Discussion for other Creator Channels

Hi Alkul,

Can I ask if you mean Ewfae or Spirituality Zone here?


EWFAE. If you don’t feel an intuitive pull to something they have to offer, it’s probably not in alignment with your purpose and you’ll not be able to use it properly.

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One thing to note, be very careful what Spirituality Zone energies you use with Quadible’s Booster. The glands ruled by my Ajna nearly blew up yesterday combining Hyper Velocity Results and Audio Expand with Remove All Blocks from Astral Senses (Advanced).

Not exaggerating or trying to be funny, it took me 30 minutes of pranayama and constant focus on Shiva/Divine Source to get out of it. Visions were insane, and my NS was categorically fried (electrical pulsation throughout my entire body).

If you want to use a booster with Dreamweaver’s and SZ’s stuff, use theirs (MoAB/Book of Cards) or don’t use any at all.


hi where to find the “book of cards”? i didn’t find it i think that’s a paid field right?

Only the printed version has the field booster. So the gumroad version ebook doesn’t have them

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what do you guys think about these two channels?! the benefits looks good but i’m not sure about the vibe

(kabus’ second channel)


right!! thank you so much for letting me know

Field booster is on Patreon.

the one in book of cards is a newer one right?

completely forgot there’s an older version on patreon

Psychic University!


I think there’s only one that’s Destinus mandala. Book of cards on GumRoad is for more servitors.

checked book description just to be sure

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So I don’t observe a difference from Destinus one, maybe I’m didn’t look enough.

They function the same way, as in, it’s more about increasing the Density than the Intensity of the field. (you can basically call it Consciousness, in a way - the applications are fascinating, but, I’d rather people explore it on their own)

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i doubt you get the right answers here. as many people are walking on eggshells

i’d suggest to jump into binaural nutrition discord and ask there, as many people are current users of kabus/wrath/anticoper/curio/vnmx/seth

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oh really? thank you so much; i’ll do that



Well, free will and all. :nail_care:


yea, there are also many wizards/mages there that will give you their opinion on their stuff

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It´s funny how it´s always the same pattern.

Mind = nice, good results

Heart = somethings fishy


these guys ain’t messing with stuff. they’re going through limits, that’s why the use so many warnings in their videos.

once you try something so powerful, it’s usual for the mind to get skeptical and feel threatened, especially when your whole reality is changing. your ego is threatened because old ways of being cease to exist.

personally i prefer forced fields than soft fields in which old patterns end up winning over soft energetic patterns.

with forced energy and subs, old patterns don’t have a chance to stand, and reality inevitably changes, which causes uncertainty and fear.

i had almost 6 panic attacks from RMV3 because a big part of my ego was going down the drain. but after that, i felt much more comfortable with tons of stuff i didn’t before that.

it depends on what you want really. if you want to taste soft fields like candy and maybe change 1 or 2 things in a couple of months or really get to change some core aspects of yourself in days.

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