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No, everything is fine.

The Mandala Manager is designed for mandalas, but it can also transmit audio fields if there is a Mandala Field Emitter in the folder, among other things.

In the folder with the Mandala Manager, I have absolutely all the fields that I have, but the mandala is intelligent; you can give it commands and control the activation and deactivation of fields. Moreover, you can even program it to repeat a command every week.

I placed the Mandala Manager in the folder, added all the fields, and then activated the Mandala Manager.

Immediately, I gave the command to deactivate all the fields placed in the folder.

I gave another command to activate 5 fields that work for me 24/7.

I gave another command for the mandala to activate sleep-related fields at 23:00 and deactivate them at 5 am. This way, everything works automatically, and I don’t need to repeat commands every day.

When I have the need to activate other fields (for example, after a workout, I want to activate fields for muscle strengthening and recovery), I mentally tune into the Mandala Manager and give it a command to activate the field for a specific time. That’s it.

I have extensive experience using the Mandala Manager; I bought it in the spring of 2023. Since then, it has become indispensable for me.


Have you considered adding the field emitter and field optimizer?

the combo must be overpowered if maitreya made a whole pdf about it

I have another folder that contains all the fields, Field Emitter, and Field Optimizer.

And all of this is working simultaneously.

So, I have two folders with fields.

In one, Field Emitter and Field Optimizer - and the fields are chosen for me by my higher self.

In the second folder, Mandala Manager + Field Emitter - and I choose the fields myself.


At the very beginning, this field was offered for $22 :grinning:

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EWFAE experimenters, any y’all have experience with Emperor you’re willing to share? Either Pro or Supreme? Compared to Zenith?

@Alkul @anon14258586

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They have a store and a mixture of different things in their Patreon store.

Found them spontaneously as I was looking for purely moprhic subliminal removal fields. This one appears to do the trick:

Works for me at least.


ZS and ES are two different fields. Its like comparing apple to oranges. In my experience Zenith Supreme works on your intrinsic abilities. And emperor Supreme work towards your extrinsic abilities. Right now I am working on Zenith Supreme. And results have been pretty incredible so far. Feel pretty strongly while using ZP. Emperor has very raw primordial elements to the field. If you are doing spiritual work then emperor supreme is not a good idea. They don’t complement each other. Like fire and water.

While working on the fields. Don’t stack these fields together.

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What has been your experience with these 2 fields @Scribe?

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I haven’t purchased either yet. My purpose of my question was to help inform my decision as to which to buy.

Ok. So what’s your purpose like?

Spectacularly inconsistent. Some days I’m on the spiritual train. Some days on the earthly-desires train.


You are wondering which pill to take. The blue pill or the red pill. Its hard to make the decision. I understand.

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Follow your gut feeling.

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Truth is that I will probably end up buying both at some point, but to your point, not stack them. And I would not buy them at the same time.

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Try captain’s Holy Paladin.

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Hey can anyone tell me which is the best audio of sapien for overwhelmed nervous system I have tried everything but not able to restore my nervous system it’s really overwhelmed I m very sensitive to energy and not able to handle more fields but if anything for nervous system helped anyone please tell

Grounding on loop if you want to use audios.

And using Energy Expansion card Sapien’s Instagram - #5 by gpo

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When exactly did it start? In years.
Because I have it, too.

From one month its very bad having constant headache weird sensations not able to sleep in the night it’s very bad have done MRI went to 3 different doctors all reports are ok nothing is helping​:disappointed::cold_sweat:

Didn’t help