Disputes Thread

Absolutely. It takes time for this to click for some people though. I realize that psy-ops are coming from all directions. Even my ideological and political side. This is what I meant about it all being used as an “attack”. But I do think this stuff is happening in more schools than you may think. Just not as many as they portray in the right wing media.

:100: I am all into dissecting this stuff. Bottom line for me is we should all love each other and let each other live but there also has to be law and order and standards. For example, the bathroom issue you raised about straight men taking advantage of the trans identification in order to commit assaults or just watch women in the restroom. This is where I think “trans-rights” go too far. We should still have to use the restroom that correlates with our biological nature.


I did mention that I am against how some of the woke crowd has become exactly the kind of people they are against. I think that it’s wrong that people can’t have opinions anymore and all the sudden get ‘cancelled’ for having an opinion against the public opinion (well it technically was always like this but now even more exaggerated cause of social media).

But as my previous post mentions, most of this seems to be manifactured. Of course there are some real people who are this crazy and online just virtue signalling people all day. But a great portion of it are troll botts used to cause more and more dissent in society.

It isn’t real and much of it is to cause outrage. The fact that a few days ago, we are already having the ‘national divorce’ conversation. It works very well. If I was Russia, I know I am at war with the west and well, I can’t fight with my army. I would try to destroy the west from within and this is how it’s done in this day and age.

I am not blaming Russia or China or any other countries for any of the problems of today by the way. At the end of the day, we are responsible for our own reactions. And if I was in their position and was at war, I would do the same exact thing. I don’t blame them for playing this malicious game. It’ just geopolitics.

And the US does the same thing too so it’s not like only other countries are influencing us. I agree that we are being influenced on a mass level.

All I’m saying don’t get sucked into the whirlpool of paranoia and fear that social media is pushing heavily. Most of it is heavily exaggerated and manifactured for outrage.


We are no longer in a such an age, at least in most countries on the planet.

But as Sammy mentioned, just a few decades ago, LGBTQ people where rejected everywhere… a lot depends on the age and country people find themselves in.


I don’t disagree with anything you said but I don’t accept at face value what the official narrative is about Russia either. I’ll just leave it at that. I also don’t subscribe to countries as monoliths either. I look at them as having “factions.” Just like we have a deep state here that is at war with the presidents and vice versa, the same goes for other countries.


Bro, you’re older than me… I don’t know how you’re saying that. I grew up in what is perhaps the most liberal city in the world and for a good portion of my life, LGBTQ were treated horribly. Like the untouchables in the Indian caste system.

They only started getting more respect in the past like 12-15 years. Of course people didn’t have a problem with it because the majority didn’t care. Just like the majority didn’t care about african americans getting mistreated by police because it just wasn’t their problem. We’ve seen a recent shift in society where the majority is starting to care about minorities getting equal rights. But for most of history, the majority just didn’t give a damn. (speaking about the US, I can’t speak for the rest of the world)


Well I’ve lived in FL my whole life man and I’ve honestly never noticed anything like that. I do remember the slurs against gays being more “acceptable” back in the day, but that’s it. Maybe it’s different here?

Yup, it can easily degenerate again.

Even if I sympathize with those against the woke agenda, you guys tried to make this type of fields, it overwhelmed the entire community.


trying to resist the urge to release inner monologue

I agree on this. But you are comming from an eagle/collective view and see the bigger picture of the spiritual side of it.

Thing is, as you said, this is a process that takes time. And we have to deal with the current circumstances.


And many of us have to deal with “woke” people daily. People that want to take 0 accountability and debate for the sake of it.
The only difference between them and the stereotypical fascist is that they smile while they try to destroy you.

People are often confusing those who are against "woke"propaganda with being them against non heteros.

Even my mum asked me what problem I have with gays, the moment I´ve mentioned it.

I don´t give a fuck what people are sexually attracted to. Even one of my brothers is gay and very feminine.

It´s NONE of my concern, I have my own life going on.

I wouldn´t even care about topics like that if it wasn´t constantly invading my space, even without watching msm.

The things that are pushed on uss the mass aren´t about the indiviudal gay, trans or whatever.

It´s about control. As usual. The topic is just actual, so it´s the one getting used.

Divide et empera. It´s always the same shit.

People in control don´t give a fuck about us integrating our Yin/Yang in a healthy way to become whole. They want compliant citizens, strong and intelligent enough to work but too brainwashed and weak to resist.

I love my feminine parts, they fuel my empathy, my psychic abilities, my creativity and whatnot…
Same goes for my masculine energy. I wouldn´t want to throw away any of it.
But these qualities like, empathy and acceptance are weaponized to weaken us collectively.

As I see it, it´s less about masculine/feminine but about Dominance.

We are so far up our asses with discussions about pronounce or what else while freedoms getting taking away from us day by day.

Somebody who talks nice and propagates “tolerance” always comes across as a better person right.

That´s the same type of emotional manipulation that is used by boderliners, narcissist etc. to blackmail you and I am sick to the bone of this crap. Individually and collectively.

I´ve probably missed a lot of points and haven´t expressed myself perfectly, but I needed this out of my system.

Just to be clear, I am not talking about you as a person Sammy, you are one of the few people at all that I consider intelligent and integrous. I think you are right on many parts, but that we are coming from fully different viewpoints.


Nah that was pretty well-said.


:100::100: yep. Compassion needs to have the masculine balance of Divine Severity, or it can actually be cruelty. It’s not real compassion.


I don’t think you or any of us can say that truly. We don’t know what goes on in their mind. We don’t know what it’s like to be them. We can only judge them from the outside and say things like ‘they got influenced into being gay or trans because of the media. They were never like that!’ We truly don’t know.

The gays and trans I grew up around… I don’t think were influenced by anything around them. Everyone around them was either overly masculine or overly feminine (well girls where I grew up around had more masculine traits, in that they were tough as hell and would fight frequently lol). And this was before social media. But… I knew from the getco growing up that they leaned that side. It was natural to them. And unfortunately, the people around me tried to beat it out of them. Like… they would get beat down bad. But it didn’t change anything. They still grew to become who they are.

So I guess I just say this from growing up around these kind of people. This was before LGBQT was prominent in the media or anything. That being said, I think exposure to this being more acceptable can certainly make people more comftorable with coming out the closet or identfiying as their more dominant energy (feminine, masculine).

I think people growing up don’t really know who they are yet. And outside influences do certainly shape us. Some boys might have been born with more feminine energy and then get a lightbulb moment when they see a trans and think hmm, that seems more like me.

So I can certainly see more trans acceptance in society leading to more trans in the world. That being said, I don’t think things like gender changes should be allowed on children on teenagers. Our brains are still developing at that age and we typically don’t know who we are or what we want. There have been a number of people who did gender changes very early on and came to heavily regret it later on in life when they found themselves more. I think as an adult, you are free to make your own decisions. But something as drastic as that, that you can’t come back from, at an age where you are still developing, is too far great a risk.

So yes, I believe in equal rights for everyone. I just don’t agree with the extremes that society leans towards to right wrongs and find balance. So I can understand why people get frustrated with some of the LGBQT crowd online. But notice I said some. Because the people you see online don’t represent the whole of all of them. It’s just a few loud mouths speaking for all of them and then a mass of troll bots that want to stir up outrage in everyone. So seriously, we need to stop falling for it. I am very guilty of it too.



my original piece
was that it targeted a physical womb
and that’s what the fields works on


doesn’t work on synthetic ones or imaginary ones or removed ones.
and that was just a fact I was stating.

So if you are a person
with a womb… then it will work.

Didnt seem too odd to me, but i didnt personalize the organ.

and it never cared ‘what’ anybody identified with or not.
if you dont have one, then its just impossible for it to work


It is also sort of the Karmic cycle.

The oppressor becomes oppressed and then the cycle inverts again. I guess nature has a way of keeping balance through opposite energies. Perhaps, we will reach a certain level of evolution where this constant struggle of opposing energies, at some point, attains an equilibrium.

  • A decade ago, Trans folks were treated so badly and they were being assaulted and killed
  • Thankfully, that changed, but now questioning transitioning for small kids (who cannot vote, drink) - a lot of who are developing gender dysmorphia or crave attention/love - gets called Transphobia and little children are being encouraged to transition without much thought.

We cannot suppress free speech and become one of those with blasphemy laws, holy cows, and “taboo” topics which get people killed, like in various M Eastern countries and other places like Russia and China.

I just got trolled on Twitter as a transphobe because Christina Pushaw is my Twitter friend and she likes some of my tweets (none of which are related to Trans identity) but that is enough for people to gang up on me lol. And then I wish Nancy Pelosi’s husband a speedy recovery (he is an elderly human being, my cuz is their neighbor) and I then get attacked by the right lol…

This too shall pass… Social media is hardly reflective of the real, loving people that we meet in real life. I wish people stopped taking social media seriously and relied more on connecting with people - especially those with opposing views. And then we would probably have honest conversions on various topics.


Well you missed the part in parenthesis where I wrote “(not all).” It’s also not black and white. Both can be true at the same time.

Well that’s just cruel and evil… and stupid to think that would change someone.

Man I’m oblivious. All you guys are saying this but I was 100% not aware of this.


Would it perhaps be better with fields turning vigorous masculinity into emasculated masculinity? I don’t understand what’s wrong with a good argument? I change my mind a lot, and love to hear other peoples arguments. Would it be better to sit around faking a sensation of bliss, thinking if you fake it long enough it becomes reality? How about having some fun instead.

How so?

I do agree that TPTB doesn’t care to balance our feminine/masculine lol. But in the bigger picture, it is happening. It’s just a chaotic process.

I understand the transgressions from both sides. But I think one of the biggest issues with humans is that we do a better job of complaining rather than focusing on potential solutions. Everyone is so quick to complain about the problem, rather than focus on viable solutions that are fair for everyone. We focus what we attract. We and all the media just simply focus on what we don’t like and complain about it. It does nothing but rile people up and get them to hate the other side more…

I’m fine with us coming from different viewpoints. I like speaking with people I disagree with. Not because I think I can change your viewpoint but moreso because I can learn from you and maybe you can learn from me. I think we need to have mroe of these difficult discussions with people we disagree with. Otherwise, we’ll never find any solutions to today’s problems and just complain to ourselves and people we already agree with. The problem is most people aren’t open minded enough to hear the other side and try to understand where they are coming from. It is very difficult to do. I know it is but it’s the only way we’ll ever come to solving anything…

That’s why I want to do those live discussions. This is already looking to eat up my whole day. I can’t type like a maniac into my laptop all day lol.


Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.
Thank you for reframing and explaining my position.

(Edit: I’m afraid the sarcasm will be lost in translation)

I don’t even understand what’s wrong with what I said and how it came to this reply from you.

I’m just as lost


You don’t notice that the elite use our compassion, good-will, and empathy as a weapon against us? I mean I can list tons of examples.

Many may disagree but it’s my opinion that “climate change” is man-made only in the sense that the climate is affected mostly by the increasing chaos of the collective human psyche and the imbalance of the elements within us as well as natural cycles of the sun, etc. We are not separate from it. But these monsters are using it as a grift to pull at our heart strings and guilt to hand over more power and money to them. That’s one example.


Exactly. Equality means being treated equally by being equally questioned if something we are doing might be crossing lines. In an equal society, everyone should be able to get criticized equally. It’s like comedians for example, nowadays can hardly make LGBQT jokes without people trying to cancel them. What about all the jew, black, hispanic jokes? It’s only wrong when it’s your group.

Now I also understand that their outrage is fueled from fear. After spending most of history ostracized nad restricted for being who they are, they want full freedom of expression and for anyone who feels trans, to have the freedom to become that. Freedom is typically met with extremes and well, that’s where we might have to draw lines. In a free and equal society, nobody should be above anyone else and that means not black, white, lgbqt and whatnot have any rights above others. So I think it’s fair that anyone get criticized for something that can potentially be harmful to a child’s upbringing (gender changes, body dysmorphia, ext) and so on.


Even last week, when I was in San Diego, I was walking after work and saw someone call a gay couple “faggots” and throw a bottle at them and walk away. If this still happens in liberal California, I can imagine it is worse in more conservative places. So, while it is not as bad as a decade ago, it is still challenging in parts of the country.

That said, the left - which talks as though America is the devil on earth - does not appreciate the freedoms we have here, and not highlight horrendous abuses elsewhere - LGBTQ folks thrown off rooftops, forced rape and conversions, women getting killed and whipped for not covering face, the horrible treatment of Uyghur people in China & Yezidis elsewhere, and so on… Are we perfect? No… Are we the worst, not by any measure… False equalizations muddy the waters (even J K Rowling is a fascist these days haha)


I notice this but like I said, I’m not so involved in the internet madhouse, that I don’t notice most of it. It’s not just the elites trying to use these kinds of things against us. I see youtubers doing it. I see all the other countries doing it. So many different parties trying to influence people’s minds in different directions. Like corporations using those things such as compassion and goodwill to get you to buy their product because they donate to charity or are ‘green’ and so on.

So it’s just the game being played and as @anon75179789 said, we’re dealing with these things head on and that’s why we’re so focused on it and upset. He’s right, I am looking at it from the bigger picture and that makes me a little less attached emotionally to what’s going on. I am seeing this as things that need to happen. As @Maoshan_Wanderer said, it’s the karmic cycle of opressed becoming opressors, and so on. It’s the flow of life and I’m just flowing with it and not allowing myself to get pulled into the agitation. But I can understand why it’s frustrating.

But word of advice, try to not allow yourself to get pulled into the chaos of frustation and agitation. It’s all a game. And playing into it makes you vulnerable to all of it and will do more harm than good to you.