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did u try doing affirmations and meditating with the field for 3 or more months? did u try stick to a small stack ?

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Yes and yes

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fair enough lol

sapien just isnt the one for you and thats okay . people need to stop getting so defensive lol , everyones different :pray:


Exactly, some of us live in the US, some in Europe or Asia. Maybe in Australia too :slight_smile:


I don’t think nobody was defensive rather than giving other points of views .

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@mystichealer but you know what, I will add a few Morpheus fields to my stack to see what happens, maybe I was wrong all along.
Have plenty. (this is just a part of it.)

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I don’t know, I just did it for the song.
But also true.

Develop psychic abilities

DO let me know! :)

I do not know, I am shy :slight_smile:

Actually now I’m curious accept Morphius where you have instant permanent results, can you share did you have any other very instant fast permanent results with any other creators @mystichealer ?.

@mystichealer: ask the creator or Sam. We won’t be able to give a definite answer. We can theorize about it… but there are already topics on people getting no or limited results and other people do…

Ah by the way. If you have an answer do let us know!

@mystichealer There are already many concrete answers posted in many threads on the forum, like the one listed below, but dang Honey …you got to put in the work, and actually read them :grinning:

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One listen does create permanent results with anything, provided it was accepted and integrated by your energy system.

I personally consider Sapien the most powerful for me and, to be frank, the main creator I use and trust, but you’re absolutely correct that it’s different for everyone.

An analogy is to see your energy system as a cup of water, let’s say for the sake of the example there’s some dirt in there, each time you listen to a field is like pouring some clean water in it. Over time, the dirt will be cleaned out entirely. Pouring it in once could definitely help it clean a bit, and that would be a permanent change, but that’s all it would be: a permanent albeit small change.

I’ve also found from my experience that Sapien’s fields are not harshly programmed in the sense that they “force it out of the cup”, and rather they pour in the new energy or water in the cup letting it clean at a slower yet still efficient rate.

This is just my 2 cents.


It’s about the way they work. Morpheus wasn’t lying:

I’ve never gotten results from any of them. They’ve probably uploaded more videos recently and there may be something that interests me and I can try again. But it seems I’m not a good vessel (or OS) for these fields. Maybe I should ask aliens to give me an implant so I can unpack and install these fields :P



It totally makes sense. Morpheus is the name of a character from the Matrix movie and those fields are just ones and zeros.


Sensible analogy and it also explains the angst I feel as things like dirt come to the surface

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Kabus s safe man i use his stuff and as a man it helpme alot in everyarea ,the only one u have to stay away is from king maker / vesteria not just is demonic is a racist ignorant kid who clalm to be a master

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