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Not counting that listening to Yujiro 3 in particular for longer than 15 min is a bad idea and combos for height growth should be used with complete detachment and positive mindset.

Meybe the old Truly Supreme material was weaker and he has been learning?
Today I listened to his latest creation (The Perfect Physiology) for one hour aprox. with zero expectations and I really felt the magnetic and charismatic effect.
100% sure that it was not a placebo effect because it was very noticeable, so much that I was surprised.


Has anybody had any luck using quadible integritys colon cleanser audio?
Or Dreams intestinal healing and regeneration?

Also would love to hear anyones results from Quadibles weight loss audios?
In general, is Quadible Integrity really trusted and effective?
Please share your results with this channel. Thanks.

From what I read on this thread, a lot of people are real fans of QI.

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Quadible is an OG and definitely trusted

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I still remember this one from my very initial days of my subs/energy products exploration. It worked excellently well after 2-3 listens ( but had to bear that annoying sounds…or maybe that annoying sounds actually clears stuff…lol).
I’ve not used recently but it works for sure. I still remember the peristaltic movements this one creates in Intestines.

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Using trully supreme today looping s absolute healing (overpower version ) for 8 hour while work came to homen,and notice my skin improve, eye sight ,and now that i drink 2 cup of whater am gonna poop right now

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Definitely recommend this from QI If anyone looking for complete healing field. It knocked me off my feet when I listened for the first time.


I have been wanting to try this audio for a while. What changes have you noticed from this field?

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I could feel the healing wherever it’s required like at my joints, bones, and tummy in particular. I started y’day and it was intensive after 3 listens. I’m planning to continue this one more week.

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Fk subs is good man. I’ve even spoken to Binaural Nutrition about him. He said FK really knows his shit and they made a collab sub too i think it was was a pump audio


Tried fksubs hanakami v1 for an hour last night, felt some sensations in my knees and throat but nothing too crazy. Woke up today feeling very chill and calm

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I looped overnight the sleep version and woke up running to the bathroom too :poop:

In this community there are a lot of QI followers who say that they have very good results.
I listened to a couple of QI audios a while ago and I had never had such horrible nightmares in my life, I dreamed of dark entities that stuck to me.
Some say it is indicative of purge/healing but it didn’t give me that feeling so I never used them again.
I have gone through harsh processes with Sapien’s fields, I have had nightmares related to my fears and shadows but this was something else.


Quadible seem to reliably induce that kind of response in some but not many users. I have strong suspicion that her audios actually lead to more psychic perception episodes which trigger such nightmares, but whatever people see is present regardless if they listen to Quadible or not.


Thats what quadible herself said, on the community tab on yt

I personally only had nightmares with the root cause and subconscious limit remover ones, and that only a few times

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music is very soothing.

feels like i’m in a 2005 hollywood movie based on ancient heroes and empires.

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The thing is that these entities, instead of leaving my body, did the opposite, they stuck to my back.
Maybe I should give it more time, maybe in the future I’ll be encouraged :grimacing:

Precisely those two I heard plus one for complete regeneration of the body