Discussion for other Creator Channels

Perhaps you are right brother. I have heard he had his own discord or some platform , So if someone was in his discord can shed some light on this it would be awesome , as I actually liked one if his audios.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if this decision was out of impulse. Thomas seems really reactionary and defensive about his stuff. He basically thinks his viewers are stupid for saying certain things, and even said so himself.

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Yeah he did have a Discord. I never went… Dream’s community right here is the only creator community I have felt motivated to take part in.

Maybe someone else knows.


A little Googling seems to indicate that his patreon is gone, assuming I’m finding the correct address.


Discord is dead also


I was the discord member and he also deleted that.


i was never in the server, because the link was expired when I tried getting in.

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I do know Thomas is on this forum though, and has even read this thread specifically, because i’ve seen him post screenshots of it.


lol ALL of this point towards a bad impulsive breakdown , and I for one is not touching him if and when he come back as the energy of such an impulsive guy can never be good

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Yeah, i have never listened to his fields because I didn’t like the vibes he gave off in social interactions, and I didn’t want to risk any of that energy being in his fields.

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Yes you are right he is on the forum , probably lurking rn on this thread :joy:

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Hi Thomas. If you happen to be reading this, I would appreciate it if you gave some input on this. Your own perspective on this would be nice. We can all have a civil discussion on this forum and clear things up rather than you passive-aggressively addressing us.


Also there is a @Thomas on this forum, but imma guess it’s not our guy.

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Guys I don’t think he is coming back , dude apparently deleted his patreon too.

P.S - Sounds like he had a mental breakdown or sth , If Thomas you read this Please listen to dream’s mental health album.


Yeah dude, if you need help we can help you. You could even DM people here if you don’t wanna publicly talk about it.

Did anyone here happen to save Thomas’ method of creating fields? now that the channel is deleted i can’t access the community post anymore.

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Did he left alone or he is deleted by youtube? I heard for his channel that he had very strong fields.

he did has strong fields surprisingly


He left. Youtube, Patreon, and Discord all are deleted. No way those services coordinated to shut him down at the same time.

Also, someone on Reddit said he changed his name on Discord to “Finally Free”.


What’s your discord name? Didn’t see you there

Yeah it definitely sounds like he threw a hissy fit.