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You’re polar opposite of me haha… I pretty much play all SM fields at min volume (I love you Dream lol) while I blast PU and Ewfae at full until I get bored of the sound :sweat_smile:


I personally put manly man on full volume for hours a day



PU has some of the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard made field

The eyes one, the classical, its just incredible


I think It’s Thinking Out Loud Piano Cover

The music of Divine Voice is lit asf too



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Which one?

The Advanced, Pro or Supreme version?

i got recently the Pro version and i’m really impressed by the effects of the multidimensional-alignment and detachment…it almost feels like i’m floating around.


Hello guys, I want to share my experiences of 3 years using all kinds of modalities. These results are personal, so your experience may vary. Also, I am open to discussion, so let’s talk about it:

  1. My First Start - Hypnodaddy Subliminals: I listened for maybe a few weeks, about three. I had results; for example, with the Primitive Alpha Male subliminal, my voice became deeper, working out was easier, and I wanted to work out. There definitely were some nice effects.
  2. SubliminalSHOP - Paid Subliminals: I listened to an Overcome Fear subliminal in two versions. The first one for 6 months and the next updated one for 7 months. While I can say it worked from the start, after some time, maybe a month or two, the results were not so strong. They haven’t gradually increased. It worked, then hit a plateau. I don’t remember exactly, but it did make living easier for the first month and then it stayed like that.

Overall, it wasn’t bad, but one should expect more results from a $200 subliminal at that time.

(Keep in mind that I am a very diligent person when it comes to this. I never skip even one day when I am supposed to use/listen.)

Subliminal CLUB: I spent most of my time with these guys: 2 years.

  • Benefits: Overall, I grew much. My girlfriend saw all my transformation and I became more mature. I mainly used their alpha and wealth stuff. I have better IQ, more self-worth, productivity. It erased my block of not starting my own business. With their subliminals, I finally believed in myself to start something on my own and not be stuck in a 9-5 job my whole life. Also, their new subliminal technology hits hard. I feel different after just some hours of listening to the first 15-minute audio. They are strong - I think nothing on subliminal YouTube can compare to the level of strength in their subs.
  • Cons: I was a nervous wreck much of the time. The changing process they call reconciliation is sometimes hard and can leave you depressed for some days. Wealth stuff hasn’t worked for me. While on their wealth subs, I actively did 2-3 business ideas for maybe 6 months, and I have never succeeded. So, their wealth stuff didn’t work for me. Also, alpha subs seem to raise my ego, so I used to get butthurt over little things and so on. I didn’t like that as I have never been that way before.

After 2 years, I started to feel like I was blocked. With all the good growth I mentioned, deep inside I felt like I was worse than I was before. On the visible side, I was better - like to my girlfriend’s eyes - also people give me lots of respect now - but on the inside, I was a fearful and nervous person, much of the time. I have never been like that before. Also, their healing subs don’t work for me. It never cured my traumas and so on.

And lastly, I have gained a lot of fat on while using their products. I had model like body, with sick pack abs, when havent used nothing or those earlier (Subliminal shop). But with these products of subclub, I had so much craving for junk food, it was imense. They told that we should eat more nutrients foods to counteract this, but my main foods and suplmenets was to the point, at that time, and havent helped. So to this day, I am still fat, I am working out, got muscles, but so much fat I have gained must be shed.

Morphic Fields: While I was using subliminals, they didn’t recommend pairing their subs with morphic fields so I haven’t experimented much, but had some results with Sapien then. But now, after stopping a month and a half, I was experimenting with fields:

Spirituality Zone: I know it’s not morphic fields, but - I tried their advanced karma burning, it was good, but it was erasing my subliminal results. I felt like that. Also, his Hanuman Chalisa Advanced seems to do nothing for me, just to make everything worse. My mental state was worse than it’s ever been, bad habits came up very strong. I was pairing it with SUBCLUB, so that may be the case. Shiva told me, that it will get worse before it will get better, but I was really suffering, and sometimes I don’t believe this statement.

Then I used his trauma healing and I abused it - just like 3-4 listens, and I became sick like for 3 days. Brutal headache, weakness. I thought I was sick so I went to the doctor thinking I had the flu or something. But well all these problems vanished after 3 days so it was because of this.

His energies are strong, and I think results could be nice, if someone listens properly but never abuses them, loops them. But for some reason, I haven’t stuck with him for long.

MEF Dynamics: I have bought his Gumroad strong versions 3 audios and listened to his free ones on YouTube. They work, I really feel an effect on my body when listening to them BUT: They have disappointed me in two ways: Weight loss audios two, I have lost 2 kgs, but it was in a calorie deficit also. But when I started eating more /not junk food regular more protein-based/ I got those 2 kgs back. So maybe I have lost 0.5 kg of pure fat in a month. That’s nothing, that could be very easily done without morphic fields for weight loss.

Also, his ultra-dynamics version promised fast results. Well, I listened to his block remover, and also free ones, they have some effect but nowhere near as he is saying. After 1 month of use, results are minimal to average which doesn’t contribute to his marketing - super fast and strong results - so I am a little bit disappointed.

But on the bright side, I am winning at the casino almost regularly. When I was younger I had limiting beliefs that I don’t have luck at gambling, but his money fields and also Sapien’s SLR showed me otherwise. So that’s nice.

Sapien Medicine: I am using his SLR 3 along with some other stuff to experiment and SLR 3 is great. I have paired it with MEF’s subconscious limit, so I unfortunately cannot say if MEF’s contributed to the change, But I am far more happier, less fearful, than I was.

What I am going to do: I am going to listen to Sapien, will give MEF one more month because I have paid 300 euros for those tracks, will try Programmed Intention too.

Also when I clear myself more I will maybe then try how subliminals will affect me. Remember maybe my blocks didn’t allow full subliminal execution. Also, this is my experience as I said, so yours will vary. Also everything listed here, contributed to growth. Nothing been just pure scam or like that. Everything had its place in my life, and from everything, you can grow more or less.

I am feeling hopeful and good.


Subliminal Shop stuff is really overpriced for what it delivers, isn’t it? I used the Overcome Guilt, Shame and Fear subliminal, the new gen one, according to instructions and quite dilligently and the results were… not too impressive, to say the least. I’m currently using Emotional Healing and Pain Relief aid and it’s working albeit pretty slowly, mostly as an aid to morphic fields and energy programming, not as the main course.

I’m also personally fed up with the creator of these programs as he has a tendency to be unplesant and blame anything wrong with his programs - especially unfortunate, and sometimes very serious, side-effects of their use - on his customers’ “resistance” to his glorious creations. :joy: But he a true Alpha Male, I guess. :crazy_face:

I do not trust the Subliminal Club guys, even though I purchased some of their stuff to try out early on, because I remember one of its owners and creators from the Subliminal Shop forums and whoo-boy, is that guy a piece of work, lemme tell you. :rofl:


yeah subliminal shop is overpriced and not worth the results, i think so too. But I dont know what to take from subclub. On the one hand, there is grow I must admit it, but on ther other side, side effects or bad results were huge too. I feel like something its not right. Or maybe that my subconcious was so blocked and full of shiat? :D


Hi there @Verman!

Nice 2 C U

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It’s difficult to tell given that these SubShop and SubClub “gentlemen” are very possessive of their “occult subliminal-making knowledge” so we don’t really know what they’re putting inside their programs, let alone what effects it is going to have as it is all still highly experimental. As far as I remember, the SubClub dude was heavy into certain aspects of chaos magick and the Kabbalah, while the SubShop guy is heavily invested in (pop)psychology and certain “discoveries” he purports to have made about “the workings of the subconscious”. :rofl: He’s also basing his scripts on some sort of obtuse “predictive modeling” system he’s developed.

I will admit, though, that SubShop stuff has become very impactful from a technical standpoint.

You can also try Psychic University, a trusted creator.
On his Patreon you will definitely find some interesting products that you will like.


Hello Thanks for welcome! Very nice to be here, where everyone can talk about everything without being flagged or blocked as “Competitor Promoting”.

Great forum.

This making situation more clear. Chaos magick and kabbalah explains a lot. Thanks for these info.

Thanks, I’m going to try!

Also, my weakness now is that I would like to try everything. The stronger, the better.

My goal is to finally make this campaign successful. I have created a great (at least in my opinion) landing page for my product. I’m going to make more copies with different texts and copywriting styles. Then, I will launch a Facebook campaign and also a YouTube TrueView campaign.

I have failed so many times at bussines, but I feel that this time I am at a better level in my work efficiency, page design, product quality, and everything. It took me a long time to create this, so I believe this will be successful. That’s my main goal. To finally be out of 9-5.

My next goal is to shed fat and also to clear myself of blockages subconsciously and energetically, so my life will become more free. I feel I need to free myself from restraints. What I am doing now is working and that’s awesome, but sometimes I get impatient and want something so strong that it will blow my mind in just a few days, which I think is impossible.

IF you guys have some tips for me, I would aprecciate that

Well, for clearing limiting beliefs, you could try pairing Sapien’s Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0 with Psychic University’s Subconscious Limits Dissolver Through Your Higher Self. That’s what I’m doing and it feels like it’s working. :slight_smile:

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Hi, i am new to this forum. Need information on slade. Is it safe to use. https://youtube.com/@slxde.?si=uJezti6fVT8Z_kxf

Yeah sorry. Completely disagree with you and you should perhaps stop spreading fear. I’ve been using sub club for five years and even through they’ve slapped me down for trying to reasonably talk about Morphic fields on their forum, I can’t deny how good the subs are. Also, knocking him for Kabbalah , which I also disagree with you on because neither Saint nor Fire have made a display of, but if they did, who cares? Their titles are based on science not the occult. Several times they’ve had to defend themselves on the occult discussion. You are entitled to opinions but you are speculating. A lot.

Before you dismiss me I’ve been using subs, binaural and technology for over 35 years and have tried nearly everything. From Bandler, to Monroe. And yes Subliminal shop which I don’t feel was effective. I was also part of the subliminal talk forum in 2015/2016. I’d share with you my handle but it was my real name. Started with Better Plot Design 4 and Natural Song and Lyrics 4. I do not remember the SubClub guys being on that forum. I do however still have some of the info that the EFT kid was giving away on there and his T3 technique which was weird but pretty damn effective until I learned the Satori clearing methods.


No. Not true.

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