DIY Health Hacks

I thought it might be useful to have a list of cheap health hacks not (yet) encompassed by a morphic field. Ideally, the postings would be DIY items or techniques that are free or within the budgets of most people. I’ll start the ball rolling with the next post.


This study shows that IMST, breathing under pressure–think breathing through an N95 mask, can offer significant health benefits re: blood pressure, lung health and brain function in just 5 minutes. My read is that you can get a lot of these benefits by just puckering your lips in a whistle position and inhale with significant force. Exhaling can be normal. Or you can buy a device.


The relevant quotes:

  • “There are not a lot of effective treatments for these types of brain tumors, and survival rates are low, so any new advances are very welcome,” said study author Roy E. Strowd, MD, MS, MEd, of Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C., and a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology."

  • “Normal brain cells can survive on ketones, but the theory is that cancer cells cannot use ketones for energy.”

If cancer cells cannot use ketones, then keto diets make sense as a first line of defense/attack for almost every cancer. Of course, there are a bunch of caveats about keto diets that are easy for anyone to look up, but it might be worth making a keto plan for that rainy day

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Long read, but the upshot is that drinking a cup of coffee will reduce your chance of catching Covid. They couldn’t pin down a solid benefit for tea. Maybe its something specific to coffee.

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Another cheap Covid preventive–Natto, a great food with a not so great flavor.


Eat pineapples to block the Covid spike protein–or take a Bromelain supplement.


Put natto in miso soup and it is quite tasty.


My palate has made the adjustment. I don’t like it, but I don’t mind it anymore, though miso would be far better. Thanks


You are very welcome!

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Hmm… :thinking:, it seems that this study is not really differentiating between the hundreds of different tea types that are out there, hence I would not take it for serious…


True. Almost all long term longitudinal diet studies lack specificity because you can’t control the diets of hundreds of thousands of people for a 10-14 year study window. If you wanted, you could break down the study further by adding a market share analysis layer of the various tea and coffee types purchased by the demos specified in the study.

The main takeaway is that coffee and tea do some good. How much is from the various compounds in tea and coffee versus the benefits of the ritual (a forced break) and from the displacement/replacement of other habits (smoking and drinking, for instance) is not revealed by this study, but suffice it to say, the coffee/tea habit has something to offer. I do think green tea studies out of Japan have more of the precision you are looking due the larger share of exclusive GT drinkers.


It was done in the UK in 50 year olds so I think you get a good enough guess it’s mostly black tea on average lol
Most teas have certain common properties. I guess they could have distinguished between green and black, but anything more than that is just wishful thinking unless it’s a study specifically about tea.

Sample size is ~350k to start with, you want to be able to have some variables to use in the models, the groups would be too small in each and the model would outcome would be inaccurate otherwise.


Saw this on a forum, thought may be of interest to some folks…


Low carb vegetables are always a part of healthy low carb eating.


I’m mostly keto-curious, but I like that keto reversed the presumptions on fats and carbs. Anytime researchers and public health types have to defend “healthy” carbs, I count that as progress.


Indeed, but this is addictive. Puckered lips while exhaling create a letting go effect. Puckered lips while inhaling (for me) turn on first oral-survival circuit and is a dopamine drip. Quite strong if you don’t overuse. But then, I’d be more like sucking than inhaling :man_shrugging: I’m just leaving here to see if anyone relates xD

Cheap and effective Covid treatment

30 Seconds to beat cancer. That’s doable.