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Only way you can find this is by trying only one creator for 3-6 months, to be sure how you respond to their creations.

I would suggest to start with Sapien first.


Another alternative that you can consider is to get a pure copper bracelet, it is one of the most grounding things that I have tried, so much that I do not recommend wear it much, use it with caution if you want to try it, if you do not notice improvement after a few minutes or hours, stop using it. @Aste1


Really it’s not going to have any negative effect if I wear it for long time I will definitely do that if it helps bcz I m really in very bad situation thank you so much :blush:

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Wait, why is Spiritual Zone an energy wrecker? (I’m just curious) I have used their energy fields without problem, some are very powerful but they clearly specify that those fields should not be looped. They also have others that are quite gentle in terms of energy. Maybe it depends on each person or the interaction with other energies? :thinking:


Sz is fine I also didn’t get prblm with him with morpheus it’s like I m different person don’t know what kind of energy morpheus is using I m not blaming but for me it was very very bad one listen of hers is enough to spoil everything

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The truth is I didn’t know Morpheus until now, I don’t usually experiment with new creators unless my intuition tells me clearly or a reliable friend recommends it to me. But I see that Morpheus in his channel is quite discreet, he does not give many details about how he makes his fields or what energies it is based on, it does not mean that it is something bad but it could make some people distrustful.

I see that he have some interesting creations, although many others are things that I had already seen a long time ago that Sapienmed has done.

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I had the same experience with Morpheus. And on the same fields. One day the field’s results were so obviously working and were so good, the next day same field feeling nothing, feeling like it didn’t work at all, the upcoming day again working.

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Is it just me or did six months of postings disappear on this thread between 8569 and 8570?

Edit. Seems like there was a time stamp issue.

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Probably someone messing with the Time Travel vid I shared.

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The advanced protocols are 6 to even sometimes 12 times stronger than the normal ones. They are supposed to be listened to once, and that’s it for the day.

For example, if you listen to two advanced version audios twice a day, it’s like listening to 24-48 audios of the normal energy level audios. After this insight, do you think someone doing this is overworking themselves or not?

I understand there are people who can handle a lot of energy work and fields, etc., but I am referring to the average person.

About your severe energy issues… maybe they were caused by misuse.

If you used more than one advanced protocol a day every day, or
If you used an advanced protocol and then listened to Sapien or other energy fields, subliminals, or did any emotional healing, then this is already too much.

I exchanged some messages with SZ (Shiva) in the beginning of his work and tested a lot of his work. There are some amazing early audios like the WNEW (When Nothing Else Works) and “Release ALL Inner Fear to Taking Action In Life” which for advanced versions I had trouble with and Shiva recommended I listen to half of the tracks or even some minutes.
I listen to “Release ALL Inner Fear to Taking Action In Life” just once a week.

Also, something else which helped me was to be passive while listening. Any audios that do not need instructions I listen passively. Shiva is against this, but I observed that this doesn’t overwhelm me, I make use of my energy resources better, and it still works.

Just wanted to chime in and let you know about this as Shiva’s work is exceptional and unique, and if you bought stuff you like, you should not stop working with them, just figure out the right way to work with them. Give them some space between listens or listen for a shorter duration. I have a friend who worked and works with Shiva’s work long-term. Focuses on one aspect at a time. The changes she went through are out of this world. She is a different person. And that was done by clicking play on a 5 minute audio once a day every morning. Not paying huge amount of money to mentors and coaches, neither putting huge effort to achieve and fight through her identity, character and behaviours.



Toki Wo Tomare


I second this, it’s not for nothing that Shiva places so much emphasis on not overusing or looping his fields. Furthermore, a creator when he makes a field does not assume that in addition to that field you are using other 10 or more fields a day from other creators and that you are magnifying the energy of all of those, have you thought about how he does so that his advanced audios are x10 times more powerful than normal ones? There is probably a component that magnifies everything in your energetic body, so you should not add more things or listen to it more than you should, it is the responsibility of each person to be cautious when using the tools.

On the other hand, in case the misuse of the audios isn’t the reason, I think it is possible that some people are simply not compatible with certain energy signatures, as we can see in the case of Aste1, he says that the Morpheus audios have given him energy problems but with SZ he has not had problems, and the case of manu where SZ has given him problems. It may just be a personal issue, perhaps resonance or unknown factors.


I definitely have a clarity on my energy issues, just not everything is revealed in public.
Thanks for understanding.

Anyways, I do not want to disrupt the harmony of the thread … :blush:

Thank you everyone …

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Do subliminals also have effect on energy bodies? And do anyone having long term experience of subliminals specially hypnodaddy bcz I m not able to understand what created prblms for me hypnodaddy Or morpheus for me I believe 80 prcnt it’s morpheus bcz with hypnodaddy everything was fine after morpheus only after one listen of younger everyday things started getting bad can anyone tell?

Bad how? What did you exactly experience?

Subliminals give instructions to your subconscious, your subconscious works on subtle levels to translate them into various crystallizations. It doesn’t always block out negative things, depending on where you’re at.

You’d be helping a lot of people avoid some serious issues … but, as you wish.

Definitely do not listen to or interact with anything giving you severe life-crippling damage.

Like I was using only one or two subliminals of hypnodaddy then one day I used younger everyday of morpheus it made my body weak I literally felt that I ignored and continued with hypnodaddy and in 10-15 days agn younger everyday of morpheus it kept making me very weak and like this one year passed I left morpheus and still it was happening like this then it went into my head like lot of head pressure and body sensations had to admit to the hospital and journey after that u know I have told here many times like I can’t use anything now

In my expirience, every field that involves physical changes includes an energy consumption, if the field does not infuse you with extra energy to carry out those changes or repairs then your body uses your own vital energy, the more you use it without recharging properly, the more you deplete your vital energy. In the same way, subliminals use your own energy to manifest things through your subconscious. If you don’t have a lot of prana in reserve you will feel exhausted after certain sessions.

For the same reason, the more energy/prana a person has in their body, the faster they will manifest or heal.