Course General Discussion

Yes. :slightly_smiling_face:

@_OM is correct. It is always best to err on the side of caution with all fields.

In response to your previous post about always using the Grounding field and this question, this is because fields are nuanced and complex, interacting with one’s own nuanced, complex system.

The potential issues and system imbalances one can create extend far beyond simply being in need of grounding and are myriad.

Here are a couple of experiences with overusing the Grounding field, for example.

And from the Automated Grounding description:

2 - 3 times is usually enough and should last quite a while until you feel like you need it again.

Even when one uses fields ‘as needed’ (when this is specified), it is always best to use one’s own discernment and intuition regarding the use and still err on the side of caution.

And if one is uncertain of whether an input is from one’s intuition, the Higher Self Connection, Higher Self mandala, Imaginarium Divine and Light and Vibrational Guidance fields can help one develop one’s connection to intuition.

There is also more discussion about that in the threads below.

The intuition and one’s discernment are invaluable, intrinsic parts of one’s growth and development to develop. Doing so will empower you. :slight_smile: