Disputes Thread

How about just not giving a damn, because somebody’s going to be triggered anyway.
Take it or leave it . Well that’s how I would do it anyways :man_shrugging:


I’m not worried, nor afraid to use Sapien Medicine; Captain helped me and my mom with so many issues, and so many fields are for free, no one is forced to listen to anything, if you want to listen, listen, if you don’t want, then dont.

I dislike current western politics, including terms, but, thats another subject.


Androstenol is your friend.


@Curiosity @Sireanita @Jennie

Topics like this is open for community discussion as an event right here with respect and consideration to the subject matter

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It was moved from the womb thread (to keep it on topic for people in need on using and asking about the field) with some users flagging the posts


Ohhhh ok- thank you​:blush::pray:

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I have noticed people thinking that we limit masculinity in our audios to fit with the ‘woke’ agenda. The only audio we have removed from our Sapienmed channel was the andrestanol audio and it was because of the toxicity that it attracted to the channel and to this forum. Anyone that has been here long enough knows that to be true. We would have men talking about manipulating women, taken men’s wives and bullying others. That isn’t what we’re about in Sapienmed and that crowd was dominating the channel and this forum.

At Sapienmed, we believe in respect and this level of masculinity that Androstenol was promoting, was not respectful to others. That sort of masculinity promotes selfishness over everything. So, yeah we aren’t aligned with that kind of energy and that has nothing to do with being woke or whatnot. And no, we aren’t implementing any of this ‘woke’ stuff you are accusing us of in any of our audios.

We did reupload Androstenol in our patreon but one with unconditional love. Now that can be seen as femininizing masculine energy but in truth, the love tempers masculinity to a more stable and grounded version. It’s not about dominance but of zen like power. We prefer to grant people energy that allows them to be more productive in life rather than destructive. The old androstanol energy was clearly more destructive as some men who were wielding it selfishly and irresponsibly. We are responsible enough to not just put stuff like that out there for people to hurt others with.

The extreme side of masculinity has long been about selfishness, emotional coldness, dominance and power/resilience. The extreme side of femininity has long been about submissiveness, naiveté, fragility and emotional upheaval. What I think we are seeing in the modern era is both extremes pushing to a more balanced version of femininity/masculine and that requires both energies to take in more of the other.

It’s a process that takes time and is confusing and frustrating in some accounts, in that it seems like masculinity is being punished or femininity is being allowed to dominate. I don’t think that will be forever. It’s just part of the chaotic process of finding balance and meeting eachother in the middle. I personally believe it to be necessary for us to grow to our full potential. If it wasn’t for me finding more of my feminine energy, I would still mostly be emotionally cold, stubborn, selfish and very manipulative which is not conducive to me growing to be the best person I can be.


I am going to add my thoughts on the LGBQT subject although I planned to discuss them in detail this Wednesday. I’d recommend you attend on Wednesday if you want to have an open discussion about these sorts of dynamics. But respect is a requirement for these sorts of discussions and I would hope that despite people’s opinions that others may find offensive, that we show respect to others. And that…

Is truly my main opinion on the matter. Show others the respect you would want to have given to you. As far as we all know, none of us chose to be man or woman. And practically none of us chose to feel the way we do about ourselves or who we’re attracted to as we grew up in the world.

I do agree that there are biologically two genders. Male and Female. I personally think masculinity and femininity are interchangeable energies that can be more prominent in the male or female body. So if you were a man born with more feminine energy and grew up naturally identifying more as feminine and couldn’t help but be attracted to men, you would certainly wish for society to respect your natural inclinations.

Although in this new era, we are seeing a lot of leeway being given to LGBT, I am old enough to remember when they were not respected whatsoever. Where I grew up, trans would get beat down almost daily and sometimes killed. They would often kill themselves. Coming out as gay would mean getting outcast by their family and many gays would end up homeless. Society ostracized LGBT at every turn and heck… for 2,000 years, coming out as gay was a death sentence.

I am not saying this to gain your empathy. I am just sharing this to remind you that we went the other route of punishing people for being trans or gay and it didn’t work. It didn’t stop people from being gay or trans. You think these people choose to be gay or trans? That’s how I know most people never grew up around any LGBT to come to such conclusions. Many of them tried to change and lived a life full of frustration that they feel the way they feel and just are the way they are. It’s not exactly a choice. And if you did grow up around LGBT people, you’ll just recognize them as normal people like you and me, just hoping to fit in to society and live their life normally.

And I know some of you don’t care and still think these people shouldn’t exist and should be punished for being gay or trans. That it’s a cancer to society and whatnot. But, the question I’m asking is… what if it was you? Life is so random and it could’ve been you that was born LGBQT. Maybe it’ll be your daughter or son no matter how well you raise them. And so you would want life to be fair in that, everyone gets equal respect in society despite how they were born or their personal preferences.

I mean, not long ago, I would not get hired anywhere for having tattoos and piercings. But now I do because I can look the way I want to look without being restricted in society. That’s the point. We should be able to look how we want to look and be how we want to be without being punished for it, so as long as how we look and are doesn’t hurt others. But now, that brings me to the next point.


I know that many people are more upset because of the extra leeway that trans get in society these days. Allowing trans to enter female bathrooms is controversial and it’s very easy to understand why women and men are very uncomfortable with it. Despite identifying as female, a trans still appears male and typically still has male genatalia. So I don’t think using the women’s bathroom is the right choice here. There are some malicious men out there that might decide to dress up as a woman to use the women’s bathroom and exploit the opportunity. It’s just not a rule that makes women feel safe and I hope that trans people can understand that.

I also personally think that pronouns are rather confusing and shouldn’t be forced on people either. It seems that some people get really upset if you don’t call them by their right pronouns and we really just can’t expect everyone to follow along. I personally call LGBTQ by the pronouns they wish to cause it really doesn’t cost me anything. It’s a form of respect and I believe in giving respect and receiving it. But I don’t think that getting upset at people and wanting them to get punished for not following along is conducive.

Virtue signaling just doesn’t work for most people and pushes them farther away from your cause. The whole Harry Potter controversy of LGBTQ people attacking those who bought the game for example, made more people against trans people than support them. Some LGBTQ are becoming like the very bullies they despise and there isn’t a battle to win there.

And then finally, people fear children. More LGBTQ acceptance means that children will be influenced by them and be more likely to be gay/trans. I don’t think there’s enough scientific evidence to suggest this as objective as of yet but I know many parents observe the neuroplasticity of children’s minds and how easily they are influenced, to warrant the fear. I can understand that and believe at the end of the day, it is up to the parent to educate their child on what’s out there. Your kid is still going to be exposed to all kinds of things as they grow up and use the internet and it’s up to the parent to guide them through all this. I am not going to sit here and tell parents how to parent but that part of life is up to them.

That being said, I don’t think society should limit what people can be because of how much you fear your child is going to be influenced. If you do your job as a parent, your child’s main influence will typically be you. So you guide them in the direction you’d prefer. But at the end of the day, as that child grows, he/she will begin to choose on their own. And there is a slight possibility that no matter how well you’ve guided them, and it may be they were never exposed to a trans, they might still naturally be inclined to go that route. They’re their own person and might have been born with far more feminine energy than masculine or the other way around. That’s not a choice we make. And you can try all the therapy, magick and whatnot but it’s not going to change who they are from within. And from then on, it’s really up to you whether you want to accept them or not.

Anyways, these are my thoughts on the matter. It’s not a easy subject in that I think one side is wrong or right. I understand both sides very well and get that people want to preserve the balance of nature. I just think the impact in society is heavily overblown as there are barely any trans in society. Like less than 3% in the US and less than 1% in the rest of the world and I am so damn sure most people have never even seen a transexual. And those that have, haven’t seen enough for them to have any sort of effect on your life. Even gay people, is like about 7% which is really not enough for anyone to be scared about the impact on society. The internet really just gets everybody riled up about things that have little to no effect on them.

And the thing some of you don’t realize is, that there are trans people in this forum. There are also people of all races, all genders, all everything that use Sapienmed. So it’s my duty to make sure everyone feels like they have a place here and are equally respected. So your opinions are fine as everyone is entitled to them and you are free to share to them.

But I won’t tolerate people directly disrespecting others just because of their race or personal preferences. That is fair.


I cannot believe this post got flagged. Fully agree with it all.

Idk who you’re responding to tho, so no offense to whoever this was to. Just agreeing with the point made and believe it has the right to be stated.


I sometimes forget this part.

I understand that and I fully respect Everyone, but I also have my own views, idk, I try to be respectful as much as possible, I think a middle ground must be reached between us all, because, at the end of the day, it is Us, humans, going through life, using Sapien Medicine, etc., regardless of how we identify or what is our sexuality.


And, I’ll stop, since I want to hear you, Sammy and Everyone on the chat.


I will self sensure before I get deplatformed! I will for sake of argument agree that feelings are more important than free speech.


As I was looping the Higher Self NFT audio few days ago, I realized the exact reasons of why I have chosen to be incarnated as a male in this incarnation.
So I personally, 100% believe that we choose our gender and sexual orientation when we create our incarnational life plan.

I personally believe that saying “this gender and orientation was not my choice and happened randomly to me” is choosing the victim mindset.
How can people believe that something as impactful and significant as gender and orientation would be left to randomness when choosing and planing an incarnation?
You chose to be incarnated as a homo sapiens in a specific age and country. Of course you have also chosen your gender, orientation, family circumstances etc.

I also think that being incarnated as LBGTQ during an age of humanity where LBGTQ is rejected by society, is for the soul a hardcore challenge in learning unconditional self love.
When “everyone is against you”, this is the moment to consciously decide that you still love yourself despite all external circumstances, and it is for sure a much bigger challenge for LBGTQ people than for hetero people.


We are focusing too much on sexuality, when we are different on so many levels, each one of us is unique; empathy is the only way, both in/as a society and to tackle spirituality.

I really need to stop.
Please dont reply to me. :sweat_smile:

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I think this is a major misconception. I don’t know anyone who hates trans or LGBTQ people but rather the bullying from the lobby and the elite who are using it as an attack, and some of the individuals who may be trying to push others into their lifestyle through their job as a teacher as one example. Live and let live!


Please dont, unless you want to.
Its a good post.



I believe in equal rights for everyone. And I don’t hate anyone. What I hate is bullying, censorship, and ideological subversion.


I agree that it is debatable. Everything I say is just my opinion and I’m not pretending to be the know it all in this subject.

But everything you are saying is online and in the media. It still doesn’t equate to reality. For example, there was one or two schools that were teaching kids about all this stuff and then all the sudden the internet propped it up as if every school in the north east was doing it… which is a complete lie. Most aren’t. But the internet will make you believe that becasue outrage gets all the clicks.

I think there are a ton of psyops happening in the internet. And it’s not just from the US. It’s coming from China. It’s coming from Russia. It’s coming from everywhere. The powers that be from this country and others are trying to influence our minds towards a certain direction. I noticed it years ago hence why I left social media. I still go on reddit but it’s so freaking rampant in there too. It’s very clera for example that there are Russian/Chinese bot accounts pinning up certain news in certain subreddits to rile people up and make them hate the other side more. Exaggerating everything and the impact certain things are having in society. We are all getting played.

Seriously, don’t fall into it. We are all getting played. Part of the LGBQT agenda seems to rile people up and get people angry and against their society. This is how wars are fought in this day in age. It is through information. Control the narrative and you can get a whole country to fight against eachother, which the level of anger and paranoia most people have these days, shows how damn effective it is.

Majority of people that complain about trans and their effect on society have never even seen a trans in person. Literally haven’t had them affect their lives in any direct way at all. But in their minds, it’s a cancer and something else to be outraged about.


Divide and conquer?