Divine's Spiritual Battles - Solutions That May Help

This is the start of my documentation of my attempts to be free from this demonic spirit. I’ve seen, repeatedly, issues of entities, spirits, demons, psychic attacks on the web. If a solution and resolution comes about, i will make it known. From here i post what has helped.

What i’m dealing with is something stubbornly attached, not from my vicinity

Starting here with these that have shown some results:


This may help


What else can work?:

  • Prayers for curse breaking (speak out loud when doing prayers. Your voice brings energy)
  • Biblical declarations
  • Continual, constant recitation / chanting of Holy scripture from the Bible or even Quran towards God from an Exorcist / Priest / Pastor (Has been most effective in handling demonic retaliations)
  • Get prayed over by a group or someone who has anointing, ideally a pastor or exorcist
  • Herbs for exorcism
  • Acceptance of self and situation rather than frustration

I must be mindful about the usage of fields because retaliation of bodily-brain torment can get worse

So far the best experience has been with my involvement from 1 Exorcist and their prayers and recitation and some group prayers. Quran recitation.
Feel free to ask me anything about what this.

There were a few other exorcists. A service from 1 of them cost $3000 just for a service but theirs was terrible… that is downright bogus. The 2 other individuals tried to help but they only did for 1 hour. I tried a deliverance ministry, but they’re preoccupied with more people. The best experience was 1 on 1. Perhaps 1 with a group of exorcists may help.

I plan to save up for De-inhabitor but it’s not available currently.

What i’ve done:
I have tried Exorcism Rite 2.0 and Psychic University’s Higher Self Exorcism

I have looped them both and it just doesnt move.
I’m also told that this will be a long term issue, said a new exorcist in training, i just need to keep going.

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This may or may no be useful for you and I have cut ties with that world so I can’t find any link to it, but here goes.

One of the very few “cures” for schizophrenia is a form of exorcism done by hypnosis.

It isn’t very well known or widely practiced. If you find information on it, you will be able to figure out the advantages to this approach.

Everything in the hypnosis world is regulated and checking someone’s track record and confirming their competence is easy. Should be much cheaper too.

But if you jump on it, be sure to research as much as possible. Ask them for their usernames in forums (very common in hypnosis) and check how they talk about their previous cases there too.

Do enough intel gathering and you’ll know very clearly who you’re dealing with. But check the internet too, not just some listing and good reviews or recommendations from other hypnotists. That’s more a form of relationship building that a critique on their competence.

Apologies I can’t give you any name, but since it isn’t that common, you either find them or you don’t (they may have moved on from doing this).

Also I mention this cause it involves (imho) real exorcism. Not saying you have schizophrenia, but simply that this approach may work for demonic attacks of different kinds.

On the other hand, it may be a light form of it, and after what you have already experienced, it may not seem that powerful. Afaik they don’t use that much latin stuff in these interventions. They are also purely christian based, as they banish any angel that isn’t of Christ (these demons are/pose as fallen angels).

Have you checked how this thing reacts to Holy Light? I remember a few fields with it. If it reacts negatively to it, maybe Holy Paladin or smth similar (that generates Holy Light constantly) could be harmful enough to keep it at bay and it could eventually decide to leave.

Worth checking with anyone on the forum that can send Holy Light to you.

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