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May the odds be ever in your favor


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Do you think there is a feature related to emphatic protection in naga shield? What is pu contact email? Thanks for answer

how many audios do you have on your symbiote playlist?

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i stick to like 3 or 5 maximum

i have multiple playlists tho

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I have 8 fairly heavy duty subliminals in it right now. Not gonna lie I’m dealing with some anger issues today which is very unlike me. Wondering if it is related and I’m suffering from reconciliation overload.


“Naga Shield” Really good, my friends


opnions on scalar waver?’


Any opinion on this ?

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcfefWpXgjE

@heidegger and anyone using symbiote. Are you guys using folders or only playlists? I can see by using playlist you would just play symbiote on that playlist but how would that work in folders? I assume you would have to move the playlist audio to each folder when you want to play it or it will play all folders at once.

Create a folder named “SYMBIOTE OVERDRIVE sapien”. Put a symbiote file and name it “symbiote sapien” then place 1 to 20 fields.

Play symbiote sapien.


Okay think I get it, just to double check so i will name the audio inside the folder symbiote v2 upgraded sapien and when I play that audio it will connect to that folder

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Sure. You can do symbiote overdrive morpheus/whatever and tabmaxx both folders too

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have anyone tried PU’s time bubble? does it work well?

Before Sapien I was really into Spirituality Zone and I still get a lot out of their audios. That said, they’re quite different from Sapien. You really need to engage with them consciously and not play them in the background if you’re not focused on them. Also you can’t really loop them, because they can get overwhelming quite fast if you’re sensitive to energy.
SZ has great spiritual fields to meditate with and I’ve cleared a lot of old trauma with the healing audios too. Great channel in my opinion, but you need to approach those energies a bit differently. They’re not morphic fields.

I’m still looking into some of the other channels that make morphic fields similar to Sapien, such as QI, Maitreya and MEF. Just based on feeling, I’d say QI and Maitreya feel ok - need to look a bit more into MEF.
If anyone can recommend a field from any trustworthy creator that would work the lower chakras efficiently, that would be much appreciated!


How long are you looping each playlist for?

30min a day should suffice

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This field has caught my attention but I am not sure about the creator. Does anyone have any experience with this creator? What do you think about Lucil YouTube channel ?

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Sammy and the Cap’n have repeatedly said that Sapien Medicine fields are designed to NOT interact with the energetic programming of other creators.

That doesn’t mean some ‘off-label’ interaction might not occur or that other, related mechanisms might not entangle and cause certain kinds of results, it’s just something they’ve said. You can gauge the validity of those statements for yourself through careful experimentation and observation.

It’s very difficult to create an effect like that, as by definition anything doing the repeating is changing the energy signatures it’s repeating – encapsulating them at the very least. Testing and validating that the signatures still do what they’re supposed to afterwards (and ONLY what they’re supposed to) is very hard.

A friend of mine said this to me when i was talking about Symbiote V2

Thoughts? I mean its defenitely working but im scared of the long term effects, maybe this guy is demonic…