Discussion for other Creator Channels

I even suggested that request.

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I know it works, I wanna know if anyone used it long-term without damage?

Thousands have done for years now.

He can make unconditional androgen :stuck_out_tongue:

(Sensitive androgens will increase agression)

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Good idea, all I want less right now is to be more aggressive.

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Yeah im getting that saliva reaction and sluggisch energy from thomas.


Anyone know of a proper maker for androgens?

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Miatreya never gave me the watery mouth feeling. Can’t speak for Thomas because i’m hesitant to try his stuff. There might be some toxicity in the energies judging by how i’ve seen him act. Though i guess it could also be true for other creators and they happen to hide it better. But his public image still isn’t doing him any favors.

Also can anyone here try these “morphic” channels and give me testimonials?

It’s partly for research for my dossier, and partly because i’m personally curious about how well they work (if at all)


Morphic Dr doesn’t look bad

How does it feel, though?

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Spirituality zone has legit stuff in my opinion.


simple impression

It works, I have been using it since its release and no problems, I’m way hairy and I am getting yoked he even has a charged version

I’m feeling a strong pull to investigate this channel, even though at first glance I’m really not impressed. I’m gonna feel this channel out some more I think, probably try it later.

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Judging by their description and website, they know what are doing.

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I just thought of a great idea for my Dossier. Imma reach out and personally interview some of these creators.


Would you mind saying more about this saliva reaction? I have never heard of this (in general, not specific to Thomas).

You (or anyone) could try this instead (made with binaural beats, isochronic tones, and subliminals, NOT a field).


Samurai already said this one didn’t work…plus BN gave him some weird vibes apparently.

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I know this channel, it has very effective videos, I have already used this androgen receptor linker, but I stopped because I was very hungry, the results came the next morning after using it at night.


Yeah, I personally have used this subliminal and I get results, but i’m not sure if it’s fitting to Samurai. But I can’t speak on his behalf

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