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Has anyone ever felt bad entities/bad energies literally leaving out of you while listening to an audio/field? Which one was it?

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Not bad entities because tf, ain’t none possessed here lol.

Internal Alchemical Crucible, I can literally feel the negative thoughts/energies flushing out. Extremely useful when you’re removing trauma, anxiety, fears and bad stuff.

Also, Unconditional Love Infusion, it infuses you with love so things like hate and anger will naturally be pushed out. It’s Both from Sapien, both also free.


Wow thank you for sharing!
Let me try them.

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Where r u hurrying, ma’am? :smiley:

Against entities, try the DreamWeaver psychic card system. After attunement, try the ‘Eviction’ card, it’s quite intense, then Aura purificaion, and then you might go to other ones as well. (it’s on Patreon)

And also, you seem to be quite a lot of stressed out here lately, maybe you can also allow yourself a break :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your comment!
Yes I’m struggling from anxiety.
And I’m worried I have bad entities.
Are those cards literally “cards” that
get delivered by mail?

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They were, I think they can still be bought on Amazon for 50 bucks, or something. But you don’t need that.

They are on both instagram and Patreon. Idk if I’d be sure of downloading from IG, but from Patreon, it works fully. They might work even without printing, but best to print them. Just download it, print them, put them into peper protections, follow the instructions and have fun with them. (and absolute DON’T activate multiple ones simultaneously)


Cool thank you for your help!
I’ll read the instructions but
could I ask, when I activate one
then I deactivate it and then
activate the next one and so on?

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No need they to do that your self they work for 20 mins then stop.


OK they get deactivated automatically.
Thank you for letting me know!

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Also if you’re struggling with anxiety already don’t spam them.

Just use each one you want through out the day 1x each. Should be plenty.


Anyone using subliminalclub?

Yes. For five or six years now. Any specific questions I can give my opinion on?


I have been using them too for quite a time, I was just curious if anyone here is using them. What is your SC stack rn?

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Disclaimer: I don’t follow their recommendations.

Working with the 4 stage RM Vibes right now. Day 1 I am doing the first two stages. Day 2 stages 3 and 4. Repeat. I take a day off one or two times a week. I snuck in Wanted Black before a gig this past Saturday and it was honestly one of the most fun and carefree gigs I’ve played in 33 years of gigging.


Very nice. I am doing Stark black + Phoenix then rest day. So far Stark 4 times and Phoenix just one.
Plus many Sapien’s throughout the day. I have tried WB in the past but always got a big recon.

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I’ve never done a full cycle of WB but damned if it doesn’t have an immediate impact every time I use it.

Never finished a cycle because I’m married for more than 20 years and am not looking for anything. But when I use it for a gig or if I need to make an impact at work or a social situation, it is excellent.


Could someone let me know if this video and the channel itself is safe?
Also, I had never come across a video before which was made to cancel monitoring spirits. But can audios that can remove bad entities also remove monitoring spirits? Are monitoring spirits same as bad entities?

OK Thank you, I’ll listen just once.

i recommend unconditional you for anxiety and self esteem issues

brings me back into myself when anxious or feeling low


Very nice field this one :ok_hand::arrow_up:

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