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Nothing wrong with being a puppet, cheers :beer:

You can’t see it yet, but, you’re giving your power away, completely, and serving, already.


i see that from you by reacting to my posts as if i was addressing you personally.

i’m not.

So that’s how they hide it from you? Pretty funny.

Anyways, cheers mate :beer:

you seem to know a lot about stuff you’re supposedly not involved with.

maybe you’re projecting and trying to do that stuff on others?

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

personally i advocate for people finding their own reasoning and evidence rather than asking for an almighty authority to feed them it with. idealizing one person and seeking truth from them, that’s giving your power away.

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there are tons of people in this forum that seek to be an authority to others and predicate “the truth” about “who you should listen to” and “shouldn’t”, or “what’s the right way for spiritual enlightenment” rather than having an accepting and questioning base for inquiry.

to me all that’s bs.

no one should seek power through others, that’s the base for an unconscious path.

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Heidegger, the issue I see with your posts is, that certain statements of you, isolated from the context, make absolutely sense.

For example:

But you often make it look like people are just “afraid” or whatever of growth.

I´m using different modalities, some of them are rarely known here, combined with my conscious work. And I´m changing. A lot. Fast. I´m pretty much a completely different person every 1-2 months.

And the way that I´m going is kicking my ass. I am breaking through deep limiting beliefs and traumatic imprints on a weekly to daily basis.

Maybe a little bit slower than with the work of such creators, but I know that I´m not having to worry about any form of negative influence from them.

Honestly, this just affirms what most of your posts already show, despite your years of “work”, you don´t seem to have the basics in place. The argument that you´ve read and used tons of selfhelp books means exactly 0. You can walk in circle for decades while others clean up their shit in 5 years.

Maoshan and others have given clear warnings.

But you don´t seem to care about what happens with you mid-/long-term, so I guess that´s just the way you have to go.

I´m just speaking from the perspective of somebody who was in your shoes a few years ago, even if you don´t believe me.
I´d have done everything to stop my suffering. But that´s what happens when you are in a survival state, you stop thinking long-term.

Anyways, you do you. My last post on this whole matter.


I mean if you can’t swim and the thing you droppped floats to the middle of the swimming pool, wouldn’t you ask someone who can swim to please get it for you ( the swimming pool is enormous so you can’t use a stick with a net at it’s end) - for nitpickers

I look at it the same when someone asks if x creator is trustworthy or not

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many people in the past agreed that dreamweaver was siphoning his users because of the projectvampire controversy.

then many people were saying quadible was possesing his users because of odd and demonic nightmares.

people will say all sorts of things about creators until they won’t.

and they won’t once creators go full mainstream like dreamweaver or quadible did, or the creator just gets tired of being defamed and drops it all (like many already did).

i’m not saying that there aren’t creators with evil intentions, because there may be.

You cannot really compare sapien and quad with kabus or wrath (same person I think)

that kabus guy makes ruthless psycho and narcissist subliminals/energy fields, kabus also is arabic and means nightmare

Only natural to be very suspicious as red flags could not be any more obvious


i did some homework around the subject and it’s a brand with the specific purpose of NOT going mainstream. as these guys prefer to keep their stuff within a closed community (binaural nutrition, subs, etc).

this is also why many people do not relate with their brand. because it’s not for everybody.

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Ok, but to try and reconcile the odds (not that I am too fond of experiments rn, though I understand ‘temptation’),

If one was to use such ‘warned-of’ fields/subs,
presumably one should wear great protection (nonethless), such as (exemplifying, not sure to what extent they work for whatever a sub/field might bring in) Shielding 3.0 or better, QI’s Hyper Velocity Machine, M.E.F. Dynamics E.F.I. Portal, or @SorcerySupreme’s Chi Ball
, right?

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Assuming they’d work with shields up. Pretty certain Heidegger isn’t using any.

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Yes, I was about to add the ‘issue’ of contract removal etc., but there might be tools to eliminate the negative effects. In this case, if they seem to have no effect… you’d have your answer. Presuming they would be able to ward off the goofy and the chains. Ideally, you’d pass them through a filter, is what I mean.

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Best way to remove Bad Karma is acts of genuine compassion, and chanting things like Om Mani Padme Hum and Om Namah Shivaya.

Christ can also help if interceded with… he is the most respondent one to Humanity and its plights.

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We go through the same thing every time this sub maker is mentioned so I’ll go ahead and add my 2 cents… I’ve been using hanakami v11 and zeus v2 for 3 weeks or so. The way he scripts his subliminals is pretty aggressive, the first few days I felt all my fear and anxieties come up and I had to face them head on, no hiding, no gentle healing it’s brings it all out, it sucks and that’s where I assume most people would quit, I stuck through it thought and I feel amazing, as far as the psychopathic stuff, I still feel emotions just fine it actually made me more compassionate in some ways and I’m not controlled by my negative emotions. Overall this is what I got so far

  1. At work this past week I was dealing with some pretty negative people, before these I would have been stressed as hell and dealing with them would have been a pain, but when I walked in this week, it’s like they were not able to affect me in anyway even if they tried.
  2. I’m finally starting to workout again and I can see that I’m gaining muscle at a pretty fast rate I would say and I feel pretty good
  3. I wake up loving life, no worries and I know that whatever the day throws at me I can handle it.
  4. I’m starting to want to learn new things again, for more than 3 years I’ve lost interest in learning and improving myself but here I am getting interested in learning new topics
  5. I used to get panic attacks on the regular and start to sweat and worry alot, now If I feel the panic attacks coming, I can stop it and or power through and be very detached from it which makes it go way much faster than it would’ve otherwise

Is it me or does this make healing fields more potent

I think I felt plasma brain of youth for the first time

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It mostly banishes negative energy and acts as a painkiller - if you had some energy blockages that are negative in nature, they would have probably been loosened a bit and the plasma field could flow better through your energy system.


Painkiller definitely worked for like a minute, felt good to not feel my daily migraine even for a little