Discussion for other Creator Channels

No not my channel, actually I saw it from this topic posted by a member then I tried and found it working very well. Also read some positive comments on reddit in subliminal r/

It says they are both subs and morphic fields but I doubt about that morphic field part. Still it works like a morphic field if you are sensitive and receptive enough

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You want deeper voice as a man?

combine this with androgen receptor from binaural nutrition…results within a week

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BN has his own deep voice sub

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To anyone who uses slade here, how did you experience results from problem solving potion?

I don’t know what did what, but I had a very pleasant and vivid dream after listening to this:

Unexpected Gifts 1x.
Plasmantropic Amethyst 1x.
Plasmantropic Rose Quartz 3x.
Lucid Dreams 2.0 1x.
Magician 1.0 3x-4x.

Access Altered States 3x-4x.
HarmonyUnbound: Healing through Gentle Release 1x.
Be Still looped for half an hour.

The fields not by Dream are by EWFAE.

Then no fields at all and woke up from an amazing dream. Long time I don’t have such dreams.

I’d say maybe amethyst and HarmonyUnbound can be left out, but everything else I felt played a part.


Andalusite + Emerald + Fulgurite (Karma Clearing Alchemy) by P.U is enough for me to have a guaranteed vivid dream.

It’s not a pleasant dream per se though lol, it’s kinda a dream that can be considered a nightmare for some cuz the dream I got was very weird (embarrassing, scary, etc…) so not for everyone. But if you can lucid dream you should be golden cause the scariness of that dream will lose its aura once you’re aware and outside of it.


Omg :sunglasses::sunglasses:

This was previously b@nned here on the forum.
The creator of these videos, who is also b@nned, tried to sell bleach as a health solution.
Don’t use it, you will mess yourself up probably and the creator of these videos has not clue what he is doing.
It is absolutely NOT safe.
If you google for Chlorine Dioxide or “drinking bleach”, you will see that it is a poison and people who use this or recommend this are complete morons and dangerous.


Ok people, this is where it gets dangerous. I am removing the post recommending the chlorine dioxide product. Otherwise, carry on and happy discussions!


This feels nice and different



Check out this channel too. From the comments, it seems they take a while to work, but that is how things are properly done.

You may want to check Quadible Integrity too.

Definitely take your time to go through all the fields there too.


Man spends 93 days under Atlantic Sea, becomes ‘10 years younger’ Man spends 93 days under Atlantic Sea, becomes ‘10 years younger’ - Science News


It’s an underwater hotel in FL, but this sort of thing could be set up all over the world.

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For anyone who needs to hear this:

You can still download the needed fields.

I hope it’s not a problem that i posted this, as in I’m not promoting anyone, just wanting to help those who need this info.


Been using Remove lust by Programmed intention it works so well. Excessive lust has completely been eradicated and it feels so liberating

keep in mind I’m a young male so I should be at the peak of lusting lol but nah there’s I genuinely don’t feel it anymore , of course I still feel arousal and attraction which is awesome.


My brother! Keep moving forward.


I wonder which field would be the closest in replicating this underwater hotel thing.


I don’t know :expressionless:

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the eternal nft?

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