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Have you tried that aspect from Dream’s Psychic Cards System?

tried pain killer, healing, painkiller 2.0 from youtube too

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this is wierd, i’ve recovered my interest to play guitar and ride bicycle again in the last couple of weeks

btw, did you notice hankami v11 makes your sweat smell like coconut/piña colada?

i’ve been smelling piña colada all day and later on i found it’s one of its hidden benefits.


So that’s where the sweet smell is coming from, yeah I’ve been smelling it but wasn’t sure where it was coming from. I like v11 much more than 1, it’s a lot smoother

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Who are these many people supposed to be?
Please stop spreading false claims and false rumors.
This is all in your head and your personal perception which is not in alignment with the actual data.
If you go back to the comments of the very old videos and forum entries, most people were praising Dream in the same way as they do today.


clearly you’re biased, anyone who reads many of your posts can see through it.


Not related to youtube but I would definitely recommend the suggestion about following your intuition and guidance when choosing a creator and paid product. Things just work so much better when I was guided to a certain field, and this way you can save money and time down the road, because there are so many out there.

Oh and I also would recommend MOAB even though it is not a youtube offering, I was able to manifest some very interesting and beneficial stuff after I got the module system going without changing my routine.

Does anybody have any kinda knowledge on Ewfae’s The Creator’s project. Their explainer video looks stunning. And they seen to know what they are doing. I definitely felt very powerful energy while I was listening to their fields the other day. Look and feel like a major ugrad in energy fields.

I think you would really like fields from Psychic/Aesthetic University. The Patreon stuff is great. It’s a different flavor from Dream’s stuff (which I noticed because I was so used to Dream’s stuff that it was the house/default setting in my mind. Once you start with PU/AU’s fields, it’s easy to feel Dream’s stuff anew.)

I do understand the Dark/extreme setting idea. If you “feel” too much or are too anxious, an extreme setting might land you in the in the happy medium. There’s a logic to that, but I think P/U can get you to that same place. Lessons from the Divine—On being alive and the Reverse the Negative Effects of Sleep Issues have been incredible for me.

Perhaps you already are on his Patreon and I’m just preaching to converted, but, if not, please check it out.


Not into dark stuff, Dream’s, Maitriya, Ewfae, are good for me. Left han d path is not my thing. Though I am aware of the mindset behind it. But if one has ego, lust, fear, it will fck one up. I u’d rather stay away and take the right hand path as always. LHP is mastering your inner demon. RHP is service to others. Both path has its pros and cons. Its like two different operating system. Microsoft & Mac.

They’re announcing a new type of approach in their upcoming videos.

For now they have been using only Zero Point energy to make most of their fields.

Ya saw their cool video. They seem to create legit stuff. And I was not aware of they have 30 + yrs of experience. I was taking their content lightly. hahah

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Fun time- lets keep name for our lovely creator’s from Marvel films-

Ewfae - Doctor Strange,
Sapien- Captain America,
Maitriya - Wonder Woman
SZ- Thor

this is not to disrespect any one but just for fun.

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To my mind, Psychic University work is very RH path, if one is dividing things on the RH/LH path dichotomy. My sense is that his spectrum would run from ignorance to wisdom or asleep to awake. His signature feels unique/novel enough and one’s results are fast enough that his work strikes me a safe alternative to darker/fast results creators.

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Hmm. I’m thinking Sapien Medicine is Doctor Strange.

Not sure.

Absolutely -Captain doctor strange sounds cool.

Lots of testimonials throughout the forum. Given your favorite creators, he’ll fit right in.

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I see

Adding destruction and creation energy into one’s work makes it closer in impact to this density. So their upcoming fields will work “faster” (not in the time sense, but less input lag).

So it will be fun.