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I’m sorry if I expressed myself wrong, English is not my first language. Instead of tolerance, I was referring to resistance, which consists of the ability to withstand the effect of something that you previously could not bear and that now your body has become stronger/robust to withstand it without problems. Like weight lifting exercises for example.

It is true that brute force does not mean effectiveness, in my case I have used some of SZ’s audios not because they are more powerful than others but because some of their concepts and approaches are very original and no other creator has something like that. And I have also done it with care like when I discovered SM for the first time and the other creators I trust.

And well, at the end of the day it is just a personal recommendation, I have tried to be as cautious as possible so that no one exposes themselves to unnecessary harm, take it with a grain of salt.

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No worries at all :) :heart:

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I honestly don’t know. I go with my unconscious choice.

And my unconscious choice was SZ for a while.

If we’re talking nervous system overwhelm, nope. Nothing like what I’ve seen on the forum sometimes.

But yeah, all it can do is make you need to take some rest from fields. For some weeks to a month to several months.

But…I was still using what I was going to use anyway (aka I didn’t even take a break, and nowadays I listen to 3 fields of him a day).

So yeah, like Jay, I think if anyone has problems with SZ it is cause they listen to 100 fields a day.

I think it can exhaust you and maybe you need a break and that’s all. But, everyone is different and as you see some have serious problems from things they shouldn’t. SZ is already known to be intense, so caution is necessary.

Equilibrium’s fields kicked my ass too. It takes too much refinement or care to make fields that work gently when they are working though a lifetime of trauma and a “beyond repair” vessel. Some pain and discomfort is unavoidable.


I myself made a subliminal called ‘inner twilight’. it has the affirmations to repair the energy bodies with 4D and 5D twilight energy as well as attempt to awaken ‘inner twilight’ power among other things. it is a fusion between inner light and inner darkness in terms of magic. I also empowered it with a modified version of the MoAB by SZ (I won’t explain how it was modified) to have it be 20-25% as powerful as the omnipotence advanced, also by SZ.

I also found out today a technique to more efficiently use the energy (also passively). You ask the energy to store itself in the heart chakra and have it released over a designated period, with what it is supposed to do of course. I had body talk and subconscious unblocker (both are also modified to be intermediate compared to the advanced and YouTube versions) be stored in my heart chakra and have it released over about 15 minutes with the purpose of unblocking cellular blockages towards my mutagen-related work as well as workout morphic fields (body talk), and subconscious blocks towards the same mutagen-related work and writing blocks of both reluctance of starting and what to write (Subconscious unblocker)

That’s cool stuff.

I will say that this MoAB is 25% masculine energy and 75% feminine. it is also either slight above or slight below the power of the advanced version. It can also increase the power and intelligence of energy fields but mostly morphic fields and subliminals.

body talk is iirc 250% the power and consciousness of Youtube version and subconscious unblocker is 500% more intelligent than the Youtube version (not more powerful or more energy like SZ described the advanced version) which I think makes it more percise and maybe accurate (also can make assumptions better and possibly create new subconscious programs) rather than have more of a punch like what more power does.

I will still not say how it was modified but I will say it wasn’t by me (the modifers want to remain anonymous)

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They offer the Youtube version for free on Gumroad for the zero-point field. Production quality is fantastic. I was playing this on my Home Theater with 12 speakers and phew, quite an experience.

The Godform one is pretty interesting based on the description, but I will play around more with their YT versions before taking a plunge.

This one seems pretty interesting too (but works only for Ewfae fields)



wow that sounds like a truly immersive experience :grin:

Key Features:
Clear and Concise Kundalini Activation Program, Introduction to Basics of Unity Consciousness, Foundation for Exploring 5th-Dimensional Consciousness.

There is something I don’t understand about that field and it is the key features, do these functions happen automatically when listening to the field or are they referring to these things possibly happening with continuous use?

I would like to experience zero point energy but I am not sure if i want to stimulate/activate kundalini, I understand that it is not something that one should force, rather it is something that should happen naturally with spiritual growth.


So, regarding the Instagram mandalas - those have been useful to use:






(there’s a paid version of the last one, but I’d use the free one for a while before making up my mind if I were you)

The first 2 mandalas are insanely good for what they do.

There are also these which took a while to build up to full potency, but, they’re effective too at what they do:




I read your comment before you deleted it bro, I hope you don’t mind that I still respond, the truth is that I don’t know anything about my kundalini, my knowledge is limited to what I have read and heard from other people’s experiences, superficial things mostly. I think there is a popular belief that it is something that should be activated when you are ready, but how do I know that I am ready? I don’t know,There are many things I’m still a newbie at. but I would appreciate any kind of insight.

Go within, and ignore everything you pass through and see - just continue to focus on a singular intent: I want to go deeper, and deeper.

Things will happen organically.


Thank you :pray:t3:

Not to scare you - but to give you a heads up … you may face primal fears, or even events … it will not be a comfortable ride … the path to true bliss is genuinely a harsh one for those starting from 3D. (or so it appears. It’s a blessing in disguise)


oh man the human experience seems to be truly limitless and fascinating, thanks for the words :pray:t3:

I use this. Three times a day I listen to Zero Point Supreme followed by Red Dragon where I’ve hooked up about three dozen paid and free EWFAE fields.


I finally found them…took awhile, as most of them are video

“The Sacred Organ Alignment”


“The Magician”


I’m no longer sure exactly what it’s adapting to. It’s just difficult to function when the mind is awake, and the body is tired, disrupting the biorhythm, which, in turn, affects all other aspects of life. Sometimes, I truly need a deep and regenerative rest on all levels.

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Nice article !

Also what do you thinks about taking pills to build a better integration and assimilate the fields better ?
I was thinking about Gold and copper in pills on a daily basis.
I already try copper and it seems to help with fields integration


oh yes some say that gold helps with that although it is important to keep it in low doses. SM has a field about mstate gold and silver, with this you wouldn’t need the pills.