Discussion on masturbation (Kinky stuff)

Have you tried reverse kegals?


I didn’t know about that, I’ll try it. Thanks


Yeah man, also check this out


Check what out?


Oops haha meant to post a link and got carried away didn’t know it posted


Oh and bro…

If you can, definitely look into buying this one! Myofascial Release and Anointing


I wonder if Brain Refresher would help after a relapse


Yes :slight_smile: I see someone commenting on the dopamine effects of the field and plasma brain of youth too if you have it


Are your symptoms getting any better? Nothing is really fixing the problem for me, seeing if you found a better approach

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They haven’t been as bothersome recently. I’ve taken to massaging my stomach regularly (pressing hard) and that helps

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The new Force of Life probably goes a long way to restoring what gets lost when wanking


Hey, I just edged for a long time and now I feel a lot of stuck energy in my core and it’s emotionally bringing me down. What should I listen to to diffuse it and feel normal again?

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Any of the no fap fields (from that thread) to kill the “urges” and then any of the forgiveness or self-love fields (like Become Whole) to, well, forgive yourself.


Take a looong cold shower :slightly_smiling_face: it had helped me in the past

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Well, I (unfortunately) have neuroticism whether or not I orgasm, so…

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I have reached post 66/321 and, yeah, as expected, I’ve seen different views regarding masturbation.
I’m more of an extreme guy, so now I go with (at least I try) no porn or masturbartion, just to check what it would bring me, so far so good (close to one month without either of these; I’m not desperate for them, yet), I don’t have “superpowers” nor do I necessarily feel better, although I do, but I guess it’s because I started listening to Sapien’s videos, not because I quit p + m (still, just maybe … quitting them helps?).
Anyway, self control and perhaps a better will, a stronger will and maybe faster results (on the mental, energetic and spiritual sides/planes) might be worth quitting those, at least for a while.
For now I just want to not feel like a slave to those urges, that’s all (and I want faster results, faster healing, etc.).
Oh, another thing, I would like the benefits of that “reset” that was mentiond many times in those kind of threads, you know to be free from those 2 things and to find pleasure more in real women, not in some pixels.
EDIT: I just want to say that this is not the first experiment of this type/sort, I tried quitting p + m before, at the most I reached close to 3 months, which was A LOT for me, because that was like 15 years ago and those hormones weren’t helping back then, being a teen and all things considered, it was quite the achievement, BUT I kind o craved those things, especially after a while …, then, well, it happened, I was a User again! :joy:
I want to tell you something interesting that happened that time. In those months and around those months, just for a while, like maybe for half a year, something like that, for a few months it felt like my intuition was soaring, like I could guess whatever someone was going to say, like many many times and I found it very interesting …
I should mention that I was doing some intense prayers from Christian Monasticism, mostly The Jesus Prayer/Prayer of The Heart (Orthodox Christianity) “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (I did it verbally and mentally, of course if I wasn’t by myself, it was the later) and while doing this I was inhaling and exhaling and keeping a focus on my heart area; back then I didn’t knew about the chakras, although I was focusing on the heart, so how was my intuition exploding back then ? And was my intuition going really strong because of using that prayer/practice or because of quitting p + m? Perhaps because of both?
Well, that’s enough info for this subject.
ANOTHER EDIT AND HOPEFULLY, THE CONCLUSION to my reply/comment: If quitting porn and masturbation can help me physically, mentally, energetically/spiritually, if it can build in me a stronger desire for success and a stronger will as well, then it’s quite clear THAT IT’S WORTH QUITTING IT, at least for me!
If you had the patience to read my entire post, THANK YOU, YOU REALLY HAVE PATIENCE! :joy:


Man, it’s hilarious reading my old posts on this thread. Over the years I’ve found myself to be wrong about a lot of it. I started to delete some of them. :joy:


U shouldnt delete.
Just write ADDED and the date or UPDATE and the date on your former posts.

It shows u have grown as a person and that there is nothing wrong with learning, in fact its a GOOD thing!
I dont understand why most people dont want to admit they have made a mistake and now think differently.


It’s too late. LOL.


Nah bro, you can reverse the deleted posts by clicking on that reverse icon within 24 hours after deletion.