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Has anyone tried out this multivitamin vid by HelpfulWaves? Taking Multivitamins makes me feel very sick so I’m looking for an alternative.

@Jen I remember you mentioned using HelpfulWaves in the past, would you recommend using them and this one in particular? How many times a day would you say to play this? :slightly_smiling_face:


To check potency you must use regularly

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@Dr_Manhattan please review

You could try it and see how you feel, try once and work up from there :green_heart:


Hmmm, interesting. :thinking:


I had done 3 loops and felt ok after it, no worsening of any symptoms.
I’m just not sure about how many times each one of his sounds should be listened to a day. I don’t want to over do it but I don’t want to under do it either and not feel the effects. I’ll write to him on YouTube and see what he would feel would be best :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll keep you posted if I start to notice a change in energy and wellbeing after a few weeks :ok_hand:t3:


He’s very accessible I’m sure he will get back to you quickly

Guys any thoughts on this channel?

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Not functioning now as far as I know. Their fields seem to work, although many are copycats from Sapien Medicine ideas. Didn’t hear anything bad about NIS to be honest. I used them early before actually getting real info about this forum and Sapien Medicine.

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This works? https://youtu.be/1QoLpIZLbeQ?si=Bbz7GoGdfFHvAdPm

Also, why is theres no sound? Volume dont matter?

What’s the channel name? Fields don’t have to have any audible sound in raw form, most creators overlay music or buzzing noise for convenience.

Programmed Intention. I read that he’s kinda legit but idk, most height fields do not work so I want to know if his works.

Yes, he is good, many positive reviews. Height is tricky only because fields have to have some really exceptional programming to cover all corners. Actually they “work”, but doesn’t mean that’s enough to make a user grow.

You know any height fields that seems to work the most?

They all work, but do they grow users? Original Height Booster v2 is good as far as I heard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5YAsVIztZA
Maybe Scyscraper one from Daniel Subs if you aren’t ready to fish for NFT in NFT reselling thread.
Morpheus Fields has advanced version on her Patreon as premium field, but she even admitted to have no actual passion in creating such field.

Has anyone tried Morphic Doctor’s booster the one that boosts anything you listen to 22 times? Is it good? Does it do what it says?

You may want to check several factors, like diet, metabolism, sleep, etc.

Hey can anybody tell me whts does it mean by sapien is using dragon entities ( servitors) are they taking away our energies does it mean all this morphic fields are not science only sorcery can anyone explain

There is a dragon servitor he created for YOU to use, of your own FREEWILL, if you wish to, and its free, on gumroad, like a pet companion for you to recruit. He imbued it with some of his higher concepts and ideas, to spare you the effort of creating your own worthwhile servitor.

He doesn’t “use” servitors… he -uses- “Source Light” and “Zero Point Energy” to create fields, and because he programs some himself, it drains HIS energy … if anything YOU, are draining HIS energy … especially when you misattribute his divine work to bullshit like entities and djinn and what have you.

Fields are neither pure science, nor pure magic, but better, more complex, and more powerful than both. Science and Magic are just low level concepts/seals. Fields are light crystals from the divine ALL within ALL …