Discussion for other Creator Channels


One of them bit!
Screenshot 2020-11-18 094430

I was a member of his discord server and patreon subscriber too to support him.

I left his discord server and cancelled my patreon subscription after seeing how he treats his own supporters

No regard for loyal customers who give him money each month, on his “general chats” server he would outright mock and censor people who say things he disagrees with, and constantly change around what he decides people are and are not allowed to discuss.

Anyone who said something he didn’t agree with, he would call them conspiracy theorist, censor them, and speak down to them in condescending tones.

My guess is he has had a tantrum of sorts and deleted all his hard work over the years

A real shame, he could have been a great person


Oh anyway I was inactive, just was reader

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Nah not me


Oh ok, sorry for the ping!

No problem. Have a nice day


MEF fields are weak

Maitreyas fields are too forceful and very sluggish, they dont work in the “background” as pure conceptual commands like Dreams fields, but they seem to change more of your conscious patterns on a constant basis, its really distracting.

All I need is that androgen receptor field from Dream lol, I got everything else I need from Dream.


could be your energy field. I dont get such side effects from maitreyas


IPF ;)

My subconscious/good beings warn me very quickly now when I shouldnt be listening to something.

I cant even listen to the fuking radio anymore, 90% of songs are suddenly disgusting and seem “off”, especially the “hit songs”.

I wonder why certain songs get promoted very quickly and are spammed everywhere.

And everyone loves it, but if you really break the song apart, theres not much to love, at all.

continues to curse 21st century


Laughs in Sapien Medicine Course

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Holy shit if this is legit, I’m hyped as fuck. Imagine all your subliminals being as powerful as fields!


Response isnt strong, but it seems to be working with water aswell, similar to quadible. (Dehydrated as fk after using it), which is a big NO because it means it is more “intent”, using your own energy to create the changes, rather than Senpai’s pure fields who give proper commands.

As for thought, not weird , but more like,

I used the superhuman test one right? I can literally feel something attached to me (not an entity), that tries to constantly remind me.

The effects of low estrogen and increased test supposedly stay for 24+ hours right?

So I played it in the morning, and troughout the day I could feel something telling my subconscious ;

“Increase test, lower estrogen, etc”

And it keeps going, its fuking annoying.

These are more affirmational fields, or “intention” fields. If we can call these fields at all.

But with Dreams test for example, it just increases naturally without you even knowing it.

Sadly I cant use Dreams test because it doesnt include androgen receptors…

Lets hope


Its the androgen im telling you.

Its what many people want , so they find an androgen one on another channel, and they get used to that channel.

Grrr just make androgen receptor one already Senpai…

He is forcing us to actually diet and watch what we eat like some nerd lol.

This ego only lives once, why cant we eat junk food AND have healthy androgen receptors?!


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Like that Thomas guy. He literaly explain that he makes toughtform or programmed intent, but he call it morphic field. Then dream who use god know which techniques to make growing field is like :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


Thomas seems to have created and deleted his channel many times. It was on my list of things to try lol, too late now I guess… I mean Dream’s growing list of audios keep me busy, where is the time?


“Delicate and Fragile” sounds about right.

Should I remove him from my Dossier, or keep him as an example of what not to do as a channel?

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In your dossier you should put the quarrels between submakers, a classic that never goes out of style. :smiley:


Oh for sure lol

For any interested parties, someone archived many of Thomas’ subs and “fields”.