Discussion for other Creator Channels

That too.

You might consider looking at Kottie’s channel. She is considered by many to be the queen of subliminal makers now. Most of her subliminals are fairly noisy though, so you might not be able to listen to them simultaneously with fields. Miss Synergy (Now ‘Cee’) tends to use rain, waterfalls, rivers, etc. for her masking noises. ‘I Want It, I Got It’ (That is actually the name of her channel, yes) is the easiest to listen to as she tends to use masking sounds like that similar to being inside an airplane (Brown/pink maybe? Not as harsh as white.) You’ll have to spend some time deciding what exactly it is that you are looking for, as in a certain look, features, changes, alterations, etc. There are numerous other channels that are great, but most of them use music for their masking. Others use their own types of energy and it can actually be conflicting with the fields, files and frequencies you could be listening to. It probably needs to be affirmed that Morphic Fields are stronger and more effective than subliminals and that the subliminals themselves should only be used as a source for subconscious guidance if you don’t have a clear idea of what your end result is at the time.

Just as a test run (to see if anything happens or you feel any sensations) here is one of Kottie’s ‘calm’ subliminals. Try listening to this a few times on ‘loop’ while simultaneously listening to The Deep Facial Remodelling field a few times. She doesn’t use any energy in her subliminals so there won’t be any conflict between the two. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nzkNJ6I-Yw


Actually, for Deep Facial Remodeling I strongly recommend this one:

++ any angel / warrior skull subliminal that you like (Kottie has amazing ones)

But these suggestions are better moved to the apt thread - discussion for other channels :)


moza morph is good :heart:


Yeah she is awesome and for many things too. Her formula 4.0 specifically works wonders for the results it brings!

This one face subliminal is extraordinarily good - you will feel the shift in your face right as the subliminal plays. It is my emergency look good sub haha


This is not bad :joy:


Oh yeah that was her earliest days. These are still so potent. She probably put all her efforts into her starting days too!

But these have frequencies, i remember i commented on her channel asking about them. They have like 528hz or something.


but she use MEF’s affirmations to morphic field in some of her audios
it’s obvious on some of them and hard to tell on others

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just talking about the energy conflict but otherwise i saw many many subs that are filled with positive feedbacks in comments and are layered with MEF’s affirmations to morphic field converter(which actually made me wonder how that field works still fine after getting downloaded(converted)from youtube,edited and again uploaded)

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what about these?

and also

i don’t think that all of the feedbacks are because of subconscious resistance etc because sub users mostly don’t believe in spirituality(i mean other side of things rather than just affirmations) as much and they rely more on law of assumption and believe they just get what they assume

i’m not saying anything (positive or negative) about moza i don’t have any tangible personal experience to say something about her

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How long did it take for the effect to build up? And I assume you are on SR?

Wait what. Multiple HS for 1… like what I would consider as myself human now?

That being said, in regards to the discussion above, PU’s Bias field got my attention recently, after my biases got my attention of course :woman_facepalming:

Multiple levels, a version of your self which occupies each level.

The highest self is the version of your consciousness which reaches the highest level you currently have access to.


Think of it as a light hitting multiple refractive surfaces … each surface causes the light to grow dimmer and diverge into more shades … the original light would be the highest expression of you.

Honestly, I keep repeating the same answers to the same questions, how do you not grow dizzy from all this spinning in circles, lol.

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I try to keep up, hope you guys don’t get offended :)

This is just such a bizarre statement tbh…

It’s neither a race, nor is it a debate.

You’re the only one who either benefits or fails to benefit from it.

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Part of what that meant was that I didn’t come across or conceptualize such an explanation previously (not being around the forum entirely)


@Dyst0p14n Testing this out today! I’m aware of all the submakers you mentioned. I also took a look at the one you recommended and im cool with experimenting with that one considering the benefits mentioned.

Unrelated, running Speed Up Physical Changes multiple times actually made my face hurt by itself which is crazy.

@anon83343177 We love a defined face but theres a benefit in there that says less than 0% facial adipose tissue which is a bit concerning. That aside it looks like it would actually pair perfectly with The Deep Facial Remodeling since its an overhaul! Im a big fan of what going into the angel skull look though! So i will be playing around with some of those bundled subs but I love the idea of focusing on a single change at a time as well.


Yeah but these aren’t really literal – these are forms of exaggeration added to the sub just to get the “fastest results” etc.

Wow it must have recognized the changes you’re aiming for!

Yes it’s like remodelling subconscious version :)

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