Discussion for other Creator Channels

Can you tell me, these audios need to be listened to on headphones or through speakers?

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They work for both. Whatever you feels is best :ok_hand:t3:

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Any thoughts on this channel?

Wheres the gumroad link. Please send :pray:

It’s on Sapien Medicine GumRoad :slightly_smiling_face: The Dragon Golem

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Thanks man, you’re always a lifesaver

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Thank you! :mechanical_arm:
They have some pretty interesting products :wink:

I have had certain bad experiences regarding (what I consider to be) supernatural encounters, one of them being taken by a dark being (I was floating) when I was merely 5 years old…

Other possible explanation is sleep paralysis, yet I could move, at least enough to turn my head and to see my mom feeling that something was off/bad, while she was sleeping (!) (I saw this while floating above my bed and getting closer towards that monster/creature), anyway, I was put back in my bed and later my mom revealed to me that she and my dad too (!!) had a dream that someone was bargaining to take me away from them…

Apparently, it was a real and terrible experience, whatever that being was…

Since then, I had these terrible sensations (some nights, fortunately only once in a while), waking up at 3:30 A.M. (usually) and feeling like I’m almost levitating (although I’m not, at least after waking up) and there is a dread, undescribable…

Fields have helped me, tremendously.

I recommend Angelic Intercession, Amygdala Healing, Point Of No Return stack or the paid field, Environmental fields, Exorcism, Fields for Entities And fields for aliens and dark magic…

For aliens and dark magic I recommend Drvirtual7.

I replied in this thread since I recommended you another Creator.

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Also, since I did mentioned another Creator, I want to mentioned that I’ve had Amazing results with some fields which didn’t work at their full potential, after trying two fields from Morpheus Fields (I’ll link them here).

For the most part, fields gave and still give me immediate and either full or at least good results, mostly from Captain, since fields from other Creators didn’t work as fast (2 exceptions are Psychic University and Morpheus Fields, although, for anything physical, for any problem, I usually try/use Sapien Medicine first) (again, I’m talking only about fields here, not subs or other creations), yet HGF (the allergy field) didn’t worked as great as it used to, for some reasons (this happened in the last few months), and by that I mean that it didn’t clear my airways, like it used to, yet it kept it’s effects and it stopped any allergic reaction, it just wasn’t as fast as it used to be either.

Anyway, after trying these 2 fields, I saw that HGF started working better, like it used to, and now has its full effects.

Most Sapienmed fields always worked wonders for me, so that was an exception.

(I’ll add these 2 fields which I use as boosters)


has anybody else given this a try?

LOL look at the anime characters quadible featured in the visuals

this is about to create some real life baki characters lmao

looks cool


@Maoshan_Wanderer, how are you? Hope you are doing well!

What are your thoughts on this new PI field’s description and actually going through with using this field? It sounds like the benefits would be great but it feels a little permanent to remove the chakras and energy channels…and I worry it would stop fields from being able to integrate. I know we have discussed this in the past but do not remember exactly what you said. I do find the last year or two that I never even think about my chakras or worry about working with them too much. Anyhow, do you find truth in this description?

Many of you by now know what chakra removal is. Much of the conversation both pro and against it has been expressed in fear and ego.

When you remove your chakra system, you begin to work through a lot of negativity. What you couldn’t clear in a decade you will process and clear in days, weeks or months. It is a scary process to work through so much negativity when you are not ready or have not prepared for it. This is the primary cause of the fear around the subject. Yes, some dark workers have turned to chakra removal but they work through what is called the black sun that enables them to harness that release of dark energy in different ways. Traditional chakra removal will activate your core essence or your inner sun that acts as a mini akashic records of sorts and guides you along your path. It is a mirror of the Great Central Sun above and you are not limited by the higher akashic records which it seems has been manipulated in ways. By activating your own inner akashic records, you are not as subject to this manipulation

The traditional chakra system has a purpose and there are many lessons we can learn through them but as you begin to grow, it begins to lose its utility. The traditional chakra system helps navigate a world based on a linear concept of time whereas through chakra removal and your core essence you are able to operate more multidimensionally. You are able to access aspects of self from higher and parallel dimensions in ways you cannot through the traditional system.

I recall watching a video on YouTube a few years ago in which this lady was channelling an aspect of self from a mirror universe. She didn’t understand who or what she was channelling but she saw the chakras as completely reversed. If she had one multidimensional core essence that can unify all of these aspects of self without having to be limited to a linear chakra system, she would have been able to integrate that part of herself easily. I believe another youtuber had a teacher who believed he was from a parallel universe and was stuck in this world too. They too would have benefitted from chakra removal too because as you grow into your multidimensional self and begin to embody these other dimensional selves, it can take a toll on the mind.

This is why I do not offer chakra removal as a service because it’s a process of constantly integrating your multidimensional aspects that constantly have to go through this process of chakra removal and integration until you find unity within the self. Once you feel unity within yourself, you can experience unity with the universe and people around you. It is the ultimate multidimensional activation.

This will activate your true core essence behind the sternum and it will dissolve your chakras, energy channels and the false kundalini system and activate your true kundalini system.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3Hmt58ZB3SulZInbeP5jw bear totem morphic fields :thinking: ?

Lol, that’s some good shit you on mate, really strong stuff.

images (1)

Edit: I guess you represent a response to what the new agers are doing. Extremes beget extremes.


Your post reads like something out of Castaneda. I’m fascinated but I don’t understand, though, I don’t understand plain vanilla chakra talk, either.

i’ve been using it for a couple of months on daily basis, i personally trust PI, he seems like a good guy and very straightforward about his creations.

i’m not an authority on spirituality, but on psychoanalisis it makes sense.

chakras seem to be constructed through early childhood through many forms of awareness (oral/anal/genital/phallic/egotistical). and before that, energy was absolutely de-organized.

the organization and structuration of energy, which is an artificial byproduct of awareness of the body, its functions, socialization and the determinations of awareness that bring ego into existence leads to entropy and fuels the ego in its several forms.


I just assumed things were organized, in the way the physical body is. If not, that’s interesting.

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Yo, is Soap subs any good? https://youtu.be/gtoOo5BK9tQ?si=IV3YzgzuGisK1ljn

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I think the higher the vibration, less organization, indetermination and improbability. Lower entropy.

The lower vibration more organization, causality and predictibility. Higher entropy.

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