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@Alkul would this do a similar job as the one you just posted

Soul Rejuvenation (Free)

Don’t know, didn’t try that… but I did try those I shared, and they have a very similar feeling to something I experienced aeons ago, before the comet fell and forced Atlantis to transition into a different dimension using the Space Crystal.

Truth, fiction… Who knows? :innocent:

But definitely give it a try for multi-leveled healing.


So only play it once in my life or just don’t loop it?

everyone should use this regardless of your goals…any goals…doesnt matter…just use it

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Which the one I posted or Alkul posted ?

soul rej from Eq


Souls are naturally pulled to opportunities for personal growth, whether effortless, or through a DNotS… that’s why I always tell people to follow their intuition/soul guidance.

The mandalas I shared a while back during the window it was permitted, for instance - they pulled many people in for a reason.

Energy, even in the subtle layers, has properties … electric, magnetic, and electro-magnetic, etc … it’s the same way planetary alignments “magically” affect your collective field of consciousness. Without a bridge or a link/path, action cannot be exercised.

At Zero Point, that bridge links “you” (the avatar) to a lot of things, which is why you can affect very finite aspects of “Reality”.


It’s never once … Read Language of the Birds by Captain on his blog and research away until you feel you get the “practical” meaning of it.


Tiferet is a sphere reserved for a very particular type of being, those who reach it, or even go beyond it, have a lot to teach.

A deep understanding of 50% of what Dream/Captain shares when he is dwelling at the higher spheres (sometimes he enjoys the human sphere :slightly_smiling_face:) will help many of You evolve tremendously, and connect to cosmic forces that are extremely transformational.

The trade-off for his mastery of the craft is extreme sensitivity. This encompasses astral/psychic senses and beyond. He can feel praise and appreciation to the very subtlest layers of their origin, just as he can feel the hatred and judgment others cast.

The human vessel, no matter how well upgraded, no matter how high its capacity is improved, has limitations. So always set the intent to be caring, appreciative and understanding.

There is nothing wrong with oscillating and having doubts, that is in Your nature, and it is key for Your evolution. But, do recognize, or make an effort, to steer the wheel towards a more positive disposition. That, in of itself, will be more than enough.


This looks interesting

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Yeah … combined with a few loops of superhuman genius and synesthesia as well as these:




As well as imaginarium divine

You can get pretty wild.

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Just make sure to use BNDF to build the connections faster, and enpp6 on occasions to solidfy things.

Based on what I experienced, Imaginarium Divine is more comprehensive and defined. There are just more layers to it than HS Connection.

It also has some unique wirings that look like rainbow colors inside the brain, so maybe a minor potential for hyperphantasia? I don’t really know what it actually is. But it has a few more things in it.


@Alkul I ended up purchasing Power Retrieval from Larimar’s Bandcamp, the prior time you recommended. This As Above, So Below is excellent too. I wish they had that Music Meditation one on Bandcamp but I can’t seem to find a match.


This is amazing-

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Thank you @music for this post

I saw this one last week, decided to put it into my morning stack just to try it out. In the week many orders came it unexpectedly for my business and now we are full for the next month, which is traditionally low season, like going from 50 - 60% capacity to 90%. Pretty sure it is this one as all other fields are the same and my intuition told me so. The effect (result, not the alchemy itself) is quite similar to wealth generation but it seems to work better than wealth generation as all orders pulled in have high profit margin. I am about to head into a 2 week vacation so I am not going to play any abundance/luck related stuff in the mean time and I need some more time to validate but definitely worth a try!

After reading the supreme version description, I think this file (free one on YT) is also similar in that it functions like a manifesting tool of what you think would make you abundant, so it is better to have a good idea about it first.


Sounds good, what field are you talking about if don’t mind @Moonhaw

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This one