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That sounds like adrenal fatigue or adrenal bornout. I have been through that, try to use the kidney and adrenal regeneration audio by SM only once a day, you must be careful not to use too many fields because your body and nervous system has been very stressed from lack of sleep so do not put more burden. On the contrary, try to avoid all internal and external stressors, no caffeine or stimulants, no screens/tv/pc during the day , turn off the Wi-Fi and phone when you go to sleep, remove any energetic objects such as mandalas, crystals, orgonites, etc. from your room. If there is a stone that would help you in this case, it is shungite.

Try to spend the day in nature relaxing if possible that would help a lot and being in bed as early as you can 9pm would be good. The climate must also be suitable for sleeping, neither too cold nor too warm.

and finally ensure good ventilation of your sleeping place, keep it full of fresh air. The negative ion generator field can help with a couple of loops before sleep.

Extra tip: eat some pistachios and pumpkin seeds :ok_hand:


Is Lumierd subliminals safe ?

Yes I tried it. Thanks
Also i want to try raw supplements instead of looping one more Fields. i want to experiment new ways to integrate the morphic fields, like wearing copper etc


Very possible that you’re right. I probably need a longer break from listening to fields, energy files, and everything that sparks my interest. Although I’ve tried to limit myself to just 4 fields a day, there’s always something I start experimenting with, and then a quite long list piles up. When I finish the cycles I’ve started, I’ll take a month off from everything, and the rest I mostly already practice. I’m also trying to find my proper sleeping direction according to feng shui, but it still eludes me. Thanks for the useful advice. :purple_heart: :star:


Cranking up some demanding healing fields and then using deep sleeper may work.

Also using ATo Vaikuntha Loka and asking “it” to remove any and all anxiety, worry, or stress, so you have the best possible sleep. I often ask to have a silent mind so I can be worry free and have the best possible sleep.

I’d also skip sleep once, whenever it is easiest. And maybe try changing the place? I can sleep easier on the couch than the bed…but sleeping on the couch isn’t quality sleep. Though…if I’m desperate to sleep…

There are stress fields too…I think they may help. If you didn’t have stress before the insomnia…you proably do now.

Since we’re talking about EWFAW, I remember these:

This energetically programmed field is designed to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, stress, depression, chronic pain, and insomnia all at once.

This can take care of every psychosomatic aspect of anything one may be going through.


These may need some consistent use for a while, but you will know if they benefit or not straight away. They were quite impressive in their effect on me. You feel it physically straight away. Or if you’re energy sensitive, you may feel it more energetically but I feel them physically straight away.

The description of this one says not to mix with other fields from other creators though, and that it amplifies whatever you listened to before it (ideally from them). I didn’t try this one so I can’t comment but I will now xD

So it looks like these fields are a nice little stack to go to sleep with.

Good luck ^^

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There’s some truth to that. It turns out I sleep better on my sofa in the living room than on the excellent bed in the bedroom, where there’s a super comfortable mattress. It’s probably a combination of several factors causing it, they just need to be identified and addressed one by one to create some balance. Sometimes you may feel perfectly fine with yourself, but perhaps you’re living in a stressful environment that you currently can’t change. I’ve already listened to something about anxiety from Sapien’s channel. Ewfae is already on my list, so I’ll try to incorporate these fields as well, although I’m not sure if I truly feel the effects of his fields. But, he deserves a chance. Thanks for the recommendations and for understanding, you’re always very kind. :purple_heart: :slightly_smiling_face:

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So I had this idea to gather all mass/global-effect, positive energy fields, meditations and such by all trusted creators we know in one place: Global effect meditations/energies - so that anyone interested in participating can have a quick resource to look them up!

What audio is that from her ?

Do you guys know some free field that can help me improve with cryptos/trading? I have seen that sapien medicine does not have any, at least for free :eyes:

Hi @Sofia!

Pink and Yellow Nice to see you again

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this is from the binaural nutrition discord. Cisco is the moderator

People from the BN and Kabus communities are very toxic


This Cisco dude makes no sense.

The problem starts already with the definitions of “masculine” and “feminine” character traits and aspects.

Who defined these?

His knowledge of what “masculine” and “feminine” character traits and aspects are supposed to be probably are simply mental copy paste from some mainstream spiritual blog or a list he read somewhere at a young age.

The feminine can be rational and logical in its own way.
And the masculine has its own feelings and intuitions.
Energy work can be both.
These concepts are not black and white like these dudes think they are.

I am pretty sure “masculine” and “feminine” character traits are often completely different than what most lists on the internet or spiritual texts define.

Probably also heavily distorted through human perception of what the gender roles look like.

And I think only people who have properly integrated both, will actually know.
Maybe only the Higher Self, who experienced incarnations in all genders, will truly understand.

Anyways, statements like these are just proof that this Cisco guy has no clue what he is speaking about.


I think Cisco is equating masculine to Apollonian and feminine to Dionysian , which is a traditional binary in Western Culture until yesterday. (Not saying the dichotomy is correct or comprehensive, but the New Age source would be borrowing, probably unknowingly, from Nietzsche .) Putting that aside, the idea that energy work is all (or primarily) feeling-based (intuitive) as opposed to a more rational process has an appeal because it fits with the notion of shutting down the monkey “narrating” mind, but whether that is the experience of energy workers is another matter entirely.

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Cisco seems like an idiot.

I looked at this discord server and the guy speaks nonsense. ‘Sapien fields are trash, FK subs is next-level energy programming, and so on’.

I guess he is some frustrated middle-aged guy who caters to a bunch of equally frustrated teenagers haha. We have some of the members here too, who keep saying bad things about Sapien there on the discord server and then show up here to ask questions lol I guess that is why no matter how much they dig, some folks never get results - their energy systems are screwed up.

I would not take any person seriously who thinks the toxic FK moron is a good creator!

Nazi propaganda, rape discussions of women, its a toxic cesspool of incels who really sound like scumbags and Cisco is their scumbag-in-chief. I guess that server and its despicable members (including the shameless ones that show up here as propagandists for FK/Kabus after making disrespectful comments about Sapien there) deserve each other.

Some messages suggested that this guy Kabus/FK was sharing ISIS/Al-Qaeda videos, some other person questioned and the response was, “it was for music”. Lol, who shares ISIS/Al-Qaeda videos for “music” for heaven’s sake? Are there no sources for music other than these terrorists? This group needs to be on FBI scanner.

I scrolled through the server for a few minutes, felt mentally sick and stopped. Disgusting …


damn. stuck in the survival state. i hope he finds peace one day

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oh i missed this. i doubt he will ever find peace then, god


I am reminded of why I don’t use Discord…


I had no idea discord is this bad!