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So what do we think about Spiritual Zen and Binaural Beats Frequency Wizard? Are they safe and legit? anyone experienced any results from these two?

What are your expectations from using this?

I personally do not like that Mantra as it is neither inspired from the Rig Veda nor any tantric traditions. Its vibe feels “off”.

So, to not be prejudiced, I’d just say, probably a bit inexperienced.

Can i then make a request for further probing of Aether and maybe even banning them?

I was under a demonic psychic attack after using his so called 12d field… if i wasnt such a strong and pure hearted person with experience in this area, I would have a severe attachment… which may still be here actually but i fear what they are doing to others…

I wont go on anymore but ive only ever felt this tyoe of attack once and it was from black magic woven into tappestry at ciceniza


Idk, I just felt drawn to it.

You can try, of course. Maybe you’d get a better chance to be heard if your request is backed up by others. I will support you. I believe so will zea, if I remember correctly she saw wounds on her astral hands after engaging with him.


Ok, I will message Sammy.

I had to rely on the virtue and softeness in my heart to completely Nullify the attack… but afterwards im shaken andscared… which allows these things a way back in.



I’m sorry you had to go through this @Kindfulness1. I hope you feel like yourself soon.
Please consider using this. It has instructions under the video.

You may also want to use angelic (or any other) intercession, asking them, or your servitors, to perform a in-depth clearing of your physical and all energy bodies of everything harmful and unnatural, including all attachments, portals, entities and non-entity attachments. (copypasted the request from spirituality zone website, imo it’s well-put).

Another advice is to loop atmospheric vibrational riser 2.0.


It can do that, considering what it is - the free version is “ok”.

You can treat this as densified Prima Materia (I am using the lingo I am more familiar with) - Etheric Energy, if you wish.

What you use this for is completely up to you - I use it to charge crystals, increase my energy capacity - strengthen my energy body - charge sigils and magickal accessories - give more vivid form to egregores and strengthen energy cords to familiars and servitors … nourish and expand my chakras …

It’s a very versatile and potent energy really - but more active than anything. It’s also suitable for void meditation for your own spiritual growth and expansion -


@Kindfulness1 @SammyG might probably still be able to access that thread. There might be some messages left about it on a @SorcerySupreme thread, where I had also asked for someone in @admins to look into it.
tbh, I’m not sure if I’ve completely recovered/cleared from it yet.
There was also someone else who opened a thread with a similar issue a couple of weeks ago.

(guys, I’ve tagged you just cause I’ve mentioned you)

This is so wrong. It makes me so angry. This forum is supposed to be a safe place, is it not?

@Andromeda, I thought maybe you’d like to chime in as well. I don’t want to share anything that you sent me privately.


Does anyone here know about the removal of Jehovian Seals from the body? Has anyone used this method and what benefits have they observed? I’ve seen many positive reviews on Etsy from those who have purchased the removal of Jehovian implants from the body. I also noticed that Doctor Magus has a Morphic field for the removal of implants.

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Yes. With efforts done to make it so nonetheless … but it’s a vast world … the sad matter-of-fact reality is … safety is earned with power, whether by cultivation or affiliation … it is the nature of things.


A Link to remove Jehova’s installations and to free yourself from these Aliens:

Disclaimer: I don’t know the Truth, since there are unlimited theories (including who Jehova was/is), all I know is that I want more, more health, more wealth, more freedom, etc.

I think that Aliens can be “good” or “evil” and many other things, but probably some species are more domineering than others.

Can I guarantee that you are not upsetting some “Higher Beings” by canceling their installations and daring to stand up to their plans?
But if you want to be free from Alien control (implants, mind control, etc.), then you can listen to such Creations.

I don’t want to be a slave to no one, be they “more positive” or “more negative aliens”, a slave is a slave and I don’t want to worship no one.

If some beings help me, by their own goodness though, without obligations, for that I am grateful.

We are All equals: humans, gods, Aliens, demons, I mean each being has a Divine Free will and should never be a toy at the hands or whims of others.
That’s all.


Thank you

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Have someone tried this?
I feel energy is pretty strong (Maybe strongest file i’ve ever tried from Spirituality zone) but still it’s not clear to me what i can do with this haha

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On this part - it is Maha Rudra’s Energy Signature - one of the most powerful Avatars of Shiva - It is more dense than the transcendent aspect - as it leverages the power of destruction and re-creation, rather than being a vehicle for Moksha.

However, as someone who likes to actually “do” stuff - I can tell you firsthand that Infinite Spiritual Energy and When Nothing Else Works have a higher ceiling, but they take more time to build-up. As raw energy, everything that SZ posted during Maha Shivratri was extremely strong, including the Om Gam Ganapataye Namah and Experience Spiritual Dimensions of Yourself.

There is a huge disadvantage to SZ’s fields, and it’s that they can be rather taxing on your energy system, a drawback for their effectiveness. So, doing some of their fields overtime, especially their advanced audios, will eventually leave you with no choice but to rest a bit and focus on expanding your etheric and physical capacity. It’s definitely not for people who like to run long playlists, loop fields, or listen passively - as, unlike morphic fields which are more like pure code, these audios will need your conscious engagement to function optimally - they are more dense.


Thank you for fast response
Well, actually i need file which will help me to rebirth relationship with one person
Like, starting everything from scratch

It’s the same process mentally - the field will just fast track the results:

1- Accept that you had a role to play in things being as they are now with that person, and write down exactly how.
2- Release all the energy tied to these contributions of yours.
3- Examine how the other person’s behavior affected you in a way that lead you two to part ways, and revise how you would have preferred to have reacted to these things that annoyed you - in a way that supposes your relationship is fine.
4- Feed energy in the feeling of being on good terms with this person - and imagine a scenario that presupposes you two have worked things out as you currently want to - this will help you shift to a timeline where that possibility is your reality.
5- Detach and treat this as something as natural as breathing.

P.S: when another person is involved, bear in mind that all you do is pool energy into a possibility that joins you two together - however, it should always be understood that the person’s will and own energy matters - if they have absolutely burned that bridge down and are actively set on rejecting you - there’s not much that can be done to repair the relationship. Do note however, that this rarely, if ever, happens, as it involves scenarios where there is deep rooted karmic hatred across lineages, or, you have left a great spiritual scar on the person by killing someone they love or absolutely betraying their trust in a way that damages their psyche. For most cases, repairing a relationship or rebuilding a bond with someone is possible.

WARNING: Do not, under any circumstances, use entities to get such things to happen because:

a- the person that has been brainwashed will not be the same person you are trying to get back with - you will essentially be turning them into a doll, and their soul will harbor a deep resentment for yours in the reincarnation cycle.
b- the entity might deceive you by skewing your perception of things and possess you instead of doing what you want it to - especially when you don’t use proper techniques.
c- going to an entity to get things done, while not “wrong” in the large scale of things, since, it is a resource for your highest self to leverage, is, on the individual scale, an affirmation that your vibration is too low, or that your power is not sufficient, in your current incarnation, to get this done using your own abilities - meaning - it will hinder your spiritual progress greatly.

I issue this warning acknowledging that, people are free to do what they want. If anyone decides they don’t care about any of this and they want an instant fix in this lifetime, then by all means, go ahead, all the more power to you. But remember, you are your own cruelest judge.