I know the topic is about divine guidance, but I’ll add my perspective about getting clarity and finding a path in life. In my life I’ve found that in the end all the answers lie within. When a clear intention is set, it will help life align in accordance. Of course energy work and fields can help with the process, but there is definite power in doing some plain old soul searching and contemplation.
Maybe finding a peaceful spot in the nature… taking your time and grounding… maybe meditating for a while to settle in… setting an overall intention of getting guidance.
Then meditating on a few questions.
Like getting clear on…
… what do I not like in my life currently
… what would you like to have in my life?
What I want more and what I want less.
In its’ core: “Suppose all barriers in your life were removed - financial constraints don’t exist, moving anywhere is effortless, and your decisions are met with unanimous approval and heartfelt support. If achieving your heart’s desire was as simple as voicing your request and then comfortably awaiting its fulfillment, what would that heartfelt desire truly be?”
It might take a short time to come up with answers, or might take a longer while. But something will arise. And you can keep on doing 30-60 min sessions with this question in mind.
Once you get clear on those, then fully concentrating on that what you want. What you concentrate on, you get more in life. Letting the intention guide your decisions and life fill in the details.
I combine both energetical and psychological tools in my personal and client work.