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I wouldn’t know, better meditate on it :wink:


I feel ticklish when focusing on any Chakra, small local sensations, so Idk if it’s Kundalini necessarily.


one yogi said that without the experienced guidance of a person, yoga is voluntary madness.


You’re missing out on free gains

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Well, based on external feedback by others, when I was running his Masteron + Test + Andro Receptor + Superdrol stuff, I was beefing up very quickly.

The aggression was also hard to keep in check. It’s a type of tech I am not too familiar with, but, seems to work… although, I am not sure how effective (balance-wise) or safe it is long term, so I discontinued.

Thunderous Voice also worked rather well.

His SLR, Mindfulness and NZT-48 would pair well with Captain’s stuff.


Strobing? Like touching?

I have also felt this feeling rising upward sometimes when I endure the tickles lol I was able to feel it whole spine once.

Got it

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I’m 51. Done gaining. My goal is to continue to move well. When I go to CrossFit I still beat out most to all of the class, many who are half my age. I’m good, thx. I also own a gym. Am a PT. I know what I’m doing.


I think he was just trying to be sweet.

But respect :muscle: :muscle:


It’s Ornery Friday for me. My apologies.


It’s probably the GM storm … feel pretty floaty myself


Has anyone tried a creator called programmed intention on patreon? was gonna try his “remove lust programming from your ego” field


Several have spoke of him here. A few respected people have spoken of liking his energy. His fees are relatively low. His Patreon is like a $1 a month. EDIT: He appears to have raised his prices to $7 a month, which is still very reasonable.

My personal testimonial is that I did not find his Patreon fields very effective thus I don’t presently use them. Others have had good results, including, I think, Maoshan.


Just remember that PI also was talking about, and I believe developing fields that would remove or render useless the chakras, and that is a bit controversial (see his August 29, 2023 update on Patreon). personally, it is not for me.


Wanted to throw out there “Quantum Healing” from Patreon. For $25 I got a custom made. There’s some good fields on the Patreon. I was actually led there after Alkul linked a Dragon Intercession video (below) and that creator has now merged with Quantum Healing on Patreon.


I like PI, not using many of his fields at the moment though.

His Remove J-seals and Implants is one of the best fields I’ve ever tried.
You can find it on Patreon.

I’ve had pain and left side body problems and for that reason felt drawn to this J-seals thing. So when he released a field for that, “for free” on his Patreon I went for that.
It was like hitting through a glass ceiling, fields working much better, epiphanies, higher guidance. Like putting myself on a highway for problem solving, information, seeing the bigger picture. Stuff like that.
Highly recommend.


Really that sounds amazing I am always paranoid about trying new stuff in all honestly. I don’t know what J seals are because usually I never like looking into negative stuff like aliens or all this since it adds paranoia to me a lot and subconscious fear. Its like who will put this stuff to make you feel worse are they still in the phase of trauma and insecurity? Anyhow I might try that remove j seals did it make you more sensitive?

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Yeah, I don’t know what to make of the theory behind it. Not really into that kind of explanations, haha!
Could be one of many interpretations of the same thing, you know. :wink:

But something about this resonated with me in regards to the left side of the body-problems. So whatever the origin for this blockage removal, it was worth trying for me as no other field for meridians etc had worked.

Yes it made fields work better. And give intuitive information on how to combine fields.
Like as in before there was a block to see the “truth” about what’s needed.

I seldom use the term sensitive because there are fields I don’t feel but get good results from, so… :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s great I was a little skeptical about PU because of his removal chakra stuff, and things that I just didn’t understand etc, but maybe I try this fields, if it was the holy grail to open you up more to energy. Have you felt he has a good energy signature? I have tried his angel wings field once and astral bodies and head chakra stuff.

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Hmm the chakra removal stuff… don’t know what to make of that either. Maybe it should be seen as some kind of “chakra integration” for those who feel inclined.
Not my cup of tea at the moment. And not speculating on that topic further. :wink:

I feel his energy as clean, gentle and non distorted.
I base my opinion of a channel of their approach. How they respond to questions, how they describe their fields etc. And intuition of course.

I use Sapien, Maitreya, PU, PI and Morpheus. And Quadible for some female stuff.

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