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@Moonhaw I have this mandala wealth creation from ewfae until now didn’t notice nothing , nothing improved .

Maybe to combine with this audio would change something!

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EWFAE also just released on GumRoad, Freedom From Self-Critique.


It definitely doesn’t work passively from experience.

Try meditating on it for 5-10 minutes a day for a month-ish, and then let us know if something comes up.

I got results, but, also, became a bit stingy. Which I understand… Most fields would tend towards negating “unnecessary” spending because the spending itself is not rooted in a mentality of abundance as much as acquired appetite for spending.

I discontinued it for a while. Might try again.


Or at least, whatever action happens passively didn’t really wow me as much as active meditation.


I’ve been using it and not only it for a while with no discernable results (other than wealth-related issues coming to my awareness). I played Ritual of Abundance and Prosperity from @anon72573121’s Patreon 3x this morning and I immediately noticed something shift financially.
I think this also happened when I started playing Wealth Generation, but I only used it for a month. Definitely got the extra 100$.


WG ++ with Om Narayanaya Swarnaya Hari Om (108-1008/day) should have most people mega covered.


I did first couple days holding mandala and looking at it, than just keep it near my bed to connect with me while I sleep but might not be close enough.

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Can you please share link of good creator for this one !?

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Just recite the mantra.

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I will try this

A cool trick is to do 12 recitations per chakra (focus) - counting your earth and souls star chakras. (9)


Lumierd just released it.


Can definitely recommend ritual of prosperity and abundance if you feel stuck with your current stack, I used it before with success. This time around I don’t feel the need (yet) to boost.

If the blockage is energy related, overcome financial iii can also be used. Both from PU.


Thank you! :)

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I got one question. Is it Om Narayana Swarnaya Hari Om as you wrote it? Or is it Om Narayanaya Swarnaya Hari Om? I’m asking because I checked Spirituality Zone webpage and it is written as the latter.

Edit: typos.

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The latter, as you typed it …

Too many fields, typos are prevalent.

There is a channel called vampi salaura on yt, very good frequencies for semen retention if not the best I’ve experienced

Increases your inner Sun by a bit (slight Ajna and Anahata action possible)


They are pretty good.

To anyone using arcturian fields, is it a problem if i listen to the few minutes of a muted scalar energy field then rewind to the beginning with the actual audio turned on (i didn’t realize the audio was off)