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I also recall this existing

I wonder what one can use this technique for if not for love or rather the human understanding of love. I would think that love in this case is just a higher form of unity rather than unity + affection. There’s no true affection here, just objective harmony.

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@Alkul hello! Just wondering, how long have you used Ewfae? Do you think they are safe to use? Some fields on YouTube can be looped. I am interested in the five elements series.

I have never heard about this creator until I saw your review here. Just curious, how do you know this creator at the first place? Thanks

Does anyone have a recommendation for a free video that currently induces sleep and solves the problem of insomnia? I’ve had an issue of waking up frequently and then falling back asleep, but I got used to functioning that way. However, at the beginning of february, it’s like some change just happened, a certain click, and a significant difficulty in falling asleep even when lying in bed for hours occurred. Eventually, I sleep very briefly, become excessively tired, etc. I’ve tried fields from Sapien, SZ, and various others I came across by chance, but nothing helps. Not even melatonin as a supplement. If anyone knows of a proven field, it would mean a lot to me. Thank you.

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I ran across their channel in the comment section of another “creator” (I don’t recall the name).

Tried a few for a while, liked the results.

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Maybe it’s an adaptation happening?

If no negative effects can be discerned, why care?

If negative effects can be experienced, then use PU’s sleep deprivation and side effects fields (patreon)

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Do u think morpheus results are permanent as she says in her audios that it’s not like sapien medicine it gives permanent results she says it’s get downloaded in your body and permanent plz tell bcz obviously I don’t want that

Funny, besides Sapien, SZ is the one who works best for me. Looks like I’m the type of person that benefit the most when the energy is being hardcore on me rather than subtle.


Saw this post exploded with discussions so I am here to throw in my 2c

Personal opinion and experience only, PM for details

SZ - Got me bedridden for two days using just like 2 fields (10 total with SM), granted that I haven’t done much back then to develop my energy but this is just… dangerous. I was otherwise considering myself to be healthy, never caught c19 or at least showing no symptom.

Morpheus - Neutral, probably didn’t work for me, no side effect either.

Ewfae - non TCP stuff didn’t work for me, wealth creation on YT was the best abundance/wealth related file I have ever used, works better than SM wealth generation for me and my business. Free.
Thanks for the explanation that this is collab with several people hence the crazily high price tag on some premium, hmm if they take down the free wealth creation I might go get the supreme ver when it is discounted. Gonna try out the other free TCP stuff later.

In general the best surprises that performed better and FREE are Dagon/The healer from Equilibrium and wealth creation from Ewfae for me, like these two probably replaced most field/NFT need for me and now I can focus time/resources on my fitness stack.


I will use The Healer to be able to use SZ fields.

Hope I don’t end up busted like last time.


SZ has “Energy Body Healing” … the advanced version strengthens it.

I’d say safest bet is use that for a while to gauge how you feel.


What does spiritual zones do to you, is it to overwhelming?

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Hmm to be serious about it, I don’t think it is a good idea to do something that you already know that is going to wreck your system even if you already have a fix for it…

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@Alkul do you think they are safe to use, like Sapien or Maitreya Field?
Ewfae seems to be more than 2 years old (based on youtube upload date).

Besides point zero, what other track will you highly recommend on youtube and gumroad? Thanks

Zero Point (youtube), Quantum Resonance Integration (youtube), The Sacred Organ Alignment (instagram - mandala) and the Magician (instagram - mandala).

Try these for a while and gauge if you notice any improvements.


I wear 2 copper bracelet, but they have magnets, i bought them on Amazon.
I bought them because I suppose they act like antennas to better capture and integrate the morphic fields.

I still want to know if wearing magnets is a good option while using morphic fields.

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@Alkul Oh Instagram! I haven’t thought about that, let me check out his account. Thanks for the referral!

I’m starting to see a repeating pattern in people who say that Spirituality Zone fields overwhelm them. They are people who, in addition to listening to the SZ fields, apparently listen to many other fields during the day and are used to having daily stacks of 10 or 20+ audios for quite some time, presumably their energy system is saturated. This is something said by Shiva in one of his fields:

I recommend that if you plan to use any of the SZ fields and you are used to using many fields daily, first take a few days of rest and listen to them with your system clean. And if you are going to continue listening to them, limit the number of fields you use to 2 or 3 maximum. As you develop more Resistance*.


I have read that magnets if their north poles are opposite can create an EMF protective electronic field for you. but I don’t know what it has to do with better integrating the morphic fields.

Link: How to Create An Item That Repels Negative Energy & EMF Radiation – Enlightened States

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You’re assuming that lack of tolerance is the only issue.

People do develop tolerence by hitting head against the wall, repeatedly, probably. Is it worth it though, when there are better options?

Brute force often gets mistaken for effectiveness. ‘I am feeling something finally, so this must be effective & good’.