Light and Vibrational Guidance

The energy and intention behind this is meant to vibrate you, at a very high level, past your own restrictions, even at a cellular level.

Such is represented in the reverberation of the flutes.

On your path, sometimes guidance or a teacher may be something that can extremely helpful.

Maybe there is a way to provide a ‘universal’ type of guidance or teacher.

In pure land Buddhism, the pure lands are sometimes places meant for the aspirants to go, where they can continue their refinement and growth.

In a safe and protected world, it is built on the belief that there will never be a world that is not corrupt, so rebirth in another plane referred to as the “Pure Land” is the goal. It can be a place to continue growth.

Uniting that knowledge base and intelligences with a field that pushes your vibrational levels in an intelligent and guided way can lead to immense ever-growing knowledge and change.

A true guide and teacher for the long journey ahead. This wonderful journey is presented here musically, for your exquisite tastes.


My thoughts on this item.

This is a serious field, an epic one, on the lines of the Blueprint of Life. This is like having the benefit of a teacher, who is guiding you vibrationally, upgrading your vibration, and pulling you up a notch, and then further up in due course of time. I also understand from Captain that this field is smart in that it continues to evolve and grow, learning and teaching, pulling vibratory knowledge from everywhere.

I only tested this briefly now and was pretty blown away by its intensity. I have some experience with Pure Land Buddhism (via my main practice of Dzogchen). So, I sat down on my prayer mat, requested my Higher Self to show me the field in all its glory, and started playing it. My whole being started vibrating like I touched a giant tuning fork. I even felt my bones subtly vibrating.

As this field is very complex, I think I have just barely touched the surface (same for the Blueprint of Life). With this field, the ride is going to be very fulfilling. I am sure you will begin to appreciate the journey as much as your goal. It is not a stretch to call this the Smart Learning Field, due to its dynamic intelligence and the ability to adapt its knowledge base, and hence while it draws from the Pure Land, it is by no way just a Buddhist field or anything like that…


Are those the gates to Maoshan Paradise provided by Dream ?


But jokes aside, this would be a awesome combo for ascension tag and the vbration series ?


The image is beautiful.:two_hearts: Any chance we could get it higher res on Patreon? I don’t mind it unfielded.:blush: It’s just very pretty.:cherry_blossom:

To add: It’s making me think along the lines of everything we see being a pale reflection of our inner glow. How we see ourselves vs How our dog sees us.:grin:


yeh i havent deleted it



I was raised in a Pure Land background so this was an unexpectedly pleasant surprise! Will this field bring the essence of a pure land like Sukhāvatī into our vibrations?

Or perhaps it will even help us reach it in our meditations and travel around there as well?


Sounds like an intelligent vibes field, working with what’s best for you and applying it


Yes! I can feel a certain fragrance around me that I’ve come to associate with a group of Pure Lands with this field. And not just the feel for the energy of pure lands, but guidance from the beings of lights, which is invaluable.


Thats an excellent way to put it. One can even call it the Smart Learning field.


Wow, honestly that makes this field all the more enticing. When I get this field I want to loop it around the house too just so I can get that vibration to flow everywhere and make a portal to the great western land.


Wow!!! Amazing. I do not normally post, but that is incredible!


What a gift this is. Thanks Dream :pray:t3:


do these intelligent fields know how to work together like plasma field with this or blueprint? Which one would take priority in the process?

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Regardless of being a smart field, I’m wondering if it kind of pushes you as the Transcendence Vibration?

In your experience @Maoshan_Wanderer (sorry for tagging you directly), does this work similarly to a Ghuru? Will it cooperate with one’s goals? Or will it push you to a slightly different path that may differ from a few objectives in sight?

I think you understand where I’m getting at.
Because if it sorts of places you too high you kind of “stop caring” for what’s low. not that there is a problem with that, unless you’re still not where you want to be on the material /stable aspect of life - which could mean it is not everyone :smile:Just wondering

Great field @Captain_Nemo. Although not labelled Legendary, you certainly made Legend status in my book man.

Ps: I love the thyroid field (song is dope too :fire:)


Ack I’ll try to hold myself back for now as I’m using so many of the advanced fields…

Though I feel I will cave in within the next few days :joy:

I feel so much excitement reading the description alone :star_struck:


Well thanks for reminding me about blueprint lol forgot to play it today. And definitely going to give a try on this field as well…I think it would be better to play blueprint after this

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For whoever has this field, here is a statement of intent you may use to somewhat guide the direction of your learning.

"I want to learn how to care for my planet, how to leave this earth and all of its creatures in a better condition than if I had not been here.

I want to learn how to care for people, how to show empathy to those who have empathy, and how to see empathy in those who have it.

I want to learn how to care for my self, how to protect my ability to be empathic from un-empathic people."

The above I have adapted from a Micahel Tsarion discussion titled “Before Atlantis”, in which he proposes that dealing with these three things is what protects one from the neurosis of our times. For a more accurate representation of what he said, please feel free to listen to the discussion for yourself.

After hearing this talk today, my first thought was to request a field be created that would help with these things, then I realized that this new release is probably perfect for this.


So this is like a smart best path in life or smart best version of yourself.
On top of that It seems a great tool to meditate.


So it can replace vibration series audios in terms of potency? Is this vibration of transcendent audio with added guidence? Cuz it also vibrates at cellular level isn’t it?