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I listened to several videos of Adonis Fields, I really liked it, there is definitely an effect. I listened to the Synchronization of the hemispheres (it works immediately), the complete regeneration of the body and the Elimination of obstacles.

Does anyone here have experience with Quadible Integrity’s paid fields? I am currently using the karmic attunement for Semen Retention but havent experienced the results im looking for. Im thinking about getting the ethereal attunement but Im not sure it would make a difference. The karmic attunement description makes it seem it should be enough. I have a very high sex drive and have used many fields in the past to help curb urges and transmute vital essence.

I’d say loop these for a while (30 minutes a day each):

And this:

(about 3-4 times)

The root cause of your fatigue will become more evident and easier for you to target with time, then you can more easily address it.

These things tend to develop gradually in stages, be patient with it.


This tends to help with revision fields (meditate to it 2-3 times before your revision playlist):


This is great for mental an emotional release


Maybe you are suggesting yourself?

I had a very bad time with some sapien fields, especially with PONR, but after I went through my deepest fears and anxieties that I didn’t know I had, calm came.
It’s the way healing works, you must go through a healing crisis and most likely that is what you are experiencing.

In any case, you can write to her mail morpheusfields@gmail.com

I suggest that in addition to listening to Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning and the other recommended audios, you use the Auric and Energy Body Repair


I recently found a audio by spirituality zone called daily clearing and it suppose to clear all of the energy that is in the environment including yourself I assumed and that the permanent results integrator by maitreya fields you say a delete command and that you say the name of the morphic field and from what creator it came from and it would clear the energy from you from the field or programmed audio you listened to is there a audio somewhere on youtube or anywhere else that does the same thing except of course you just listened to this audio first and then you would play the morphic field or programmed audio you listened to after the first audio to undo the energy from you I appreciate it it would help me as well thanks.

HI again can someone can on here contact morpheus fields because she hasnt gotten back to me and so can somebody here that is on her patreon contact her so that she knows that I have emailed her I appreciate it thanks.

Hey justin how are you now what helped you Morpheus is not good for me too did some field helped u?

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Guys, Idk how you say that you got negative results from Morpheus, since I’ve seen only positive results, he’s one of my favorite creators (in The Hall of Legends, alongside Captain, Psychic University, Equilibrium, Programmed Intention, Helpfulwaves, Maitreya Fields, DrVirtual7, Sorcery Supreme and AKUO, among some of my favorites).

To give just an example: His/her Teeth field is Super strong, took away my toothache in minutes.


I don’t know why but this message seems to have been posted in Sep '23. but it appears among the recent comments lol is it a glicht or are you writing from the past? :thinking: (oh forget it, I saw that it was a message moved from another thread)

by the way they have answered you above

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This user has not been active on the forum since last year. What is your problem? maybe we can help

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For me morpheus is superbad and too much overwhelming for nervous system I was using only two makers one is hypnodaddy and one is morpheus and what made me come to this situation is morpheus hope I m right

If that is the problem just stop using those audios. It would be convenient to pause all energy tools of any creator. Seek grounding, sleep a lot and eat well and your system will heal eventually.

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My friend, Did you take a break from morphic fields?
Or listened to any other advice?
There were quite a few Advices offered, if I remember correctly.

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Morpheus feels different to me. While other fields seem like a pouring of energy, think like a shower of rain, which the skin absorbs in varying quantities and integrates based on various factors.

Morpheus fields feel like a digital code, or a chip - that clicks in, or not. I have only tried a few fields to test for Lucas, but they either worked right away, like a “click” and done, or just did not at all…

I did not sense anything bad or malignant or harmful though, even to the degree of the long-term energy wrecker Spirituality Zone.

I tried one of their face ratio audios (Morpheus) and instantly jaws were clicking and my face was changing instantly. Not like entirely, but did notice immediate changes. I made @This_Boy_Here try it and fields work very fast for him, but he did not have similar quick results with Morpheus though…

However, I prefer Sapien and PU and their personal-energy-neutral signature as opposed to infusion of personal energies (to varying extents, Morpheus and Quadible call them “love”)… I guess I am a Puritan who just does not like fillers, preservatives, extras, and that sort.


I have stopped everything but I don’t know how long I have to take break because whenever I try to listen I got so much head pressure which is not tolerable and very bad body sensations like some electricity is flowing not able to sleep if I try any audio now these effects stays for atleast 10 days thn slowly fades don’t know when I will be able to get normal and listen again

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My only suggestion is Yoga, to strengthen your Aura and Chakras Or take a looong break from fields, a few months at least.


Yes man no audios like grounding and nervous system ones helped only made the situation worse and worse and made me struggle for long time only stopping helps it’s like been 3 months I m struggling now don’t know how long I hve to wait but my experience is not good with all this from 2 years only bad results don’t know mixing creator is the prblm Or whts the issue

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You are apparently overloaded. Do physical grounding, walk barefoot in nature a couple of hours a day, or else you can just have your feet touch the ground or the grass in your garden or anywhere else is enough.