Discussion for other Creator Channels

Porn is a sneaky one, works on so many levels.

Trauma/subconscious, brain, dopamine, DeltaFosB, prolactin, reduced test and lifeforce, negative outlook, cords, entity attachments, subliminals, hypnotic trigger, frequencys, fields, implants…

JAAJ posted a good overview on the fields you can use, and the different angles you need to take into account to tackle it wholistically.

With the PU fields, this could probably be updated. The 3x Tab Hab it Breaker and HS sexual trauma revision work great.

I’m general with sexual trauma start slowly and get adjusted to it. If I went too hard to fast, that lead to extreme emotional/mental stress, which often lead me to relapse.

So take your time. I know it sucks, but from a higher perspective, this whole topic can offer a powerful opportunity for growth.

Forgiveness, guilt and shame healing fields are crucial elements to it.

Outlook Retrainer proved to be pure gold to rewire the brain back to a positivite state in case of a relapse.


I gave a couple of hours of listening again and came to the conclusion that this audio is really very focused on the meridians and the healing of the body by unlocking the Qi or vital energy. At a deeper level than Mana Circuits.

I feel it very strongly in my liver, which is where I need the most healing (much, much stronger than all the liver-specific audios I have tried).

I feel that this audio can be a potential gem of scanning and healing of the whole body.

ps: sorry for the spam but I’m surprised because I wasn’t expecting anything from this audio to be honest 🥹🙏


The ultimate PMO detox stack
Soul restoration
PU 3x habit
Alchemical Revision of Guilt
PU self forgiveness and acceptance

Anyone know Subliminal Warlock channel?

Ewfae has increased the prices of their programs post launch of The Creator’s Project. As they have upgraded thir fields from Zero Point to TCP. I wonder how powerful the new fields will be?

@Alkul @Bultar what’s your take on it?

No idea, I will probably stay with my current stack for like 3 months to look for results. Also I got no money atm to spend on fields :sweat_smile:

What’s your stack like? What are you working on

mind&body healing
vagus nerve


will switch out the first 2 to existing in the echo chamber of success
and amygdala healing if I don’t see results in my health improving

Using last 3 since I need to start looking for a job, and daily pain makes it hard to want to get back into the workforce

These were created on Zero Point field. Wish they upgraded all the previous creations to TCP on patreon. That would be cool.

If you’ve received divine permission to price them as such, then sure, I don’t care. As long as the intent is not rooted in Mammon, it is of no import to me.

I already have a few in my library - if they’re upgraded then I probably received the biggest discount yet by re-downloading them. If Wealth Creation functions better, then I’ll re-invest everything I can specifically link it to into their “Project” - if not - so be it.

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anyone dealing with expression issues, this is a great field:



Can i ask whay people think of Aether Frequencies?

I know he comes on here and i tried one.of his free samples… i must say it was way more potent than dreams (for me at least) as i ciuld feel over powering energy instantly…

However this has me thinking, there must be people with doubts as most of the posts feom aether dont get replies on his free samples…

Any ideas friends?

Sorry to aether for asking and doubting this publicly… but it was super strong and brought on intense dreams which has me a bit scared incase if they are as fine tuned as dreams are.

With a smile

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He doesn´t give me a harmful vibe directly, but I find his energy so repulsive that I´d not even think about trying his work. I had to mute him so I´d not be annoyed everytime I see his posts.

Very rarely do I get that strong reactions about people, feels like some salesman desperately trying to market things he knows are trash.


“Feeling energy” doesn´t necessarily mean “more potent” or more results.

All this is my personal opinion/perception.


I have the same perception as Freedom.

The dude doesn’t understand basics about astral projection and other spiritual topics, promotes SJW guilt tripping of men, down-plays the C virus “as a flu” and other stuff that shows that he has no clue about anything.
He even bashed Sapien’s work at some point here at this very same forum. Also bashed forum members for not being energy sensitive etc.
I don’t know whether his products are legit, but he as a person has too many red flags for me to ever try out and his online shop does not even comply to basic EU online business requirements despite him being located in Greece, so either way it is a shady business. And of course, the only times when he shows up on this forum, is when he wants to promote his products.
I can also feel manipulative energy emitting from his website when I open it.


I am of the opinion that the tactics some people use to promote their fields here are hilarious.

A little I can tolerate - but overdoing it triggers my gag reflex:

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@JAAJ the only time he “actively” contributed to the forum was pushing his products when someone needed help and putting others down when they didn’t align with his viewpoint.

  1. Spam
  2. Pushing his product in someone’s else thread
  3. Putting others down

But Sammy and Dream still allows him to post in his specific category so must have been vetted at least (I don’t know). I still wouldn’t be inclined to use someone’s audios, no credible background nor genuine interactions in this forum.


Can confirm in personal experience.
I remember another member asked him a question about his paid product, and he said he doesn’t offer that support, and the user should read she description. I read the description, and the user’s question wasn’t answered there. So I suggested that maybe he should be offering such support, as people want to know exactly what they’re paying for. In return I received many mean personal insults.
Other people took my side, and then he had the whole thread taken down so nobody else would see it.

Someone then said that they don’t have any desire to buy or use his products anymore, to what he said that his products don’t have the energetic blueprint of his persona (don’t remember the exact words but that was the meaning), and that he even deleted hundreds of positive reviews on his products so that people’s perception wouldn’t get altered. (what?)


What do you guys think about this?

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