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As for LHP and RHP. I condone neither, I’m a fan of the Clasped Hands Path - Service to God :pray:


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Exactly what I was talking about, Zero point will be very hard in this plain to manifest in this realm, So they made the combination of creation, protection & destruction forces. And those who are not aligned with them will not be able to access their energy. One case study was I was trying to get a field from their gumroad page and every time I was trying to make the payment it just did’t made me make the payment for odd reason and Intuitively I knew this was not for me and I exactly got the one I was drawn to which was aligned with for my purpose. This is the real power of the combination of the 3 most powerful force in the entire universe. Zero point is required to draw energy but to give it a shape these three powerful forces are requited.


so these forces also guide you too. Zero point is pure energy and it just like the subconscious mind the most powerful drive but the conscious mind is that give it direction and purpose. That’s why we human’s are gifted with a conscious mind than of to the animals…to have a purpose.

Maybe. I don’t know why we’re here. But I know why we’re not… and we’re definitely not here to eat, fight, shit and sleep.

It’s a complex topic. My reference point is easy when I make a recommendation: does it work and is it safe. The energy is palpable and free of any baggage and negativity, so they get my recommendation.

We all wear masks without wanting to, both to hide from others and from ourselves, we’re in the habit of doing it because at our core we’re used to switching avatars often - so many personas to toy with. The nice thing about psychic abilities is that you can see/peer into the true nature of people/souls. Trace any extension of them back to their source code.

But the more you have, the less you’re allowed to openly use. Part of balance. Exciting times are ahead, I sure wish creators like the 4 you mentioned a lot of luck.


This one is quite the unique gem that people get access to for free:


very profund and deep thought. Clearly must be from many years of hard work and experience.


Ewfae quite interesting, might be the first field maker where I’ll stick with the recommended 2-3 listens
Gave myself more headache & diziness for the 2nd day in row :sweat_smile:


New channel

anyday better.Just saw they are putting a sale on their products.

Wondering if Sapin is considering a sale as well.



This might be not the accurate thread I am posting this, but after listening to Quadible’s Lapiz Lazuli crystal healing audio, I have been waking up early which is what I am having a hard time. My dreams are more vivid and I can even remember it after waking up, and can last for hours. However I want to ask why, I dreamed about a person who I stopped meeting 5 or 6 years ago, this happened 2nd time already, the first one was like a month ago, and it keep bothering me, then I forgot it. However another one about that person popped up again, and it keeps bothering me in the back of my head. Does anyone know if there might be a sign or something?

I listend to this audio for almost 4 months btw


What do you guys prefer/better:

SZ’s Higher Self or DreamSeeds’ Higher Self

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Both are great

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Awesome, the strongest audio I have ever tried about chakras and meridians.
I felt powerful effect from the first listen, the entire right side of my body fell asleep, I intuitively looped it for approximately 2 hours and I feel my energy clean and balanced, my mind calm/clear and focused and my body relaxed and energetic at the same time.


Not sure why he says subliminal. It’s not.

But sure, can work.

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Most of his creations contain subliminal messages and also frequencies. This is the case, in fact you can hear the whisper throughout the entire audio.
I read among his answers that he use more than one frequency per audio and that is why headphones are optional.
But yeah, it’s confusing. I only listen with my cell speakers, I hate using headphones. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I can definitely feel energy + frequencies there, something interacting with my subtle body astrally. Sunliminals never do that unless they include Mantras or Incantations.


Yes, I agree. Energy and very strong in this one.

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Well, there are also my own private formulations that use Switch Words which phase me through multiple mental/vibrational/energetic states. But this feels different too.

It’s an option. But I still prefer the chakric component of Dream’s energy block removal, as well as maitreya’s 144 chakras field, and SZ’s Chakra Field. Has a more natural feel to it, for me at least. (This feels somewhat “foreign/bizzare” in a way)

In terms of raw potency, EWFAE’s chakra field is strong as well. But pretty basic.


When it comes to Chakras, I feel chanting Lam Vam Ram Yam Ham Aum myself works best tbh.