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I tried the zero point on YT now, felt pretty nice! Tried to trace people who created it, can see 3 or 4 faces, so it seems to be work of more than one person somehow …

Production quality feels good too! Nice video and audio.


Yes I’m using their fields extensively.


Oh nice! I searched your posts and saw some posts, thanks Scribe!

Any specific fields you recommend? The prices do seem exorbitant, but heck no big deal if they are indeed worth the price.


I’ve spent a lot of money, and I know I am blessed financially, so I don’t like to make recommendations on premium audios that cost a thousand or more. But let’s just say I have them all.

And if I were to pick one, it would be Zero Point. I have Supreme. One can get plenty of miles out of the free, or Advanced, or Pro versions.


Alkul is typing. It will be good I am sure. His EWFAE recommendations are spot on.


So to kind of form a middle ground here - I agree that it can be overwhelming, and definitely damage if misused.

But, to give SZ credit, at least he is very clear about the implications of not following his instructions.

As far as deities go, that is 100% accurate. The Mantra Files mimic the action of the mantra recitation/the energy, without the connection - so it’s kind sorta a morphic field, but not quite. He does have direct connection audios like “Vision of the Divine Mother” - but for the most part, if you’re looking to connect with a specific deity, his files can only serve as a way for you to personally show devotion (treating them personally as a way to do it), or get a replica of expected results. If you want a direct connection, you’ll need devic intercession, or any of Captain’s intercession audios for your preferred realm.

As for the energy files themselves … they’re like heavy lifting, and not everyone can take that.

Being in the presence of an actual energy with consciousness means just that, there is tension and interaction - Unlike Captain’s fields which teach your own system to bring results about, SZ’s files “train” your system to do it, and with training comes a bit of resistance and friction.

You can tear muscles lifting too heavy, so the risk is much higher with SZ’s fields, for sure.

With heavy lifting, also comes requirement for rest. This means you have to be ultra-specific and limited in your goals. Most people will simply not want that.

From what I’ve gathered, however, it seems SZ respects Captain’s work, and recognizes his mastery of the craft. He did post something about disliking people who just want to passively listen to things because he believes it to be a lack of conviction in what one wants. It’s a personal statement, I don’t think it says anything about how he views Captain.

Ultimately, people should follow their intuition. We’re all here to learn different lessons. The individual matters more than the product or tool (although, generalities can be drawn in certain cases).

Moashan’s mission is not in alignment with SZ’s files - other people may be. He’s just expressing an opinion, and a personal experience, treat it as that… that’s the most honorable and respectful thing to do.

For instance, I really like EWFAE’s stuff, but it doesn’t mean that everyone else should. I love Captain’s Higher Being Experience, some feel nothing from it. You guys should really walk your own paths … it will help you be true to yourselves, and make it easier for others to feel comfortable sharing their experiences with you.


Yeah I did read your older posts where you mentioned the energy was abrasive as you put it, but I didn’t know it could wreck the energy body. Big yikes… I was attracted to their files because of their diversity and because the basic version of the files are free. There are some real interesting ones like the Hanuman Chalisa, WNEW, the 21/108 shields… I know Sapien has made NFT’s about Hanuman and Shielding, but right now I can’t afford to invest my money on them.

I also read about this in other posts. In fact, 2 days ago I was doing some more research about SZ and I found a comment by SZ that reminded me of your posts. This basically confirms what you previously noticed:

It’s fine. Sorry if you felt dragged down, I didn’t mean to.


Its funny u say that, because somone else mentioned that ewfae has said that his fields are charged by multiple people


It’s easily felt - TCP audios have even more people involved.


Is that his advanced version?


I remember reading the desc, lots of whoo words i didnt get the whole thing.

just reread it, i do understand more lol. Its a bit like soul contiuum

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A bit - minus the Divine Intercession and luck aspects.

It basically helps you awaken multidimensional awareness.

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By the by,

A wondrous Place - Community NFT

If you can, get this.


Almost never see that one come up for sale.


Hey @Alkul

I was taking a look at EWFA’s gumroad and I don’t know if it’s just my imagination but their mandalas that cost +$70 seem to work even without purchasing, that is to say I think I could feel the energy just from seeing them, strong in my third eye. Can you confirm if that’s the case or maybe it’s just my mind. :thinking: ( In my opinion it should have buyer protection)

This for example:

Link: Digital Mandala: Malachite Crystal

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It does have energy, but that’s probably more like a sample of the real thing.


My experience with buying a few mandalas off that page is that those are not the actual mandalas. I’ve bought a few and the mandala is different than the picture on Gumroad. They don’t look the same.

Oh okay, that makes sense. Like a free sample from supermarkets I guess. Thank you :+1:

This is a lesson I should apply more often… I spend a lot of time investigating and perfecting the theory, but maybe this never-ending perfectionism is making me progress more slowly than I should… It’s that fear of fucking up that I find limiting me so often.


Oh interesting, although the sample image does seem to have a hint of the energy. thanks for the reply👍