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which fields?

It was a way of underlining that some typical effects of androstenol, even if not positive, were replicated perhaps as a reference to the more famous version, as if they were an advantage.

The creator is Programmed Intention (PI)

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I know I’m way old on reading this but this is a vibe :clap: I actually like having the reminder about dreams begin tied to the astral… they really are- everything is information to be looked at. And that is an intriguing idea…. I mean 3!wry thing is energy so who is to say a creator is not siphoning energy from one area to boost another. Definitely interesting

I do not say this with cheekiness. Do heed the video’s warnings before you dig in:

An alternative to captain’s intercession that is of a more raw and visceral nature.

Fortune favors the brave.


Speaking about brain fields. People who don’t own Next Gen ones can get some strong boost by using Morpheus Fields work.

I have tried them, still testing, yet all seem to be good and hear some positive reviews too from other users. Also some are quite original. In particular (search her YouTube or Patreon for names):

  • Quantum Mind - sort of Cyber Brain field judging by description (released before it and Manhattan Method). Makes thinking clearer from my perspective.
  • memory, focus, willpower - look like complementary to each other, do what is in description
  • Brain Stimulator - booster to loop, various effects stated to be included
  • 200 iq - like Brain Stimulator, but focused on pushing “IQ” limits
  • CPH4 and NZT - booster, not to be looped for sure
  • Various learning fields like math, chemistry
  • Mind Healer - for brain regeneration
  • Myelin Sheath Supercharger - myelin booster
  • Creative Thinking Optimizer - wiring for creativity
  • speak! for better speaking out, apparently made to help with Mercury in retrograde too
  • Diet discipline - older field, almost two years, can be used in place of Diet on the Brain - I suppose
  • Patreon has mandalas and silent versions for most of them

@Nobody maybe something that’s worth taking a look for you as you combine fields from other creators.

Note that Morpheus doesn’t necessarily make her fields to be used once daily, plenty of them are loopable or even made to be looped for more than 2-3 times in a row.


Hi if you don’t mind me asking, are you this creator (Energetic Magick), or do you know him?

Just curious, since this seems like a fairly new creator


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I really don’t pussyfoot around fields … nor am I worried about someone putting something “evil” in their stuff … not anymore … that being said, E.M (Energetic Magick), from what I can surmise, is “safe” … just heed his/her warning :warning: about the dragon intercession video … be grounded … I mean, if you’re not capable of feeling it yet, great … otherwise, the Dragon’s roar will shake every cell in your body … shake … I don’t mean tingles, you will be vibrating … your heart will race … you’ll feel intense pressure on your head … even ringing in your ear … this is a roar psychically directed at you, and all it is saying is “welcome” … to kind of give perspective on what to expect.

All the bubbly cool air stuff from Angels and odd smells or sense of presence stuff by Demons is nothing compared to a dragon… they were oppressed and forced into exile for a reason (not directly forced, mind you) … the Older the dragon, the more powerful they are … the most ancient of them are simply here to stay, not a force in the universe aside from God itself can do anything about them … they surpass all others.

Edit: if the dragon wants to toy with you, it can easily roar your astral body out of its physical anchor momentarily where you’d have a mini-OBE. You’re too small for them to want anything from you. As long as you’re respectful and acknowledge their superiority, you’ll be fine.


Regarding the results of increasing physical strength and endurance, does anyone have any information to share about what audios were actually listened to?
Currently I get out of breath after walking up to 3 or 4 flights of stairs.

so you have a normal physical lack of training ? you have ruled out heart, lung and kidney diseases., excess weight

There is no time for exercise, usually it takes less than 10 minutes to walk to and from get off work; in addition, I listen to the audio of the automatic exercise series (please forgive me if there are any errors using Google Translate)

The main ones I use is Sapien Medicine, Quadible integrity and binaural nutrition (only the brain doping audios). I want to be on the lookout for new audios, but it is hard to trust new creators. Sometimes a bunch of people try it all like rife, binaural, fields and whatnot and they don’t really know what did it so they stick with it all.

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Try Morpheus Fields her work seems to be solid.

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I looped Morpheus workout fields+Dream’s and now have low back pain…be safe out there xD

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Loop muscle recovery and Spinal Tapper now :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Improver, here are some Height/Grow Taller/Growth audios that I have used months ago (besides The Height Booster 2.0, made by Captain/Dreamweaver/Sapien - same person, I just wanted to stress that Sapienmed products are created by one Creator going by different names, for newcomers), from other Creators:

Grow Extremely Taller by Akuo
Grow Taller 31.32 Hz By Good Vibes - Binaural Beats

(there were others, let me check my bookmarks)

BTW, I did listen to Height Booster ver 2 for 1 hour, daily back then!
The other audios were extra, but I did listen to them daily too, for a while.
As I said, I grew a little bit over 2 centimeters.
Initially i thought that I grew more than that.

Edit: I also listened to Kapelsu, although Idk if she still has her (I think it’s her) channel on yt.

Also, Endocrine field (free/patreon one), from Captain, and Vitamin D too.

I assume Calcium is needed, in Higher quantities, so either eat cheese, yogurt, Kefir or watch these sort of audios from HelpfulWaves:

I barely started listening to his audios, after I saw some positive comments/recommendations.

@anon63580061 there are over 70s posts of mine in this thread; here are some of the other creators, including Submakers (since you asked about them) that I have listened to or whose products/creations I’ve used: Akuo, Programmed Intention, Atreides, Sorcery Supreme (here on the forum), Maitreya Fields, Quadible Integrity, Psychic University, LuminalPlay, RestRelaxationReiki, Divine White Light, Mainstream Reiki, Morpheus Fields, Lucy Herzig, EWFAE, Spirituality Zone, Drvirtual7, Intention Repeater, etc. (there are others, maybe, but Idk, these are the ones whom I remembered).

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Hey everyone! What do you think about spiritualty zone and lucy herzig? Are they legit?

Two very different types of tech…

SZ is legit. People have good reviews of Lucy Herzig, but also questions how her subliminals are done Lucy Herzig Veritas Subliminal and background message ? : Subliminal

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