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AtTrACT yOUr Ex BaCk - FoRCEd SUBliMiNal



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I thought Adonai was a “cool fella” and Shekina the Mother Goddess…welp…

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hey again! i always wanted to ask what you guys feel about this/moza morph as you’re more intuitive than me i feel so dumb and confused here lol so here it is
at first i was like people are just linking random situations to her subs but as the number of comments increased i hesitated to use

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Its pertty normal, as she is progressing and getting success the haters are getting triggered, her competitors are also sharing negative comments.

Its a process. Always trust your intuition.

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With the first one, 1st listen, I felt like being cleaned from the inside


thank you for writing me a reply! it makes sense

I see hmm
Thank you :beers:

Hillarious :joy:
Actually, it’s not ex
It was my best friend and i tried famous When nothing else works, to nullify that negativity between us, but nothing happened
Looks like Rudra really do something since we spoken today about the problem, immediately after second session of Rudra (Advanced)

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This one is more of a spiritual nature than a recreative force. It can clear blockages, heal, raise vibration, enhance your capacity, create an astral fields container to prevent you from getting overwhelmed when you overdo it (you can instruct it to memorize the interaction and release it during sleep), enhance your intuition and strengthen your astral senses, teach you things of a spiritual nature, prep you for a journey into the Akashic records, balance energy systems within your body, etc.

Rudra is also based on the energy released by a priest that spent his entire life practicing mantras, and, on the night that has one of the highest natural boosters for spiritual work, maha shivratri. So, the output is really unlike anything else you can expect on SZ’s website. The whole Maha Shivratri mantras series was very impressive. What EWFAE are doing (with the creator project) is basically close to taking this energy signature from the ether and then programming it for specific outcomes. Takes skill, and removes the need for dedication and focus on the part of the user. I like being more hands on myself. And, who knows, you might even have a special affinity with Rudra and discover aspects of your Soul DNA that no one else can.


Shungite Shake by Dream is still my favorite. Mineral Consciousness works best as a field of information rather than a frequency, so the morphic approach is ideal imho.

But these are really nice too.

My recommendation for anyone looking into crystals is: Shungite, Selenite, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Herkimer and Moladvite.

These are foundational. Especially Amethyst, Herkimer and Moldavite.

If you are into more exotic experiences, you can go for Taafeite, Pietersite and Lapis Lazuli.

Once you begin to feel the energy of crystals, it’s easy to get lost in that world.


(Disclaimer: this post is not in any way against you, your beliefs, if these words quoted are your beliefs, nor is this post made against anyone’s beliefs or opinions or even thoughts/words; in a way, it’s a vent of mine, in another way, a sort of reply)

Well, Idk :grinning::sweat_smile:

That’s why I mentioned that there are so many different views/theories regarding God, Yahweh, Adonai, Shekinah, etc.

I know thst the consensus of the Religious Dogmas is that they are different aspects of The Divine or The Supreme Being, but Idk…

To be honest, the Bible is full of wars, racism (OK, not the modern version, but still, “the Chosen People of God” versus everyone else who stands in the way of His/Their plans, who is killed…), BLOODY Rituals (if a Satanist does it, we believe it’s bad, don’t hurt innocent souls, but when Priests kill innocent animals and sprinkle people with their blood, that’s fine) and what not…

Anyway, I got sidetracked a little bit: there are of course, certain pov that this being or rather these beings were aliens actually…

Now, the very word Elohim means Gods, it’s plural, A certain being spoke in plural when he/it said that mankind is a threat to them, when they built that fabled tower…
Some say that that tower was a rocket, anyway, that’s just an interpretation, but again, we have a certain group of Deities who apparently fear our potential (at least this is one interpretation)…

We have 3 young persons who visit Abraham and they eat with him, so they were physical beings, actually, again, Jacob fought with a certain being, and another one, another case, when one who delivered Israel out of Egypt (who BTW killed the first born of all Egyptians, among other “divine and just things”), he didn’t want Moses to see his face, but why?
ET face? Who knows…

There are many books and many interpretations on these old texts.
BTW, I’m not against any people, ethnicity or religion, just to be cleared,…, I simply mentioned how these beings whom the early Israelite worshipped were very very very violent, against anyone they deemed to be an enemy, they were not really awe inspiring, to be honest…

Now, do they seem more like Divine Beings, worthy of worship, or rather not so positive Aliens?

Again, There are many interpretations…
I do not claim to know the truth.

Now, back to malevolent Aliens and their Earthly Agenda…

these seals, also microchips, implants, etc., they view us as their property, who(m)ever these beings are and that’s just sad.

The fact that we want to be free from such things, I find to be absolutely normal.

These beings can be TERRIFYING, so it’s expected that none of us want to be easily kidnapped, manipulated, controlled and what not by these beings…

Edit: I wont judge these texts and Deities (or whatever they are) anymore, at least not publicly, as to not alienate people, in general or anyone, in particular.

Each one of us has a right to focus on whatever we want, to believe what we want, beliefs are sacred extensions of ourselves, it is not my right to judge nor to change anyone’s perception, plus it would be best for myself to focus on positive stuff and on what is constructive, wholesome, beautiful (speaking of beauty :grin:) and healthy for myself/me.


There’s been talk about Wrath=FK=Kabus using demonic energies in his video which supposedly suck the lifeforce of listeners so that he can trade those energies to have the power to easily get sex.

This is a video of his

Is anyone energetically sensitive to help detect any harmful energy or the presence of demons?

It appears to be mixed with no definitive answer

the description of quadibles reversal frequency is a bit confusing in regards to if it can reverse one aspect of an energetically programmed video and keep the rest of the results? For example quadibles growth plate reopening video. i would like to reverse the ashwaganda aspects of it (in the brain) because i think it caused me anhedonia/low dopamine. The feeling was similar as what i felt when i took ashwaganda pills so i think it was the reason behind the anhedonia

You’re in denial. Keep using him if you want.


Unless there is a script that lets you write LiKe tHaT and in different colours too, that’s a lot of manual labour…

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i saw this: "many here had been using fk subs for a long time, some for a year. and never reported any issue.

binaural nutrition has a high esteem of fk and many of the people that work with fk are mods in BN discord and post their stuff too.

general consensus there is that fk is powerful and delivers results, for some others energy may be a bit forced.

i’d say talk to the people there and even talk to fk, he’s very open to suggestions and questions about his work, he will probably answer to you.

many people gossip btw, they did it with sapien medicine when it was called projectvampire and then with quadible because of nightmares.

that kind of rumors and misinformation will never cease. better do your own research rather than depositing the whole truth in 1 individual that believes to have it."

nvm my question then.