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His subliminals have good reviews. Fields - read description to his first published field and comments to make a decision.

“Both are integral parts of the human spectrum of gender identity.” what does this mean?

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Does someone have an opinion on the stuff from Maitreya Fields?

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By checking a box on the search window limiting the results to this topic, you’ll get plenty of opinions. In general, The various opinions are as follows: 1) great 2) some fields are great, others, not so much, and 3) the energy signature is there but results less so. But I would check out the particular posts via the search function.


that identity is fictional. a performance.

we can choose which performance and fiction we like to use to relate to others.

like a skin on a videogame.

Not sure what you mean…the first paragraph of the post was me questioning Mao’s opinion on the following paragraphs (which are not written by me). They are a copy and paste from PI’s field description. I haven’t used it yet.

Not sure what you mean by I’m doing what other new agers are doing? I haven’t “done” anything yet. I haven’t used the field.

And I do love Master Jesus btw…

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i feel a lot of refreshing energy from this one.

i was feeling kinda fatigued and this solved in x2 loops.

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Lol I don’t wanna comment on any non-Sapien creators. I am perceived as part of Team Sapien (I am not, I am just a Sapien Med user) and these creators go after Dream. So, I don’t wanna comment on anything that is not Sapien or PU.

That said, Quadible, one of the OGs - released this … certainly felt my jaws and face tingling and getting a mild workout. @This_Boy_Here


@Gnosticmedic27 I’m only telling my experience here: I like and use some Programmed Intention mandalas, I guess I just would not use the Chakra Removal one(s).

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did you try this ? would it be a good alternative to quintessence of hypermasculinity? I don’t have the funds for that right now

What it means

I’ve never got so much bad attention from guys after looping QI’s new masculine audio.

Many guys trying to attack me on the street deliberately in a vacuum. Kinda sucks lol.


Sapien’s team is 1000K miles ahead of androstenol derivatives, completely eliminating male aggressiveness, creating the exact opposite.

which fields?

It was a way of underlining that some typical effects of androstenol, even if not positive, were replicated perhaps as a reference to the more famous version, as if they were an advantage.

The creator is Programmed Intention (PI)

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I know I’m way old on reading this but this is a vibe :clap: I actually like having the reminder about dreams begin tied to the astral… they really are- everything is information to be looked at. And that is an intriguing idea…. I mean 3!wry thing is energy so who is to say a creator is not siphoning energy from one area to boost another. Definitely interesting

I do not say this with cheekiness. Do heed the video’s warnings before you dig in:

An alternative to captain’s intercession that is of a more raw and visceral nature.

Fortune favors the brave.


Speaking about brain fields. People who don’t own Next Gen ones can get some strong boost by using Morpheus Fields work.

I have tried them, still testing, yet all seem to be good and hear some positive reviews too from other users. Also some are quite original. In particular (search her YouTube or Patreon for names):

  • Quantum Mind - sort of Cyber Brain field judging by description (released before it and Manhattan Method). Makes thinking clearer from my perspective.
  • memory, focus, willpower - look like complementary to each other, do what is in description
  • Brain Stimulator - booster to loop, various effects stated to be included
  • 200 iq - like Brain Stimulator, but focused on pushing “IQ” limits
  • CPH4 and NZT - booster, not to be looped for sure
  • Various learning fields like math, chemistry
  • Mind Healer - for brain regeneration
  • Myelin Sheath Supercharger - myelin booster
  • Creative Thinking Optimizer - wiring for creativity
  • speak! for better speaking out, apparently made to help with Mercury in retrograde too
  • Diet discipline - older field, almost two years, can be used in place of Diet on the Brain - I suppose
  • Patreon has mandalas and silent versions for most of them

@Nobody maybe something that’s worth taking a look for you as you combine fields from other creators.

Note that Morpheus doesn’t necessarily make her fields to be used once daily, plenty of them are loopable or even made to be looped for more than 2-3 times in a row.