Discussion for other Creator Channels

So far I have only been able to reach out to Quadible Integrity, Maitreya, Morphic Doctor and Programmed_Intention via email. Time will tell which ones will actually answer my interview questions though.

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This thread is already sooooo long I didnt know who to “reply” to. After Samurai wrote that the Maitreya thought forms vid was legit I went there and played it. I didnt feel too much. However I played Womb Clearing and DEFINATELY something was happening! (I’m a mid 60’s yr. old gal who wasnt a nun.) So I put it on repeat and …“go with the flow”. Something was taken out out of me via the vaginal route, it wasnt painful and I had been aware of it for some time, it just wouldnt budge. Another day I listened to The Soul Fragment and Soul Retrieval I also had some sensations. Those are the only audios I have listened to that she offers. I went back the next nights played them but no sensations, so I guess those things were cleared up. After a few days I quit listening to the vids.


Interesting update from MEF:

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Oh, and apparently MEF embeds the energies of the fields in the video URL rather than the actual audio/video. I guess this is an anti-piracy measure and to prevent reposting MEF’s Fields.


Yeah, I was just reading that. Also means downloading the files likely won’t work either…gotta verify that.

I guess I’ll add it to the list of things to look into…

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MEF is planning to make a patreon/website, so i assume you’ll be able to download audios from there.

ugh, this creator is stealing content from MEF, Frequency Wizard and Subliminal Warlock:


So we don’t really need to listen to the audio/video?



:wink: oops…
I’m sure they are monitoring these forums…thinking of an explanation right now.


Haven’t used just saw maitreya fields Greek God testosterone booster has the androgen sensitivity thing in there… You can check it as well.


Thanks @anon17734191.


I listened to his “morphic fields”, thought they would be good for me, but nothing actually changed unfortunately. I am continuing to improve energy sensitivity, but Dreamweaver, MEF and Maitreya’s stuff work better for me, I don’t know why. Maitreya has a few fields regarding androgen receptor sensitivity if you want


Maitreya feels pretty legit!


Ladies And Gentlemen , Thomas has deleted his channel. Any idea whatsoever why?

Was going to test his androgen receptor and BAM! It says channel deleted lol


He probably knew his stuff wasn’t working. Again, I think he was the weakest link of these “morphic field” copycats anyways


But don’t you think this is kinda deeper than that? Most fakies know they produce trash but keep their channel up as it makes some money for them. Perhaps something happened for him to delete his entire channel

Idk. I don’t think he got blackmailed or anything like that. I also don’t think he was trying to scam anyone. But he probably knew he wasn’t gonna make it big and that he didn’t make fields as good as any of the channels, so he gave up and deleted it.


It’s not even if YT took him down , he deleted it on his own

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That’s odd. I noticed a few hours ago that he had posted a message on his Youtube discussion page. Don’t remember now exactly what it was… something vague / meaningless I guess as it did not leave any impression… but certainly did not give the sense he was thinking of shutting down. Want to say it gave the impression of “it’s not over yet.” shrugs

I would not at all be surprised if he comes back tomorrow with a new channel. Didn’t he delete or threaten to delete earlier this year?

He seems like that kind of indecisive, overly emotional, reactionary type.

Edited to Add:

To be fair to Thomas though, there are a lot of ungrateful people in this world, and in the subliminal / energy / field niche in particular. There also is quite a lot of people that like to stir drama or be tribal over things. And I am saying that as someone that thinks tribalism is expected or even OK in some situations.

Even though I think he did play into some of that himself, it can’t be easy, especially if people are framing you as an “also ran” against others in the community.

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