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Does everything effective have to be demonic? You think if Dream’s fields are programmed to not interact with anything else, it is going to be demonic entities that can bypass that programming? I don’t even know a single case of a bad E.T. coming through. You surely must intuit how powerfully protected Dream’s fields are if nothing has ever come through.

Anyway, there is a field by Maitrya and one by Doctor Magus (dollmadefantasy) that link you to fields, creating a cord between them and you. That would be what messes the least with fields.

But if you want any extras that Symbiote and others offer, then you will have to use the different methods.


Hey do you think Doctor Magus (dollmadefantasy) is safe? I downloaded his 3 glory which has an activated function, haven’t heard much talk about him and he stopped making fields, and what do you mean a cord with the fields?

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An energetic link to them. Maitreya for example has something called field emitter. Someone here mentioned they used it but it wasn’t working that well, and the linking one did. It’s right in this thread.

I think people liked Doctor Magus Link and Bypass field over any other of that kind. I can’t comment on their safety or effectiveness. But people liked them (at least, that one field).

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Didn’t work at all for me

did anyone noticed that the P.U posts are gone from the Patreon? i don’t know what happened, if it could be a error :thinking:

Its just an error they are still there for me. You have to press on “clear all filters” or something like that.

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about the " cleaning rhe filters" isn’t showing that anymore, it says that there’s no more post from creator.

yeah! i did found them on the collection.

but then i did open the app again, those new releases show up and i clicked to see the old ones and it says that there’s nothing there… wtf.

just a error on the app, probably.

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All back to normal for me

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where’s bypass field located to download?

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It seems it is unavailable. I only know his gumroad store and it isn’t there.



I couldn’t let it slide


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I think Morph works better because he says in the description After experimentation I have noticed constantly one listen will result in a permanent effect. Therefore each listen you create a permanent change. He’s obviously doing something more powerful

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: New Disputes Thread (Posts Removed Weekly)

It’s a free World you choose what you want and others choose what thy want …
All this screaming tell me!! Tell me honey , sugar sweetie is like dud you like it do it.
Nobody truly doesn’t need to prove anything to you .
You do you, let others do what thy feel is good for them
Simple :trident::tulip:


Yeah, like Captain definitely cannot do that as well…

Except he does:

Check Zen nourishment thread.

Good then. You made up your mind, you made your conclusion, you obviously know better. So what’s the point in discussion? “I must turn them as well.”?

Odd that no one has any real answers to a thought-provoking question that deserves to be approached logically and objectively. The core issue here isn’t about loyalty to one creator but understanding the mechanisms behind why different creators’ fields might work differently for different people.

First, subjective experience plays a significant role. Me and other people I know have faster results with Morpheus Fields versus Sapien Medicine. This could be due to personal alignment with the energy, intention, or even subconscious receptivity to a particular creator’s methodology. The same way people resonate with different diets or therapies, energy fields may also work more efficiently depending on individual preferences and energetic compatibility.

Secondly, it’s possible that Morpheus Fields and Sapien Medicine employ different methodologies or energetic frameworks. Morpheus claims that “one listen creates permanent change,” which suggests a different design philosophy. Sapien, on the other hand, may prioritize gradual, long-term transformation with lower risks of overstimulation or negative side effects. In that sense, Sapien’s approach could be viewed as a safeguard against overwhelming the energy body or mind, especially for those not attuned to rapid energetic shifts. However, sapien has given me side effects and Morph has not.

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Sapien’s decision to avoid intensely fast results might actually reflect an understanding of energy dynamics—rapid changes might feel effective, but they may also be temporary or leave imbalances. Sometimes slow and steady progress is more sustainable in the long term. The absence of instant “feeling” in Sapien’s fields doesn’t negate effectiveness; in fact, subtle energetic changes often integrate more deeply over time without dramatic side effects.

Lastly, the scientific angle. Different creators may be tapping into various forms of energy work (quantum, morphic, biofields, etc.), and it’s plausible that Morpheus and Sapien utilize distinct processes. If Morpheus’ fields genuinely make changes more permanent after one listen, the mechanism might involve deeper energetic coding that interacts more directly with the subconscious or morphogenetic fields. This would indeed make it “feel stronger,” but it also could explain why some might experience side effects, as a faster integration can be more intense for some people.

The apparent difference in results could come down to multiple factors—personal energetic alignment, the specific techniques used by each creator, and how these fields interact with the user’s energy body. Neither approach is inherently better or worse; it depends on what resonates most with the individual.