Discussion for other Creator Channels


i will! thanks :)

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Woah, this looks cool!

Note that this isn’t the direct energy of dhyaanguru’s mantra, since SZ found the mantra itself to not really be effective. It’s only inspired by the mantra’s purpose


has anyone had results with MD fields from his youtube

what do people think about this guy with 1.2 million never seen his channel until somone linked it in QI comments


thank you

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Btw guys, you can say what you want, but MEF Dynamics is legit, whether it’s morphic fields or not, his fields work fast as dreams and quadibles, and trust me, I take my time to test people


Yeah he does work but takes like 4 years to upload i might get his pateron if he uploads more on there hopfully

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Lol, he just got a patreon


The des doesnt say it will give u unconditional love?

What do you people say about listening to both sapien and non sapien fields in same time period ? e.g if I have the following stack:

Sapien - The Dutasterided Scalp
Sapien - Hair Growth Booster
Spirituality Zone - Hair Growth ( 3 audios)

One problem would be knowing which audio is giving me results. What could be any other possible problem in this? Could there be a clash in audios from different sources on the same purpose ?

I found this old lecture by SZ:

QI alternative channel

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bdw I bought 3 formulas from the wizard, the wizard told me the formulas would be sent 1-4 days, but until now day 6 I have not received the formula on the fifth day :sob:

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lol i wanted to get of wizzard but he seems very sus XD somone on MF said that they used him years ago and wehn they flushed him out there system if felt good anyway if they do work can u plz updates in an few days or weeks?

Why is it everytime i go back and read my comment i make no fu***** sense what so ever :rofl:

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anyone ?

I would throw something like Subconscious Limits Remover into your mix, because it’s been my experience that, when we start mixing-and-matching (as you’re wanting) there’s almost always some form of belief (like “This field or this producer isn’t going to work for me so I’ll add in this other one ‘just in case’,” or something like that) going on that could get in your way and slow things down for you.

Beyond that, I don’t really know what that other producer’s field is wanting to produce within you so it’s hard for me to answer your question more specifically. Providing that the producers’ field don’t have incompatible avenue of working (and that’s up to you to research), I know of no other reason (than the one you had already mentioned) to prevent you from what you’re wanting to do.

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Sapien’s audios are morphic fields while spirituality zone audios are energy work. I am only concern about morphic and energy fields crossing or cancelling each other. I believe both of them to work and wanting to speed up my results. Any field itself is not perfect 100% and would fill in any gaps left by other field.

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You’ve done your research (good for you). You’ve made your decision. So, what are you wanting from us then?