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The new grounding audio. Automated Grounding. It’s great, it works. I almost requested it many times before. It’s cool that someone did and that it came out so soon.

My results right now are that it’s good. But it is possible to over ground. Don’t overground guys. More than five times in one hour might be too much. Your results will vary of course.

Being too in touch with temporal physical reality can be bleak and harsh. The key word there though is “too” much.

It’s a wonderful field, don’t take me the wrong way. But those are my results. It works. Be wise, use moderation.

Before I took it too far, here is the good I noticed. Being in touch with reality. Able to face things and accept them for being what they are instead of what I wished they were. It combines very well with Hope and Happiness. They balance each other in a way. With Hope you get in touch with what you really want and with the reality of the possibility of your hopes becoming a reality.

With grounding, again, you get in touch with things being the way they really are, your blinders and wishful thinking come off. Now, when you combine these two, a neat thing happens where you become hopeful but also Accepting. You see that somehow these realities can exist simultaneously and intermingle. Things can be what they really are and not what you had wished they were, and yet they can also somehow match up with the hopes in your heart. A little paradoxical. So I’ll stop trying to explain it, you can experience it if you wish. Hope with Acceptance.

edit: One final thought I’d like to share on this subject. It’s important to have both Hope and Grounding. Hope will help you to reach out towards your goals, but if you are not well grounded you can find yourself feeling confused and maybe even some pain when you get close to your goal or desire and start encountering evidence that it does not perfectly match up with what your heart wanted it to be. Experience talking.

It’s amazing how we were created to go after and receive the desires of our hearts but doing so while in a world that is so foreign to what our hearts perceive as good. There is some wonderful process at play where the goodness in us changes the world and at the same time the world around us enlightens us as to what is truly good. Our heart holds a higher authority on what is good than circumstances can speak. Yet we discover a need to humble ourselves to a reality greater than us. Two realities at play, each greater than the other in its on way. Losing sight of our own authority we could lose our soul to the world, but losing sight of our need for humility brings a stronger and stronger hand from reality to bear down on us until we realize it. The depths within and without us are great. Courage and persistence are called for.