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Quantum Power? Or is there another one similarly named?

Wow :grimacing:


Nope. Looking at Deep Sleep right now and don’t see it. But I fully admit to often missing the obvious.

Ah. Yeah I don’t read those. Probably should.

On another topic, Quadible is going to release this booster on March 17th.

How do you guys think it will be different from their other boosters? This is a release celebrating their 300k subscribers, so I think it will be one of their most potent boosters.


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Atlantean tech is imba man.

Judging by the name, they’ll probably leverage some stargates.

I feel like a boomer… had to search what did imba mean lol
The Era of the tools as I read somewhere is indeed very fascinating, I wonder what surprises lie ahead.

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How is this used anyone got any more information on this one ?

For now, I’m playing it for 1-2 sessions a day.

First listen watching in a low brain-wave state, then I listen 2-3 more times in a meditative state.

If you’re not energy sensitive at all, stick to 2 times just to be safe.

This tends to build up more the more you play it, by the fourth play I’m already saturated with the energy and need about 30 minutes to integrate anything else into my system.

This field creates a transformative space where the boundaries between your conscious, subconscious, and higher dimensions blur. Imagine your mind as a quantum field of interconnected energies, each resonating in perfect harmony to create an orchestration of profound possibilities.

Picture your thoughts not as isolated entities but as intelligent quantum harmonics, dynamically interacting to amplify and co-create. Quantum Resonance Integration facilitates a symphony of consciousness, where your intentions and energies resonate with the quantum fabric of the universe, inviting a cosmic dance of creation and manifestation.

Your brain waves synchronize not just within, but harmonize with the cosmic frequencies, creating a feedback loop that amplifies your cognitive abilities, intuition, and creative insights. The result? An accelerated evolution of your mental landscape.

Step beyond the constraints of linear time as Quantum Resonance Integration transcends temporal limitations. Engage with your past, present, and future selves simultaneously, tapping into the wealth of knowledge, experiences, and potentials across the timeline of your existence.

Uncover the Living Code within you – a dynamic sequence of consciousness that adapts and evolves. This field activates this Living Code, unlocking dormant potentials, talents, and abilities that lie latent within the quantum fabric of your being.

Closing the Quantum Loop:
As you immerse yourself in Quantum Resonance Integration, witness the closing of the quantum loop within your consciousness. Embrace a reality where the lines between what is perceived and what is possible blur, and where your existence is an ever-expanding exploration of the infinite dimensions that reside within you.

So in simpler terms, think of this as Imaginarium Divine ++ (minus the experimental vocal feedback sub-field) with hints of The Singularity (which is far more than just Om Mani Padme Hum, and in need of a new description, lol)


If you talk about energy tools (fields) I agree. The growth of the community is exponential, there are more and more new creators and they do more and more powerful stuff. Some say it is because of the Age of Aquarius. (changes and innovations in technology and health beyond everything seen)

Maybe one day it will be possible to turn stones into food. :wink:


Advanced Tech

Again here. The main reason why I use SZ is because my desires is very specific and also very unknown. I’m literally attempting to recreate a fictional virus (also beneficial) with the recreation likely being as very slow compared to the ingame counterpart. I also don’t know what the final result be once the virus transforms me (as the only example is Morpheus and he was likely an outliner due to his mindset effecting the transformation) so that is what the unknown is.

This sounds like it could be better if it made you aware of all this with clear boundaries. Cause the conscious mind makes up too much bs.

Sounds like collective consciousness field, but besides asking a question, you can send your intentions there.

Sois this is the elixir to attachment? “Pendulums”? and a key to actual flow?

Seems like they be ripping off your ideas man xD

I’ve been wanting to know this, so thanks. I just don’t know, what the intention towards the cyberpunk players was xD

I’ve been experiencing too many synchronicities these past days. I’m not the only one though. But I will think it is this field (I haven’t used it yet :P). This is like the culmination of it all.

See how the conscious likes to make up bs?


The ideas are not mine. They’re accessible to everyone.

Blurring the boundaries is the only way to go about this - aside from having them removed completely, in which case you’ll probably start having direct communication and interaction with those realms, which is effectively, not what anyone wants. (in their right mind)

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If you’re using Biokenesis 2.0 on yourself, make sure to eat plenty of protein and ground daily. This field is very resource heavy.

Whatever you do, remember to take safety measures to contain it. No need to say why

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oh brother that short was made to scare all the biohackers :sob: lol

Tbh I’m also using it on my cat as I said before. I’m not going to do the same to him as I’m doing to myself though. Basically I’m attempting to turn his left eye color from blue to lime green, and also make it more functional as it is underdeveloped/malformed due to a prenatal infection in said eye. I’m also going to attempt to replace the AIM gene (apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage) in my cat with the human equivalent, so he’ll live longer and not have renal problems in the future. I also replaced my genes (nonfunctional Vitamin C and uric acid genes) with the cat equivalent.

Regenerating his gonads enough so he’ll get testosterone and estrogen intake is also a part of the goal but not as important as the other two.