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Yes! I’m referring to the old YouTube ones where he specifies, in the new ones he says to be careful about. Thanks for the advice!

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Why are some mantras chanted backwards or both ways?

I’ve noticed affirmations have the opposite effect if you do it that way. Or simply a weird effect but leaning towards opposite and not the intended outcome.

Guys I did this. Lightly. Like one day here and one day there for 10-15 times in total for 10 minutes each time. I got three “messages”/thoughts from my future self.

The first one, I remember understanding it was not an intuitive hit or something coming through to my mind in a way which was familiar. It came up in my mind the right time I was working with that related topic. I ignored it as I have trust issues with this stuff and intuitive hits as they burnt me in the past :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: If I did not ignore it I would have almost doubled my net-worth :grimacing:

Second one was unreal. I asked a question in my mind (directed to my future self) about something weird which was happening, a metaphysical occurrence. I got a reply immediately. The message I was given was absurd. It didn’t make sense at all. I am glad it was given to me even though I was not ready for it and would have just ignored it. Nevertheless it was so absurd that made an impression and I didn’t forget. Well. It was a glorious happening of events and that message made total sense in the end. I really apologize for being cryptic but all of these are personal and I also need to share a lot for them to make sense to you.

Please note that me asking questions to my future self was confidence aspect I got from that practice. It might sound funny but I feel it’s what my current self was owed by providing information to my past self. And something else I was doing and the Maitreya Fields is doing differently is that I am not sharing any kind of information… important or unimportant. I am sharing important and significant information. I do this like an actual real practice, respecting my past self and giving him the real deal.

The third one was a bit more casual and I can share information. I am moving to a new continent soon and I was in a tough spot with bringing my dog with me as flying companies don’t want to take responsibility. I was at a dead end with putting down a plan and the message I was given was that I am going the wrong way, I was going to be suggested another way which would work and to relax for now. It made me curious. What other way? Go by sea?! Anyway, two days later a friend suggested I find an agency for transporting pets, I had no idea something like that existed and I contacted one and they immediately told me they can help me with my case and that was a wrap!

All three messages were verified later, especially the first one which was verified… today and are correct and legit. And I categorize them as messages from the future self because of knowing the outcome of them would only be possible in the future after events took place.

Long story short, I am going to make it a daily practice. Give it a try, it is so easy and fun.


Are you seriously asking me what’s the difference between a thought form powered by a dedicated guru or a whole genealogy through sacred scripture, and you pretending to be Yoda?


Try you want, if know you must.

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This one is for the lazy folk - Connects, Energizes and Activates Fields and Energies of your desired Mandalas automatically, and also gives them an initial X 2 boost in potency (not power, it amplifies the action of the field, not the field itself - the boost happens once per anchored Mandala initially and never again until another non-boosted version of the same Mandala is re-printed, and also cannot be used to boost this particular Mandala because its potency is already at max)

Instructions for use:

Hold a printed version of this Mandala in your Left Hand and the Mandalas or a Container in which your Mandalas are placed (Wallet, Sachet, Free-hand, etc - has to be non-digital) in your Right Hand - and just look at this Mandala for 30 seconds taking slow deep breaths [casual passive staring, be as relaxed as possible]. (you may or may not sense a very subtle vibration feeling and a cool breeze between both hands)

(no you don’t need to carry it with you after that, but will need to repeat the process every time you want all your mandalas activated - and, again, the boost happens only ONCE per mandala/sigil)

That is all.


I reckon, some folks will find this particularly useful in the next couple of months:


Wow, thank you for your brilliant and generous creation! Would it help with NFT fields integration as well, or is it strictly for mandalas?

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Dream’s NFTs don’t really need these kinds of things. You can meditate on them, sure, but they are already stable, maxed out in potency, and programmed to connect automatically with the buyer.

Edit: SLR 3.0 and Ego Dissolution should be more than enough for “integration” - you can always listen to HS Connection/I.Divine to ask your HS which mandala might need this kind of tool

Based on personal trials, Dream’s latest fields evolve with his consciousness and since he’s always close to min-maxing any buffs/upgrades available in universal consciousness, there isn’t much room for improvement… Mostly QoL and compression work. (Compression vis-a-vis the “time” and “mental ‘RAM’” it occupies in your 3d experience)


Have you tried that?
Does it create warmth in a room so that you can see a change on a thermometer?


You know what, I changed my mind. Use it, don’t use it, it’s up to you.

Good luck.


Ohmygod :open_mouth:
Thank you very much!!


Certain bacterias/virus don’t like sunlight and oxygen at all.

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Quoting the page:
The image file will emit subtle amount of warmth energy in the environment. You may not necessarily feel warm directly but the environment will fill up with the energy then warming you up over time saving on heating bills over time. You should feel the mp3 more directly. You are trying to manifest a warmer home as you listen and saving on energy and cost. You can play next to a heating source to increase the benefit of the warmth that you feel or keep a copy of the image next to it.

The MP3 directly - image is best next to a heating source, or, alternatively it warms you up over time (adaptation similar to lake divers in Russia)

Seems pretty clear cut… “over time” and the differences between the mandala and mp3 seem very clearly expressed.

Primarily why I found the Thermometer comment bizarre.

You’ll increase the etheric fire element in your home and body, which is felt, but not physically measured.


Ya I followed all the guidelines correctly. All Mandalas by the heating appliances and she has been using the field daily also. I printed them on the day it was released and put them next to the heaters. I think that must have been close to two months ago. Maybe they and the field need more time for change. We will see with time.

She found much more benefits from using Dreams blood circulation field for the inner heat of the body.


So the field is nothing special really.

Remember intensely the sensation and feeling of being warm as vividly as you can. Keep focusing on it until you feel an uptick of warmth in any part of your body, and then zone in on it, and hold your focus there. Take a slow deep breath and imagine that the air you’re drawing is slowly helping that warmth spread in the rest of your body.

Repeat the breathing part as many times as needed to have that lukewarm/warm sensation fill up your entire vessel.

Then, for the room. Close your eyes and imagine a hovering fire-like sphere. As best you can, imagine it being part of your now relatively warm body (in terms of consciousness). And then repeat the breathing technique above but this time, imagine the sphere growing inside a mental outline of the room you’re in (the room also being part of your consciousness - like an extension of your vessel/body). Keep doing that until you’re satisfied with the idea of that sphere “filling-up” your room with the same warmth you’ve experienced in your body.

To stabilise it, imagine yourself hovering over an isolated 3d model of the room you’re in, then, moving into that projected view, try to connect to the earth’s core (kind of like a dark purple-brownish sphere) and ask her to stabilise and hold in that fire elemental bubble until you say: “Dissipate”. (This part is a bit harder to do - but stabilisation is important)


Does anyone have any experience with the mandala manager v2 from Maitreya?

i am extremely satisfied
It works perfectly

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How many fields do you have in there if you don’t mind me asking?