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I don’t use discord no worries I asked this question for clarification if u can’t then no issues

Dude I m not blaming him I m asking something which I m confused about don’t behave like a blind person


No animosity, just answering your question. You have every right to want to make informed decisions.

And many people are here confused about servitors many have ethical concerns there is nothing wrong in it

More info on them.

Servitors are, as the name implies, something designed to serve a will, function or purpose. You can make your own. It’s not really that hard. They are an extension of your spiritual power. You’re just compartmentalizing it.

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Ok thanx I have searched on this forum as well as googled so there are different meanings of servitors for everyone it’s really confusing

Some saya servitors are djinn so don’t know what to believe

Yes, it is. Have fun exploring that area of the human collective, if you feel called to.

Also, if you don’t trust Dream enough to use the servitor The Dragon Golem , that’s also fine. You don’t need to trust dream, or have to, trust is something you grow within yourself. So take things easy on yourself.

Of course, people always demonize what they don’t understand. Instead of being afraid, study the subject enough to reach your own conclusion. No need to panic. Breath… relax…


How to know that is it a simple morphic field or a servitor is attached to it?

There are no servitors in fields or attached thereto. These are just bundles of information/source light/energy.

Servitors are explicitly mentioned and they are part of specific products, like the gumroad link I shared, as well as some mandalas and entries in Dream’s Book of Cards.

You will know by reading the description of whatever you’re viewing or listening to.

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Ok man thanku so much :relaxed:

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Hey akul can u plz explain me this

It means that in the East Dragons were revered and in the West people found them as evil.
Both are irrelevant because the dragon golem servitor is not an actual dragon.
In the astral presence of an actual dragon, someone like you would have a mind-rending headache and you’d probably feel like you’re about to puke … their energy is too strong for those of unkindled flames.

The second God of the old Testament, for instance, is a Dragon. What does that make the religions that follow it?

Again, do your own research, reach your own conclusions. You are responsible for you choices. I said as much as I am allowed to say.

Good luck :muscle:

I see them as programming strings to be runned inside the great order of things

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Oh sure, commands to run in powershell… most people can’t even find the CMD prompt. #screensavermodelife

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any recommendations on fields (sapien or not) to develop an stronger energy system to be able to take multiple fields at the same time without getting exhausted?

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energy expansion card
robusted organs
mana circuit
shen / ojas / jindan
nervous inflammation
star exercise
white matter

and it just takes time, being consistent is just everything
build atleast build more energy then you had yesterday, do proper pauses instead spamming mindless


’The Expanse’ is designed to expand and develop your energy system with the focus of increasing your field usage capability (total amount).

Haven’t tried this product in particular, but Psychic University makes very good stuff