware of my shadow side.


another hidden gem


Really soothing for the Heart

I’m seeing a lot more videos and channels dedicated to morphic/morphogenetic field theory when I look for fields in youtube.

That’s quite interesting…

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It could be… but since the fields are stronger and more effective, perhaps it can also be dangerous
if created for people with little experience, as happened for subliminals.


Any trusted channels that have buccal fat reducer (or remover idk)? My face looked like hamster full of food on his cheeks when I’m literally lean.

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Paid options are possible? Face Sculptor from Sapien then. Or free from Maitreya. Pure buccal fat removal audios can give quite intense results from what is circulating around and unless your goal is hollow cheeks for who knows how long period of time, it’s better to stick to more general fields where you can control the process.
If your body is lean and athletic than “hamster” cheeks are sign of good health rather, unless very extreme.

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DIY Biokinesis 2.0 – Spirituality Zone @Elyas