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I doubt the course is such heavy in language. And English is the most machine known anyway. I would also probably buy the course once SammyG restores its website.

I think the user is also here. I feel i familiar with his “language aura”.

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He clearly is selling something not of his property. How generous mentioning Sapien Medicine. thats Piracy as well!

The audacity of some people man.

"Near potent as Sapien Medicine fields as its Sapien Teaching " :roll_eyes: as if what the course says (just basic guidelines) was enough and by tomorrow after buying the course from him/her obviously, youll be making your own fields near potent… sigh.


I have no proof but yeah, it sounds very unrealistic that the person was able to learn how to create super potent fields and additionally created a 7 hour long course all in that short time frame.

Does anyone know how long the Energy Awakening course is?
Is it also by chance 7 hours of video, 7 text files and 2 audio files?

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No its not.

It has more

The person probably even selling the short previews hahah :yawning_face: wouldnt be surprised

Cone of power

Search for any field that amplify intention

Energy amplifier

Clear crystal field

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Allright sorry I thought this question could be in ask for advice im sorry

I just purchased mf permanent makeup look field from gumroad…
I am so curios. I heard only good opinions about this creator.

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@Unbreakable @Maoshan_Wanderer @profreak or anyone else who has tried it. Any updates on PI (programmed_intentions) USB talisman? I was thinking about getting it as I don’t have a printer so this seems like the best option since it cost about the same for a small printer anyways. That way I don’t have to go around carrying multiple pieces of paper in my pocket hoping they don’t tear lol.

hello. I used the usb talisman for a bit. I don’t think it’s good. it didnt seem good at giving the energy of the fields. im not energy sensitive enough to go into descriptions like the others
if you want something to have the effect of the fields without listening I recommend Link by Doctor Magus. it’s what I use at the moment


Oh interesting, maybe PI must have toned it down too much when he revised it when he mentioned about having nosebleeds. First time hearing of Link by Docotor magus, I will check it out. Can you tell me your experience and how long you’ve been using it? We can put multiple different fields and mp3’s or just one subject at a time?

I do wonder how these types of USB talisman work compared to printing out the Mandalas.

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well read the topic first then if you still have questions post them there
I’ve been using the link to program my fields through the day since it came out


I’ve asked PI and he/she said one can listen many PI audios from the same device at the same time.


Programmed Intention is a great creator. Love his fields, especially his aura layers. Deep cleansing. Was introduced by @anon19662954


I’ll be honest, I’ve had so many awful results from subliminals.
I actually hate how I look now, after using some the other day.
It’s scary really. You need to be very careful who you listen to. I don’t feel all have good agendas.
I much prefer Dream’s fields for safe, perfect results.
No subliminal has ever been able to achieve what Dream does.

I have heard that making your own subs is good though! Your own voice and affirmations, that way you know it’s safe. Worth a try! I just haven’t quite mastered it (or had the motivation lol) to do it yet.


Has anyone been using Programmed Intention’s Aura Layers fields? I’m doing a lot of work with my aura now again with Dreams field and Psychic University’s new field and I’m just wondering would it be worth adding in Programmed Intention’s 7 new layers fields. Theu sound great but I just haven’t used his work much at all.

@Gnosticmedic27 have you tried them out yet? I remember you had mentioned PI’s work in the past.


Hey just saw your comment.
Would you recommend using the 7 layers? Do you mind me asking how many times each you use them? Any signs of detox or anything along those lines from all the clearing?


he has an audio for core expansion & chakra removal.

for clearing i think it was good for me.

Ya the chakra removal one sounded a bit odd to me I’m not gonna lie. It makes no sense to me how it could be any bit beneficial.

Thanks man :ok_hand:t3:


yea, he removed it for that reason. but he’s still giving it for free if you ask him for a copy.

it may sound odd but there are many explanations of chakra removal in this forum, this is one:

i think that is what means “core essence expansion”